"jaeden?" hailee asked, confused as to why the boy was standing at her door step.
"hi." he replied, awkwardly smiling at her.
"what are you doing here?" hailee asked. "i'm sorry that sounded rude- not that it's not good that you're here but why?"
"i wanted to ask you if you wanted to go ice skating with me." jaeden explained. "although now i'm regretting this."
hailee stood there, her lips slowly forming a smile. "oh, i would love to!"
"you would?" jaeden asked, his eyebrows raised.
"yes!" hailee exclaimed. "i love ice skating! although i suck at it."
"oh- oh! okay that's good. i-i thought maybe you'd say no and i would just be super embarrassed." jaeden rambled.
"how could i say no? i love hanging out with you." hailee said. jaeden instantly blushed. "let me go ask my mom."
and with that, hailee slammed the door, leaving jaeden confused. but before jaeden could even knock once more, the door opened to reveal hailee with an embarrassed look on her face.
"sorry i probably should've invited you in..." she said, making jaeden laugh.
"yeah, that would be nice." jaeden said as hailee opened the door more so he could come in.
"hailee?" an unfamiliar voice to jaeden called from the kitchen. "who was at the door?"
"oh- uh, just my friend." hailee called back.
friend. ouch.
in a matter of seconds, hailees mom appeared in the doorway. jaeden awkwardly stood there, confused whether he should be looking at hailee or her mom.
"oh, you didn't tell me you got a boyfriend." her mom said sarcastically. hailees face slowly grew pink as jaeden's instantly heated up.
"oh no, it's not like that." hailee quickly responded.
"i'm just joking." mrs. matthews responded.
"anyways uh- this is jaeden." hailee said.
"oh... so you're jaeden." mrs. matthews said, smiling at him.
"i can't tell if that's a good thing, or if you're threatening me." jaeden replied, making hailee laugh.
"it's a good thing, hailees told me a lot about you." she explained.
"oh?" jaeden questioned, looking at hailee. by now, hailees face was bright red, jaeden gave her a small half smile.
"anyways, mom, jaeden invited me to go ice skating... can i go?" hailee finally asked.
"oh why not," hailees mom answered. "he seems like a nice gentleman."
"thank you." jaeden said.
"you're welcome." mrs. matthews said.
after finishing their conversation with mrs. matthews, hailee quickly got ready and left with jaeden to go ice skating. as of right now, jaeden was driving while hailee hummed along to christmas music on the radio.
"okay why does this always happen when we're together?" hailee said as let it snow began to play on the radio.
"it's fate, i guess." jaeden chuckled.
"yeah... fate." hailee responded, chuckling as well. as jaeden placed his arm on the arm rest, his hand brushed hailees making him blush. hailee glanced at jaeden, smiling, before taking his hand and intertwining their fingers.
"i'm going to fall." hailee announced as she slowly followed jaeden onto the ice.
"well, i've been ice skating many times so i hopefully won't." jaeden replied, turning to watch hailee.
"if you fall, i'm gonna laugh." hailee said.
"fair." jaeden shrugged. hailee chuckled at him shaking her head. hailee pushed off the wall of the rink, slowly moving towards jaeden.
"ta-da!" she exclaimed, using jazz hands.
"wow, looks like we have a pro here." jaeden sarcastically commented, laughing.
"indeed we do." she responded as she slowly stopped. "okay, now i can't move."
"well, so much for being a pro." jaeden replied.
"shut up." hailee scoffed.
"make me." jaeden said.
"okay," hailee shrugged, as she attempted to move closer to him. however, that didn't go to well.
within seconds, hailee found herself falling down. but before hit the ice, she felt a warm pair of arms wrapped around her which prevented her from hitting the ice. she looked up and saw jaeden smiling down at her.
"looks like you fell for me." jaeden said, winking at the girl. her face instantly heated up, as she chuckled.
"i guess i did." she agreed.
"hey, i had a fun time today. thank you for inviting me out." hailee said as jaeden pulled up to her house.
"no problem," jaeden smiled. "it's always fun to hang out with you."
hailee blushed. "i'll see you soon."
"bye." jaeden said, waving to her as she got out of the car.
hailee had entered her house and found it quiet inside, she shrugged it off as she went upstairs. hailee couldn't get her mind off of jaeden, and she had no idea why. she felt her face heating up, and butterflies filling her stomach as she thought about the boy.
"oh my god..." she said, grabbing her phone to call sadie. quickly pressing the facetime button on sadies contact, hailee found herself growing more confused.
"are you kidding me?" she asked herself when sadie didn't answer her call. "whatever i'll call sophia. sophia will answer right?"
wrong. sophia didn't pick up the phone either. "millie- millie would answer right?" she asked herself.
wrong again. none of them answered their phones, which left hailee distressed. she had to tell someone, anyone, anyone but jaeden.
"noah!" she exclaimed, searching up his contact and clicking facetime. within a few rings, noah's face popped up on her screen.
"hey hailee, what's up?" he asked.
"sadie, sophia, and millie didn't answer and i can't talk to jaeden about this so i'm going to tell you and-"
"woah slow down i can barely understand you." noah exclaimed.
"i think i'm in love with jaeden." hailee stated.
unedited so i apologize for any mistakes
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