SONG| space song by beach house (slowed)
this was a request from -ENDLESSSTORY4- tysm!
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it was midnight, and vinnie and i decided to go on a drive.
we were sitting in his car and just driving around random streets close to the beach. we had no plan of actually going anywhere, just being in the car.
it was dark out, and the only thing lighting up the roads were the lights of the city sitting ahead of us.
the vibe was nice and i loved every single thing. the time of day, the setting, and of course being with vinnie.
everything i could want.
"vin, what's one thing you can't do?" i turned over to him and asked.
i saw the corners of his mouth turn up as he kept his eyes on the road. he knew that i saw him as perfect, and im pretty sure that he himself was aware of it too.
"y/n." he sighed. "you and your random questions."
"it's midnight and we are driving for nothing. im just saying whats on my mind."
"well there's a lot of things i cant do." he began. "like one, i cant swim."
i laughed as a memory instantly popped into my head. it reminded me of the time we went swimming, and i thought he was pretending to drown, but he actually was.
i burst out in giggles, and he immediately knew what i was thinking about.
"stop that was not even funny." he rolled his eyes sarcastically. "now i got a question for you. why do you even like me?"
not him trying to get me to gush about how much i loved him again. i could go on for literal hours just saying everything i had in my mind about him.
"trying to fish for compliments i see, vincent."
"im not trying to fish for compliments, y/n." he mocked me. "im asking you a question. since im just saying what's on my mind."
wow. this boy really knew how to get to me.
"well i like you cause you have a kind heart. your talented, especially at gaming, even though it can get annoying at times."
he swatted me on the shoulder for that one, but i continued.
"...your cute of course. you care for others and overall have a great personality. and your a perfect boyfriend. what else can i say?"
actually there was a whole lot more i could say about him.
he leaned over to give me a kiss. "i love you. thanks for putting up with me."
"you're very welcome." i replied as i gave him another kiss. this one slower and sweet. "thank you for being you. i love you too, vin."
we drove around for another five minutes until we found an empty parking lot.
he parked the car, and opened up the sunroof to reveal the sight of some beautiful stars in the night sky.
"so are you gonna climb up or what?" he looked at me.
i smiled as i pulled myself up onto the roof of his car, as vinnie followed right behind me.
we laid on top of the car, just gazing at the stars. this night was so simple yet it probably couldn't get any better.
he grabbed my hand and held it in his, while i laid my head on his chest. i felt him plant a small kiss on my forehead.
im writing this at 1am lol so if it's bad imma cry
this chapter is something that happens in my scenarios
i have an emotional attachment to space song and have
to blare it on max volume 😫 send help.
stay and vibe with the music if you want ig
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