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yukhei couldn't help acting cute, it was in his nature. when he entered his new high school for the first time, he recieved a lot of stares.

maybe it was a small innocent boy he was that was or maybe it was the large light blue hoodie that hid his hands. still, no one bothered to talk to him, they just stared.

he felt lonely, not having someone to talk to like when he was in china and could talk to the person he thought of as a mom. he could barely speak korean anyways.

"hey, small kid" a low voice said.

yukhei stopped walking and turned around. he stared up at the tall man in front of him.

"hey!" he yelled and threw a punch at yukhei's stomach, "i didn't tell you to stare at me"

the small boy let out a whine and stumbled back. when yukhei didn't answer back, the guy threw more punches, "when i'm talking to you answer...oh wait, you can't" a smirk went on the guy's face as yukhei fell to the floor and curled into a tiny ball, kicking him a couple more times.

"you should've stayed back in china" he growled and walked off.

yukhei wince at the pain all over his body, knowning there would be a lot of bruises by the time he gets home. his shaking figure couldn't stand up though, instead he started crying quietly.

eventually someone heard his cries, a boy with black hair and a sweet honey voice who immediately picked up yukhei and rushed him to the nurses office.

with no nurse in sight, that black haires male had tended to all of his wounds, trying to calm to smaller boy down. "what's you name little one?" he asked.

yukhei was confused. he couldn't understand and looked at him quietly.

"you don't understand?" the guy asked.

yukhei nodded and looked away.

"it's okay! uh, your name?" he asked again. yukhei looked back up at the guy and saw a bright smile.

"yukhei" yukhei's tiny voice said.

the guy giggled at yukhei's korean, "i'm taeyong"

yukhei's lips formed into a tiny smile as he repeated the guy's name, "t-taeyong. o-okay"

after that, taeyong seemed to never leave the boy's side. throughout his high school life, taeyong was there to protect him and teach him korean and yukhei started to talk more.

and then things started to change during summer.

"tae, there's this b-boy that I like" yukhei said quietly. taeyong whipped his head over to face yukhei and pinched the boy's cheeks, "awe, that's so cute! my little yukhei is growning up. who's the boy?"

"the new boy" he said quietly and buried his face in taeyong's chest.

taeyong looked across from him to see the boy yukhei was talking about. a cute smile and blonde hair that bounced as he walked over to them. "hi there! i noticed your friend looked red, is he okay?"

"he's fine, but who are you?"

"oh me!" the blonde boy said, "i'm jungwoo, how about you?"

tqeyong lifted yukhei's face up and smiled, "i'm taeyong and this is my friend, yukhei. oh, look at the time! I have to do something, but can you watch yukhei for me?"


taeyong ran off leaving yukhei alone with a red face. "h-hi❞ yukhei said in a squeaky voice.

"you're yukhei, right?"

yukhei nodded amd looked at him with a tiny smile, "and your jungwoo?"

jungwoo immediately wrapped an arm around him, "that's me! now, is there some place to get food around here?"

"y-yeah, down the street" yukhei said shyly.

jungwoo hopped up and brought yukhei up, "can you show me where?"

yukhei led him down the street to a small building with vines and pretty flowers. "i-it's a cafe, i-i gonna go-"

"stay with me" jungwoo said, "and i'll treat you"

before yukhei could say anything, jungwoo grabbed his hand and led him inside. the two of them found a booth at the back of the shop and sat down.

"is there anything you like to get here?"

yukhei's faced turned red, "hot chocolate with extra m-marshmellows"

jungwoo didn't say anything and only gave a smile, rolling his eyes when he turned around. "hey excuse me?" jungwoo said to the cashier, "can you get me a coffee with a muffin and a hot chocolate with extra marshmellows?"

the cashier nodded and told the barista behind him the order, jungwoo giving the cashier money before waiting on the barista.

"you're with yukhei right?" the barista asked, handing jungwoo the drinks and muffin, "sorry, it's just i haven't seen him with anyone but taeyong"

jungwoo gave a polite smile and took the stuff in his arms, "yeah, yukhei is my uh boyfriend. a real cutie isn't he"

"of course, take care of him. i can't imagine such a soft boy with his heartbroken"

"will do" jungwoo said and turned around to show a smirk. "hey yukhei, how does it feel to always be known as the soft kid?"

yukhei looked down sadly, "i-i don't know" he said.

jungwoo pinched the boy's cheeks, "how about the name lucas, doesn't that sound cool?"

"i guess so?"

jungwoo moved to yukhei's side and smirked, "with me around, trust me, you'll be one of the coolest people in the school. what do you said, lucas"


by the time yukhei came back for school the next year, people were definitely jaw dropped. small little yukhei looked like he hit a growth spurt with muscles and shocked eveyone.

"is wong yukhei here?"

everyone turned around to see something even more shocking. jungwoo had his hands all over yukhei as they were in a full heated make out session. the teacher fake coughed, gaining yukhei's attention.

"are you Yukhei by any chance"

"yeah" he said, his voice octaves deeper with a smirk on jungwoo's face as he leaned on yukhei's body. "and it's not yukhei anymore. it's lucas"

yukhei shot up from a bed drenched in sweat, "why am I remembering this now" he mumbled.

he looked next to him and saw mark, his fluffy tail swaying as he was in a deep sleep, ears laying on each side.

"i'm sorry, mark" he mumbled and fell back down, closing his eyes once again.

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