"Kun, you don't understand,"
"I do! You're going to get yourself in trouble,"
"That's not the point here!" Doyoung groaned and flopped onto the couch. Talking to Kun was far more worse than his own mother.
"Then what is? You see a weird door and suddenly you need to know what's behind it! What if it's just nothing?" Kun asked,
He knew that there must be something but right now, all he had to do was to convince Doyoung not to go.
Doyoung let out another groan and rolled off the couch with a loud thud as he crashed into the ground.
"Are you okay?" Kun asked, kneeling down to check on Doyoung.
"Come on! I'll just sneak in for 5 minutes! Just give me 5 minutes!" Doyoung begged, taking Kun's hands as he pleaded.
Kun frowned, "I can't. I really don't want to get you in trouble," He said with a gentle tone,
That was when Doyoung realised he was going to lose to Kun again but he couldn't. That door was begging for Doyoung to open.
"You know what?!" Doyoung stood up from the ground, "I'm going!" He declared, stomping towards the door of their dorm.
"No!!" Kun shouted, surprisingly. He was the worst at raising his voice.
Doyoung was taken aback when he heard Kun yell. He froze there as Kun blocked the door,
Kun's angry expression soften when he saw the shocked Doyoung. It made him feel guilty for yelling at him.
"I'm sorry, I just.." Kun trailed off, not being able to find the words to excuse him behaviour.
"I-It's okay, I guess.." Doyoung replied, making the atmosphere awkward for the two of them.
"I'll go with you," Kun decided, walking over to his bedroom to grab a few things.
"What? No! Kun, you don't have to!" Doyoung chased after the Chinese, watching him shove essentials into his bag.
Kun faced Doyoung with a stern look as if to say there's nothing changing his mind, "If you're going then I'm coming with you, I can't risk letting you go alone,"
"Kun, you're going to get in trouble if you get caught. All your family's hard work will go to waste!" Doyoung accidentally let it slip out of his mouth, he hadn't had intentions to bring up Kun's background.
Kun stopped packing, letting out a sigh. "That's just not fair," He said without looking at Doyoung.
Doyoung saw Kun's hands gripping onto the bag tightly, he knew he screwed up when he mentioned his family.
Kun turned to his back, finally looking at the younger (by a month). "Before they sent me off here," He started,
"They told me that I should have fun too, take a risk sometimes. They didn't want me to be all about making them proud and studying so can you please let me go with you?" Kun asked, flashing him puppy eyes.
Doyoung couldn't and didn't want to say no. "Fine," He allowed him to join, knowing he was going to regret it later on.
"Thank you!" Kun jumped happily before he continued to grab his laptop and wires.
Doyoung shrugged lightly, "What could possibly go wrong?"
"It's not as exciting as I thought to be alone at campus," Kun whispered, but his words bounced right back at him. The place was hella echoey.
"Honestly, I don't mind. It's nice to not be crowded by people," Doyoung whispered back, he was worried to have anyone hearing them.
Doyoung walked up the flight of stairs, searching for the door that had Johnny's name on it.
Though, it wasn't difficult to spot. He was the only teacher that decorated his name on the door and even had Donghyuck's drawings on his door.
Johnny was a proud father you could say but Donghyuck found it embarrassing especially when his friends visited the office.
Doyoung attempted to open the door. "Shit, he locked it," Doyoung cursed under his breath.
He couldn't scan his ID card because it would've sent a notification to Johnny so he'd definitely know if the student had snuck in late at night.
"Let me try," Kun knelt down and pulled out his laptop, attempting to hack into the system.
He had specialised in programming, another top student so it didn't take him long to break into it.
"I don't think Johnny updated his lock, the systems are loose," Kun said as the door popped open,
"Thanks," Doyoung thanked quickly and stepped into the office, making sure not to disorganise into anything so the place seemed as though no one had intruded it.
Kun shoved his laptop and wires into his bag and followed Doyoung quickly. He wasn't going to lie but he was quite excited to be sneaking around,
Doyoung turned into the flashlight app and searched for the book labelled TY. He pulled on it as soon as he saw it,
The two stepped back as the bookshelf revealed the door that Doyoung was talking about to Kun.
"Wow.." Kun stared at the metal door in amazement, looking at every corner of it.
"Doyoung, we're like spies now!" Kun was excited, probably from the adrenaline rush.
"Shh.." Doyoung hushed the excited male, reminding him that they shouldn't get their hopes up.
"Right, I'll try to turn security off. I'm not sure of the fingerprint scanner but I'll think of something," Kun sat by the desk, pulling out his laptop and began to hack into the locks.
"You're making everything easy, I just have to stand around and do nothing," Doyoung said, looking around Johnny's office.
"I didn't expect you to get pass this alone," Kun replied as his fingers danced on the keyboard,
For at least 15 minutes, nothing was heard other than sounds of the keyboard being tapped.
"I only have three tries to break the locks, if I'm screwed, they'll notify Mr. Seo," Kun said, breaking the silence between the two of them.
Kun didn't want to make it obvious but Doyoung could tell he was nervous as if his entire life depended on this.
He sat next to Kun, hoping to be at least a little bit of reassurance. "We die together,"
Kun smiled, he submitted the first try which released a horrendous sound, meaning it was wrong.
Kun got even more anxious, going back and forth to see what he had calculated wrongly. He bit on his lip nervously,
At this point, Kun's lip began to bleed which made him realise he had to stop biting it. He revised the numbers one final time, his heart pounding harder than ever.
They didn't hear the horrendous noise anymore. They heard the door slowly open in front of them, inviting them to enter.
"Yes! I love you so much!" Doyoung threw himself onto Kun, hugging him tightly in relief.
Kun was slightly flustered but he hugged back, "Okay, okay~ I know I'm smart," He praised himself,
Doyoung pulled away with a soft smile, "Let's go!" He picked himself up and patted his clothes,
"Don't you think it's better if I stay out here? In case, anyone enters?" Kun asked, looking at the younger with concern.
"Yeah but.. Don't you wanna look around?" Doyoung tilted his head towards the dark hallway that the metallic door revealed,
Kun fell silent, he sure did but the safety of Doyoung mattered more. "Just take pictures for me!" Kun smiled,
With that, Doyoung walked through the hallway. It was freezing cold in there and had eerie vibes.
Doyoung saw light emitting from the end of the hallway, he began to run towards it.
He froze there in shock. His eyes widened for he couldn't believe what he saw.
"What.. the fuck?" Doyoung stepped away from the glass tube that was filled with fog to the point it had poured out of it,
He flinched when he felt the cold smoke brush against his feet. He noticed the thick wires that had spread around the room like snakes, all had been connected to the glass.
He quickly snapped a picture before he walked closer.
He pressed his hand against the glass, his face leaning closer to it in hopes he could see something inside.
The smoke resided at Doyoung's contact, revealing a face.
"Wha-!" Doyoung fell to his bottom in shock, his heart pounding hardly against his chest.
His mind had told him that Johnny was some murderer yet he thought that he might've stumbled across an alien.
He spotted from a laptop nearby. He looked around as if he was inquiring permission to check,
He picked himself up and leaned towards the laptop and switched it on.
It displayed a message,
"Good evening! How could I help you? :D"
Doyoung was surprised to the point he didn't know how he should interpret this message, even if it was just a greeting.
"Do you understand me? Do you have a language preference? :0"
"No! I understand-" He pauses when he realised he had to input his reply in the laptop,
"Oh! That's good! I thought you did not understand me because you were simply standing there,"
Doyoung pulled away, "You can see me?" He asked, pointing at himself as if there was someone else in the room.
"Of course. I do not think there could possibly be any other method I could use to have acknowledge your presence :0"
"Good point," Doyoung replied before he stepped towards the container again.
Hesitantly, he pressed his face closer to the glass. He watched as the smoke resided again, revealing a immaculate face.
The face had been listed under perfection. His proportions were flawless, there was no way he was human.
Doyoung wasn't going to lie but he envied that stupidly handsome face. It was so beautiful, too beautiful.
Doyoung heard another notification from the laptop. He turned towards the laptop and read it.
"That body is me :D"
He quickly looked at the absurdly beautiful face and back at the laptop, "That's you?" Doyoung asked, making sure he had read correctly.
"Correct :)"
"I don't quite understand," Doyoung replied, staring at the face that was hidden behind the fog.
"Let me clear it up for you then! My physicality and my mentality have sadly been torn apart. Though, I do wish I am able to escape from the laptop and return to my body,"
That was when an idea had sparked up in Doyoung's mind. "Then let's return to your body!"
It was already too late when Doyoung realised the idea was preposterous.
He can't just go and mess around with Johnny's plans! Breaking into his secret lab was already one thing, now he was going to steal whatever this is!
"Has Johnny approved of this decision?"
"Actually, Johnny doesn't know I'm here.." Doyoung replied quietly,
". . ."
"I am afraid this is a violation to the law. Your actions are listed under burglary. Therefore, I have all rights to report this the authorities. I shall now contact the-"
"Wait no! I don't intend to do anything bad I was just curious!" Doyoung interrupted before at AI was able to finish the text.
"Come on! Let's go!" Doyoung pointed at the body that rested in the glass, hidden behind fog.
The laptop didn't respond at first. It seemed to have hesitated.
"Johnny says I am not allowed to leave. He said that my body is not able to withstand any conditions that lay beyond my container. Although I would love to leave, I can not bear to disappoint Johnny or die again,"
"Die again?" Doyoung wondered, ignoring all the other words that the AI had stated.
"He's probably just saying that because he doesn't want you to leave. It happens in movies!" Doyoung reassured, looking around for some manual that'll help him.
The laptop hesitated again before it answered,
"Fine but you must return me the next day,"
Doyoung cheered quietly, "Alright! So, how do we get you out of here?"
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