skate mishap

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i was in my room watching my favorite tv show. it was a particularly scary and suspenseful to part in the episode, and that's when i heard someone banging on my window.

"what the fuck!" i basically jumped out of my bed and ran for the door when i thought i noticed a familar face through the window. "vinnie?"

i tried to calm myself down as i walked over to the window. it was vinnie. i opened up the window and he climbed inside.

"oh my goodness vin!" i was shocked to see a bloody and scratched up vinnie. i have never seen him look like this before. "what the hell happened?"

he collapsed onto my floor. "some bitches beat me up while i was at the skatepark." he said. "i think they were jealous of me or something."

my eyes widened and i was angry. "they think they could just do anything to you. you literally do nothing wrong." he grabbed my my hand. "don't worry about it baby im fine."

i looked at him like he was crazy. "what do you mean your fine? look at you." i told him. "no really i don't even care anymore y/n. can we please just cuddle now?"

"let me get you cleaned up first. after that we can cuddle." i wanted to cuddle with him badly because i didn't like looking at him look this hurt. but it was important to take care of him first.

i ran over to the bathroom and grabbed some first aid supplies. rubbing alcohol, cotton pads, bandages, and a wet towel. i went back to the room and sat down on the floor where vinnie was lying.

"okay im gonna clean your wounds v." i explained to him. "sorry it might sting." he nodded. "its fine. i can handle it, ive gotten tattoos before y/n." he laughed. oh yeah, he was a brave one.

he sat there holding my arm as i put some rubbing alcohol on the cotton pad and started to clean him. i did it too all the parts of his body that were hurt and bleeding and then i covered them up with some bandages.

"thanks love." he said as he leaned in to give me a kiss. "of course. i still can't believe they did that to you." i replied after he pulled away. i got up and put all the first aid supplies back in the bathroom and came back.

i grabbed his hand and tried to pull him off the floor. "so do you wanna cuddle or not?" he immediately got up off the floor and pushed me onto my bed, making me giggle.

he wrapped his arms around me snug and rested his head in between my shoulders. i held him close. "i dont want to ever see you hurt like that again." i told him. "i love you vin."

"yeah but if it happens again at least i know that you will be able to take care of me." he looked me in the eyes and i planted a soft kiss on his lips. "i love you too." he faintly said before putting resting his head back down and napping in my arms.

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