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The essence of all beauty, I call Love, the attribute, the evidence, and end,
the consummation to the inward

sense of beauty apprehended from without, I still call Love. 

Happy Reading!!!

Excuse My Mistakes!!!

Vaishnav and Shashi were astonished seeing their room. Was it really theirs?

Yes. It is theirs but just not like how it used to be like in before.

Looking at the sight in front of him, Vaishnav regretting asking his sister to help him. Yes, it was him who asked his sweet devil sister to decorate his room as he shamelessly wanted to celebrate his wedding night once again but in another way. Perhaps cuddling with his wife or who knows if more happens.

Shashi on the other side was shocked to the core with the sudden change in the room temperature. Their room felt differently and terribly new. The scented candles of vanilla and the bed decorated with rose petals and the intoxicating jasmines sent shivers down her spine.

They both glanced at eachother after having a thorough view of the room. They smiled nervously. Vaishnav scratched the nape of his neck not knowing what to say. Then a sound echoed in the room gaining their attention. His heartbeat fastened seeing the paper and she got the paper in her hands.

He snatched it from her before she could read it. His eyes read the words inked in the paper followed by a change in his expressions from confusion, frown, terrible, anger and lastly he looked at his wife with a nervous giggle. She looked like a goddess for him, much intoxicating than the room itself.

"Em undi paper lo?" She asked shifting her gaze to the paper and him.

(What's in the paper?)

He didn't know what to do, if she reads the letter then she will definitely laugh at him and his stupid thoughts. But from whom he's trying to hide? She didn't listen to him normally and now looking at him being nervous, he can't stop her from reading this. She won't fear for him not that he wants her to be scared of him but he don't want to embarrass himself in front of her.

Seeing him lost in his thoughts, she snatched the letter from him and read it before he could realise. Her expressions were limited to laughs and smiles, and a tint of blush. She laughed hard reading the letter of Mythri.

"Vai.. Vai.. Vaishnav Annayya, nuvvu cheppinatte room ni decorate chesa, I know neeku idi chusi over anipistundi but brother you're unromantic so nenu cheppindi vinu. I hope neeku na style nacche untadi so naaku na kashtani payment kavali, nuvvu return gift anukunna parledu but I want promotion."

(Vai.. Vai.. Vaishnav brother just like you said I decorated your room, I know it may seem over for you but brother you're unromantic so listen to me. I hope you liked my style so I want payment for my hardwork, you can think it as return gift as well but I want promotion.)

"Promotion ante enti ani aalochistunnava? Anduke ninnu em cheyyalem. You know mi kosam idi antha chesa meeru kuda kashtapadandi ok?

(You're thinking what's promotion right? That's why you're like this. You know I did this for you both so now you should work hard and ya enjoy..)

This was the letter she left for his dear brother taking his card from him. He looked at his wife who is still laughing.

"Nuvvu Mythri ki room ni decorate cheyyamani enduku cheppav?" She managed to ask in between her laughs. He grinned at her.

(You told Mythri to decorate the room. Why?)

"Ante nuvvu mana first night ela ayindo marchipoyava?" She was utterly shocked with his bluntness. He is seeming new day by day and of course she's liking that new change in him.

(That means you forgot how our first night went?)

"Shut up." She said with a tint of blush. He smiled seeing her blush and was kinda happy that he's the reason for it, and only him. But her blush changed into a smirk. 

What's cooking in her brain? He thought. 

He looked at her and she was reading the letter written by Mythri. 

"Hahaha chala baaga decorate chesindi room, ni laanti unromantic fellow intha romantic ga room decorate chesina Mythri chelli ela ayindi?" She asked and the teasing didn't go unnoticed by him. His ears went pink with embarrassment and also anger.

(Hahaha but she decorated the room really good. I wonder how hopelessly romantic girl like Mythri become sister for a unromantic fellow like you.)

But with time his expression changed into a smirk. And this wasn't a good sign. Run Shashi Run her mind warned. And Shashi followed her mind. She ran away from him and he did chase her. But did she forgot the fact that he's a well trained officer and she's definitely untrained.

It didn't take him even a minute to catch her. And she was pinned to the wall in the next second.

What exactly did happen? She thought.

He caged her between his arms and also she was trapped from moving. His cold hand encircled around her waist and she could feel his heat through the layers of cloth.

His face dipped into her neck and his fanning breath made put a pause to her senses. And he peppered soft kisses on her neck till her jaw. Her breath got uneven with his ministrations and her knees gone weak, thanks to his tight hold on her if not she would have fallen on the floor by now.

She closed her eyes feeling him on her skin. The way he's treating her as if she's any fragile doll. His movements were halted and she looked at him.

He's already looking at her with his bluish-green eyes which were dark for now. She blushed and he kissed her lips gently and slowly which again put a pause to her senses.

He's pulling her into him tightening his hold more and more. Her one hand  fisted his hairs and the another one holding his collar. The soft kiss turned into a dominant one with the time and need.

He bruised her lips as much as he could. And she loved it in every sense.

"I know idi fast ani but I wanted to ask and neeku thelsinde only neeku ishtam ayithene, I want you to be mine in every sense." He said with raw passion dripping in his eyes and she shivered with his husky voice.

(I know it's fast but I wanted to ask and you know, only if you're ok, I want you to be mine in every sense.)

Only she knew how much she wanted this moment to happen, a moment where it's only him and her. A moment alone for them to forget about the world.

"Neeku thelidu ee moment kosam enni kalalu kannano, and it's finally happening. I want to be yours, bava." She whispered into his ear and kissed behind his ear for which his hold on her tightened.

(You don't know how I dreamt for this moment.)

She mentally noted to use his weak point in future.

"But oka condition," He frowned listening about the condition but what it is? Will she ask him to quit his profession? No.. He won't do that. Then? His mind was having numerous thoughts but what was hers?

(But one condition.)

"Enti?" He asked.


"Next time nunchi intiki bega ra, office ki mathram punctual ga vellipothav intiki mathram ala raave?" She asked him, and he felt like banging his head to the adjacent wall. Here what's the situation? And what's she talking about?

(Next time you should come home fast, you're punctual to office but not for home. Why?)

"Seriously nuvvu ippudu a topic gurinchi matladuthunnava?" He asked her with an are you serious look? She nodded in yes.

(Seriously you want to talk about this now?)

"Huh ninnuu" He pushed on the bed and then they crossed the each and every limit they had and moulding into a new one with this next step of their relation.


The night was indeed the best night of their life and there're many more to come cherish their relationship. A calm night to unleash from their needs and desires without having any knowledge about the evil waiting for the new day with a new rise.


To be continued.

Huh seriously this moment made me realize that I suck in writing romance and the next steps followed by it. But I tried my best with a sulking look and I hope I may improve in future.

Hehe I see you guessed that the room is decorated giving the wedding night vibes and it's kinda true except for the fact that it was Vaishnav who wanted the room to be decorated but poor soul, he got surprised with the doings of his sister.

Finally, he and she become one body, and one soul. Only I know how many times I thought regarding should I make them consummate now or in future. But I didn't want to drag, so here it is.

Till then. Bye. Allah Hafiz.


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