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๐‡๐€๐–๐Š๐ˆ๐๐’, ๐ˆ๐๐ƒ๐ˆ๐€๐๐€ ๐–๐€๐’ ๐๐‘๐Ž๐๐€๐๐‹๐˜ one of the most boring towns in the united states. nothing ever happened there and every day was basically the same. kids would go to school, adults would go to work, then they would go home, eat, sleep and repeat. arlo's life was basically on repeat everyday; go to school, come home, do some homework, hangout with the boys, repeat. she didn't mind it though. she loved her little boring life. she had the same interest as the boys too. she loved anything comic book related, and loved anything fantasy. but when it came to dungeons & dragons, she would rather watch than play. even if the campaign took hours. she did jump in whenever the boys needed help, knowing enough and having watched them play to know what was a right move.

her brother, steve, was in high school. he was known as the king of hawkins' high. she understood why he was known as the king. i mean, they did live on the rich side of town. but arlo didn't really like who her brother hung around with and how he treated everyone. he acted like himself when it was just him and her, but when they were outside, he acted like a totally different person. she knew it was to keep up his reputation, but it was stupid. she just hoped that she didn't care about that type of stuff when she got to high school.

everything was fine and the boring town of hawkins until will byers goes missing one night.

แดŠแด‡ษดษดแด€ แดส€แด›แด‡ษขแด€ โ‡ถโ‡ถโ‡ถ แด€ส€สŸแด สœแด€ส€ส€ษชษดษขแด›แดษด
(the rogue)

โแดกแด‡สŸสŸ. . . แด›สœแด€แด›'s ส€แด‡แด€สŸสŸส า“แดœแด„แด‹ษชษดษข ษดแด‡แดก.โž

แดŠแดแด‡ แด‹แด‡แด‡ส€ส โ‡ถโ‡ถโ‡ถ sแด›แด‡แด แด‡ สœแด€ส€ส€ษชษดษขแด›แดษด

(the brother)

โษช แด…ษชแด…ษด'แด› แดแด‡แด€ษด แด›แด ส™แด‡ แด…ส€แด€ษขษขแด‡แด… ษชษดแด›แด แด›สœษชs sสœษชแด›! ษช แดŠแดœsแด› แดกแด€ษดษดแด€ า“แดส€ษขแด‡แด› แด‡แด แด‡ส€สแด›สœษชษดษข!โž

า“ษชษดษด แดกแดสŸา“สœแด€ส€แด… โ‡ถโ‡ถโ‡ถ แดษชแด‹แด‡ แดกสœแด‡แด‡สŸแด‡ส€
(the paladin)

โแดกแดแด€สœ! sแด สแดแดœ'ส€แด‡ สŸษชแด‹แด‡ แดษชแดœส€ ส€แดษขแดœแด‡! ษชษด แด€ แดกแด€ส.โž

ษดแดแด€สœ sแด„สœษดแด€แด˜แด˜ โ‡ถโ‡ถโ‡ถ แดกษชสŸสŸ ส™สแด‡ส€s
(the cleric)

โแด›สœแด‡ แด…แด‡แดแด€ษขแดส€ษขแด€ษด. . . ษชแด› ษขแดแด› แดแด‡.โž

แด„แด€สŸแด‡ส™ แดแด„สŸแด€แดœษขสœสŸษชษด โ‡ถโ‡ถโ‡ถ สŸแดœแด„แด€s sษชษดแด„สŸแด€ษชส€
(the ranger)

โสแดแดœ'ส€แด‡ แด…ษชา“า“แด‡ส€แด‡ษดแด›, แด€ส€สŸแด! สŸษชแด›แด‡ส€แด€สŸสŸส!โž

ษขแด€แด›แด‡ษด แดแด€แด›แด€ส€แด€แดขแดขแด โ‡ถโ‡ถโ‡ถ แด…แดœsแด›ษชษด สœแด‡ษดแด…แด‡ส€sแดษด
(the bard)

โแดแดœส€ ส™แด‡sแด› า“ส€ษชแด‡ษดแด… ษชs า“แดœแด„แด‹ษชษดษข sแดœแด˜แด‡ส€สœแด‡ส€แด!โž

แดษชสŸสŸษชแด‡ ส™แดส™ส™ส ส™ส€แดแดกษด โ‡ถโ‡ถโ‡ถ แด‡สŸแด‡แด แด‡ษด
(the mage)

โา“ส€ษชแด‡ษดแด…s แด…แดษด'แด› สŸษชแด‡.โž

sแด›ส€แด€ษดษขแด‡ส€ แด›สœษชษดษขs แด„แด€sแด› โ‡ถโ‡ถโ‡ถ แด›สœแด‡แดsแด‡สŸแด แด‡s

i sadly do not own stranger things. i only own arlo, atlas, and any other characters i might add.

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