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Though their sexual actions were cut short on the field that day, Dominique and Angel were still able to enjoy their little picnic. While scarfing down the sandwiches and snacks, they talked about any and everything, getting to know a little more about each other than they already do. Aside from discussing their dysfunctional families, to boost their spirits they opened up about things they actually took a liking to. Dominique hidden talent being able to draw and paint while Angel revealed how good she was at doing hair and cooking. Sure it wasn't all that compared to painting like Leonardo da vinci, but she was okay with that.

The duo actually watched the stars once night time came around, and Angel felt as if she was in some type of romance movie for a little while, which she liked. The two would consider it as their first date, though the topic of them becoming a item never left either of their mouths. Even though they hug, hold hands, and literally made out the other night, for now they were just having a little fun. It wasn't anything too extreme, and they both were enjoying each other's company for the time being.

"We only got about three more weeks here, how y'all feel about that?" Hakim suddenly asked the group as they sat around, enjoying their breakfast.

Summer had seemed to be flying past, and nobody was excited about that. Sure half the campers wanted to rush this experience when they first got here, thinking it would be boring and that they would be better off back home with their enablers and addictions, but things actually turned out to be decent. No one was really ready to leave now.

"Great actually! I had it up to here with sharing a small ass space with some annoying ass dudes." Dominique answered with a chuckle, being somewhat sarcastic since he actually became buds with some of his bunkmates "At least when I get back home, I won't get into any trouble for taking a couple sips of bourbon."

"I feel you on that." Hakim joked and they both dapped each other up.

Skai shook her head at the nonsense "That's a shame, so being here didn't change y'all at all?" She questioned the two being that the purpose of this little get away was for them to try and break away from their addictions for good and be in good spirits from now on.

The counselors had such high expectations for the campers here, but unfortunately none of them were going to live up to them. Not after just three months anyway.

Dominique smacked his lips "Don't start judging now, it wasn't gone be that easy for everybody to just knock their habit. I mean being here was a good distraction from the bullshit going on in my life, but alcohol still got some power over me." He sadly admitted.

Hakim waved her off "She trying to act like she ain't gone smash down a couple of pills to snort two months from now. Just gone live happily ever after once she make it back home."

"Fuck you, maybe I will." She argued and none of them knew if that meant she was going to live happily or snort up her favorite drug.

"What about you?" Dominique nudged Angel who was resting her head against his shoulder as she ate her waffles, seeming like she was completely zoned out from this conversation "How you feeling about leaving this camp soon?"

She sighed and shrugged a shoulder "I don't know how to feel right now. Even though I didn't really care to be here the first few weeks, the experience actually grew on me. I had fun, even after my fight, the stupid arguments with other campers, and half the guys catcalling. It was decent, and I'm not really ready to go home just yet knowing theres nothing waiting there but misery." She said flat out.

"I know how you feel. I actually enjoyed myself here and there, though my aunt had to literally drag me here. I actually liked it here more than I expected, and it beats being back at home with some bullshit lurking around the corner. Though we had a little fun or whatever, we still smoked, drank and everything else, so it's not like nothing changed. We just about to head back into the real world and deal with our problems all over again. I mean it was fun while it lasted though."

"How y'all think your folks gone feel about y'all still drinking or taking drugs? I know they was expecting some type of progress." Skai spoke.

"My auntie definitely expecting some progress out of me, she'll probably be disappointed but hopefully she'll understand shit like this ain't easy. I tried a little bit." Dominique said, thinking that maybe he should keep that on the low and not drink in front of his aunt when he returns home. Knowing him like the back of her hand though, she'll definitely notice if something was up.

He just hopes she doesn't cut ties with him like everyone else.

Angel shook her head "I don't really care how they would feel." She answered flat out "If anybody needs to be making progress, it's my family and their shitty attitudes towards me. Until then, progress is out of the window and i'll continue taking my pills whenever I'm feeling down. Living under that roof would mean every other day."

They all pursed their lips at her blunt answer, which was understandable. She wouldn't go a minute without slandering her folks back home and what she has to put up with. Dominique did want better for her though, hell he wanted better for himself too, but it'll take a little while longer to get their eventually. 

After breakfast, everyone separated to go and grab what they would need for their little field trip for the day. They were hitting up a skating rink today and Dominique thought it would be fun. He wondered if a couple of campers would bump into the right kind of people again, but doubt any kind of junkies or dealers would be hanging around at a damn skating rink. He was still surprised that they ended up with some hard drugs after visiting six flags.

Dominique strolled under the hot sun towards his cabin, peeping counselor Bobby passing by while at it "Dominique! You got a letter from home." He told him, and stopped beside him to hand over the specific envelope from the rest of the pile.

"Thanks." He simply said and continued towards the cabin so he would have enough time to read it. Knowing it was his aunt since she was the only one to write him, let alone give a damn that he was here, he wondered what she had to tell him this time around.

Going inside, the first thing he came across was one of his bunkmates repeatedly banging on the bathroom door "Come on bro, I'm trying to take this shit before we have to leave!" He semi yelled while rubbing his stomach with his other hand.

Dominique twisted his face up in disgust as if he himself never took a dump in there. With all the heavy food they were being served everyday, everyone here bum rushed their way to the bathroom a couple of times while being backed up.

"I hope your ass got some air freshener with you." Dominique mumbled while shaking his head, making his way down towards his bunk.

Sitting down, he ripped open the envelope and took the letter out, seeing that it was another lengthy letter he wouldn't mind reading. She always had a lot to tell him anyway.

"Hey my favorite boy, how are you? I'm sure you been counting down the days so you could leave that camp, but I really hope you've enjoyed yourself while there because the experience is almost over. I really hope you been taking care of yourself and actually keeping your head up while there, and not sitting around being depressed, worrying about what's been going on back here at home. Your mama actually asked about you, shockingly, but all she wanted to know was how much longer you were staying away and where the hell you were gonna stay when you leave the camp. The tone seemed as if she wouldn't want you back in her house or whatever, but for the past year you've been staying with me anyway! She got some nerve treating her own son like that. Don't worry though, you'll always have somewhere to lay your head and food on the table while with me. When you get back, we'll try to find you another job and do other things to keep your mind off of being depressed and doing you know what. I love you though, write me back!"

He gave a half smile since he could always count on his auntie to look out for him. It was a shame the only time his mother actually acknowledged him, was her being somewhat snarky and wondering where he was going to lay his head. It seems she and his father weren't going to welcome him into their home, but returning their never even crossed his mind in the first place. It is what it is. 

He was straight regardless, and didn't need them anyway.

Brushing that small information to the back of his head, he folded the letter back up and put it away before heading out of the cabin with his camp bag. Once he boarded the bus with majority of the campers, he walked down the aisle and seen Angel sitting alone as if she was waiting for him to walk pass.

"You was waiting for your man, huh?" He joked and slid in the booth right next to her.

She raised a brow with a playful smirk "Oh, so you my man now? That's news to me." She joked back, knowing he wasn't being serious and that the two weren't using any titles yet.

"I mean I don't just go around finger fucking anybody-" He boldly said but made sure nobody could here.

"Shhh." Angel shushed him, putting her hand over his mouth with wide eyes "We're not gonna put that out in the open!" She told him though they were already caught in the act by two nosey campers.

Dominique chuckled under her hand as she slowly moved it away "Nah, I'm just playing. Thanks for saving me a seat though." He nudged her and she playfully rolled her eyes "I actually expected Skai to be sitting here with you, but I guess I beat her here."

"Yeah but I'm sure she could find someone else to sit with, she isn't a strange loner like how you and I were in the beginning." Angel shrugged with a small giggle.

"You seem like the social butterfly too though, I see you around here conversing with majority of the campers nowadays. I ain't mad at you, but I don't really care to chit chat with they asses besides Skai, Hakim, and Chauncey." He said like it was nothing.

"I would ask if you're shy but we both know that isn't true."

He chuckled at her assumption "Nah I ain't shy, I just don't really care to be the center of attention or anything. All eyes do seem to be on me every once in a while.." He started and she couldn't help but to playfully roll her eyes because it was the truth "But when that happens the niggas around here don't like it, and then the weird behavior starts up again which I don't got time for."

"If anybody is still acting like high schoolers and becoming jealous of you having attention, they got some serious growing up to do." Angel told him while shaking her head, because she witnessed how some of the guys here at the camp would treat him earlier on, and hoped that they would have changed by now "I know I had to fight one girl here and argue with another, but most actually came around and became cool with me. I enjoy joking around with a couple of them, even though it didn't start out that way."

Dominique smirked at her words, admiring that she was a peoples person unlike him "Look at you, making friends and everything before all of this is over with."

"Friends? I don't know about that. They're just a couple of acquaintances, besides Skai. I actually consider her a friend now."

"What you consider me?" He questioned, shooting her a teasing grin.

Angel only shrugged her shoulder "I don't know, but you're cool." She said just to fuck with him, earning a small chuckle as he playfully pinched her side.

"Alright campers, this whole little summer camp will be ending soon and we know y'all aren't happy about that." Counselor Delilah voiced sarcastically, hearing one too many complaints about half the campers being ready to wrap all this up "We got about one more field trip left and before we all go our separate ways completely, we planned a little surprise for you guys! Soon we will be throwing a huge BBQ and inviting you all families out to the camp, for just one day." She announced in excitement.

Most of the campers on the bus were only excited about the bbq, whether they saw their peeps or not.

"Wait a minute, majority of us here don't even fuck with our family." One dude in the back said, being backed up by some of the campers afterwards.

Delilah placed her hands out for them to settle down "I'm sure y'all got at least one close relative that wouldn't mind coming out to see you guys and enjoy some bbq. We already notified half your families, so whoever decides to come is free to. Whoever doesn't wanna be bothered for personal reasons, they don't have to show up. Seems like they weren't going to get any warm welcomings from you guys anyway." She shook her head at the Debby downers before sitting back down.

"Hell nah they wasn't getting no warm welcoming, especially from me. My folks already know how I feel about them, they better off staying home instead of showing up with fake smiles or unwanted attitudes." A girl chimed in before rolling her eyes.

"Exactly! All it's gone take is my pops saying the wrong thing to me and he ain't gone be enjoying no ribs. Imma knock his ass in his ribs instead." The same dude boldly said, earning laughter from half of the campers on the bus.

Counselor Delilah shook her head in shock at how the campers would talk about their own parents. Though she already knew half of them came from troubled environments, it was still bizarre to hear most threatening their own blood.

Some time after pulling off from the camp, Dominique finally pulled himself from his thoughts after thinking about how this little get together would turn out. He already knew his aunt would be up for it, but he also knew she would more likely try to bring his parents along, trying to be the peacemaker. He didn't really wanna be bothered with them though, and was more than sure they would turn down the invite to come and check in with him, even for one day.

"I got another letter from my auntie today." Dominique suddenly said, catching Angels attention who was also deep in her thoughts two seconds ago.

"Really? What did she have to say this time?"

"Just checking in and making sure I'm still enjoying myself since all this will be over with shortly. She don't want me here being depressed and worrying about everything going on back at home or whatever, but she also mentioned that my mama asked about me.." He trailed off.

Angel raised her eyebrow in curiosity "Mhm, what did she wanna know?"

"How much longer until I returned home, and where I called myself staying. Her and my pops clearly don't want me around but I haven't lived with them for some time now, so it was crazy that she even asked that. Maybe she wanted some type of reaction out of me or to see if I'm still bothered by them shunning me or whatever. I'm over they ass."

Dominique didn't really care if he never spoke to his parents ever again, but he'll never admit how deep down inside it was still effecting him. The little boy inside of him still longed for genuine love and attention from his parents, but after many years of receiving the total opposite, he just gave up and decided to drown his self in alcohol instead. Trying not to think about it and to shake that feeling of abandonment off.

He wished things could be different, but until his parents were willing to change, apologize and own up to their abuse, there was no moving forward.

Taking a while to reach the city, the two buses packed with campers finally drove through the area towards the skating rink. Glaring out the window, Dominique eyeballed the various stores they passed by, one liquor store on the corner catching his eye while at it. Since they were in a regular neighborhood now, it wasn't out of the ordinary to find a wind and spirits near. The sight caused him to quickly lick his lips as he watched a couple of people coming out, holding their choice of alcohol.

Angel was completely oblivious to him damn near salivating beside her, as she also stared out the window, but didn't take notice of the liquor store since she was day dreaming. As they continued their drive down to the parking lot of the skating rink, ideas started to roam around in Dominique's head. His impulsiveness was already trying to get the best of him.

"If anybody see me fall on my ass, just pretend y'all didn't!" One of the campers said, earning a couple of snickers though most of them weren't the best skaters anyway.

"Alright, grab your things and everyone stay close!" Counselor Delilah said, standing from her seat to lead her half of the campers off the bus.

Grabbing their duffle bags, they each stepped off the bus and joined the other campers out in the sun. Dominique seemed to be on mute since they passed the corner, as he continued to think about what he was going to call himself trying to do today. He didn't need to get into any more trouble with the counselors, knowing it'll be worst this time.

Feeling someone place their soft hand in his, he once again pulled himself from his deep thoughts and glanced down at Angel "What's the matter?" She asked, being that he had a straight face though that was normal with him.

He quickly shook his head "Nothing, I'm straight."

She only stared at him for a second or two before shrugging a shoulder, but still kept her hand in his. They walked into the skating rink together with the rest of the campers, taking in the cool AC while the music boomed off the walls. The place was packed as hell, with people surrounding the arcade games and cramped up together skating out on the rink. It was easy to get lost, but the counselors were gonna make sure that didn't happen.

"Aight we ain't trying to lose none of y'all, but that won't happen with these bright ass shirts y'all got on."Counselor cameron chuckled.

Dominique looked down and stared at the bright baby blue shirts him and the campers were sporting, and started feel like some kind of kid who needed to be watched. At first he didn't really care, but now it bothered him since he was planning on being sneaky.

After a while they all received their skates and rolled over to the spacious rink, joining the rest of the people who were doing all kinds of tricks or busting their asses in the middle of the floor. The DJ had crystal waters Gypsy Woman blasting through the speakers, putting everybody in a good mood. Angel was being a show off, zooming pass Dominique every once in a while as she skated backwards and did twirls. He playfully waved her off as he only focused on not trying to fall, doing minor tricks as well, which only consisted of lifting one foot off the ground here and there.

"You moving like somebody grandpa out here.." Angel teased over the music, grabbing his hands as she skated backwards. Pulling him just a little bit, she sped them up a little bit more as she was gliding like pro.

"If we fall then what?" He asked with a grin, trying to avoid that embarrassment.

"You ain't gotta worry about that with me." She giggled and glared over her shoulder every other second. He took her word for it and trusted her completely, seeing that she was doing more than good for the pass two minutes.

Some clumsy teen came out of nowhere, wobbling in front of them as he tried to balance himself on the skates. Flailing his arms around as a way to stop himself, it didn't help at all as multiple people tried to skate

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