long day

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REQUEST FROM 5wa9m0ney


vinnie has been out of my sight since early this morning and i haven't seen him since. he had a packed schedule today and was really busy filming interviews, attending meetings, and such.

i was lying down on his bed petting his cat hera as we watched some high rise invasion. it was nearing midnight and i was thinking of calling it a night. but i didn't wanna go to bed until vinnie arrived home.

i picked up my phone and i was about to call him when i heard the doorknob rattling at the door opened. my boyfriend walking in through the door.

"vin your home!" i paused the television and picked hera up and placed her on my lap. "long day. how was it?" i asked.

he closes the door and immediately throws all his stuff to the floor and comes to the bed. i open up my arms to let him know to come over. he places his head on my chest and wraps his arms around my waist as i smiled.

"im so tired and exhausted." he says. "it was so much for me and i fucking missed you. i just really wanted to come home and be with you. that shit was so stressful."

there were always days where vinnie was stressed out like this. i couldn't help but feel bad for him. a lot of people think his job is super easy, but there's so much more that comes along with it. there wasn't much i could do. but being there for him at times like this was all that mattered to him.

"im sorry about that." i start to say but he stops me. "baby it isn't your fault." he laughs with tiredness in his voice. "so don't be sorry. let's just not talk about it cause i don't even wanna remember."

"okay we won't." i nodded. i didn't want to push him and i knew he wasn't in the mood. i just wanted him to feel comforted.

i start to run my fingers through his blonde curls to get him to relax because i knew he liked it. it was probably his most favorite thing. "i love you." i hum. seeing him in the comfort of my arms made me so happy.

he picks up my hand and plants a warm kiss on it. "i love you too y/n." i smile before he places it back on his head so i can continue to play with his hair.

he picks up the remote and high rise invasion continues to play on the tv. "you continued without me?" he pouts. it was a show that we would watch together. "sorry babe i just was bored and wanted to find something to pass-"

"it's alright i still love you." he says in a tired raspy voice which made me fall in love even more at the moment. i keep my focus on the show as i keep running my fingers through his curls.

a couple minutes later i look down to see vinnie sound asleep on my chest, his hands still wrapped snug around me. "what a pretty sleeper." i muse.

i give him one last tiny kiss before i shut off the tv. "goodnight love." i say to him even though he couldn't hear me. he was tired and i could tell that he fell into a deep sleep.

i just look down at the boy sleeping right on me. crazy to think that he was all mine. out of all the people that he could've come home too and cuddle up next to it was me.

my eyes are attached to his perfect complexion. as i stared at him i began to slowly fall asleep with the beautiful image of him in my mind.

hope this is good! thank you for the request
these kinds are always so cute to write
keep messaging me requests if you have some!

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