𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 9: 𝐍𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐲𝐚~𝐒𝐞𝐧𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐢!!!

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Fun Fact #3: Ayako loves the colors Red and Blue~

Nishinoya turned to face the girl who asked him the caring question. He saw her, the girl who was hiding behind Kageyama and Hinata.

He waved it off, his brown orbs gazing into her emerald orbs.

"If you're asking me to join the club, I'm not going back if Asahi isn't.. That coward."

He muttered the last part, gritting his teeth a bit as the harsh words slipped out of his mouth, dripping dangerously in venom.

She shook her head, stepping forward and sitting down on the bench. She rested her hands at the bottom of her skirt, messing with the fabric.

"N-No actually. I was wondering if you were the Libero... Uh..."

"Nishinoya. Yea, I am the Libero. Why, is it cause I'm short?"

She shook her head. Just then Hinata showed up.
Ayako waved while Nishinoya nodded, showing acknowledgement of his arrival.

"Nishiya, are you a libero?"

Nishinoya's face had an irk mark as he sighed silently.

"Nishinoya. And yea, why?"

"I was just wondering, since your receives are so good."

Nishinoya's face lit a up bit, raising his eyebrow as he continued to listen to Hinata practically praise him for a bit.

"The captain even called you Guardian Deity of Karasuno."

Nishinoya's face flushed up as he showed complete shock through his body language, jumping up a bit.

"Guardian Deity?! Where did that even come from?!"

Ayako nodded her head in agreement with Hinata.
Nishinoya scratched the back of his neck nervously, his cheeks hinted with a light pink as he shuffled in his sitting spot.

"I don't deserve such a title, nor do I deserve being made such a big deal out of...."

He stopped for a minute and glanced at Hinata.

"H-He really said that?.."

Hinata raised both of his fists slightly in excitement, nodding his head. He lowered them back to his sides as he heard Nishinoya's tone turn from flustered to sad.

Ayako tuned out the conversation, finding herself weirdly interested in Nishinoya's blonde spike in the middle of his hair.

She saw a few strands move out of place. Being the helpful girl she was, Ayako raised her hand infront of his face and fixed the hair strands.

When she pulled her hand away, she looked down to see Nishinoya's face, now a deeper red.

She tilted her head a bit, not noticing Hinata eerily smile at Nishinoya as a irk mark appeared on his forehead.

Hinata tapped Nishinoya's shoulder, causing him to look at Hinata.

"Could you please teach me receives Nishi.... Nishinoya-Senpai!?"

Nishinoya's jaw dropped as his eyes widened.

I was just called upperclassmen... I WAS CALLED UPPERCLASSMEN NISHINOYA-

He got out of his trance as he watched Ayako stand next to Hinata. She then gave him a slight smile before nodding her head.

"Please N-Nishinoya~senpai! Help Shoyo~kun with h-his receives!"

He jumped up even more, overwhelmed with the amount of respect that was suddenly thrown at him.

He slowly stood up and put his hand on Hinata's shoulder.

"After we're done practicing, I'm buying you a popsicle.."

Ayako's mouth watered at the thought of a popsicle. Her mind wandered around as she thought of all the possible flavors for a popsicle.

What if they had birthday cake as a flavor? Vanilla with Caramel drizzle... Strawberry with frozen strawberry bits... Strawberry Milk.. Now I want Strawberry Milk-

Her thoughts of the delicious treats were cut off as she felt someone watching them. She turned her head around to see Suga, Daichi, and Tanaka hiding behind a corner.

They instantly stopped peeking out from behind the corner, embarrassed that they were caught by Ayako, but thankful that Nishinoya didn't notice them.

She did a little wave towards Suga, resulting in him blushing and shyly waving back.

Hinata raised a eyebrow, confused as to who she was waving towards. He followed her gaze but saw no one. He shrugged it off, thinking they must have left already.


Ayako was watching over Hinata as Nishinoya was helping him out. As she watched, she started writing down tips and notes for Shoyo to go over at home.

He may not read these, but its the least I can do... I'll probably spam him on his phone until he reads them..

Ayako twirled her pen in between her fingers. She teared the notes out carefully, before folding the paper into a small square.

Ayako placed the note into the pocket of her jacket and the pen back into her backpack. When she looked up, she noticed almost all of the team members had very confused faces.

"It's impossible to decipher words coming from someone who only acts on instinct."

Tanka said. Kageyama gave Tanaka a surprised look, turning towards his upperclassmen.

"Really? I undsrstood what he meant perfectly."

Ayako hummed in agreement. Tanaka mentally face palmed before explaining,

"It's because you three are alike. You use sound effects to explain certain parts, which sounds like Gibberish to the rest of us."

Takeda Sensei flipped another page of the book in his hands, seeming fascinated by the Libero role.

"It's a unique position, isn't it?"

Ayako's face glimmered with delight after hearing that, taking it as a compliment since she is a Libero.

Daichi chuckled at her reaction before agreeing with the teacher. Ayako turned her attention back to the teammates, smiling a bit.

Even if there's still improvements that are needed, they're still resilient..

Ayako put her backpack down on the ground and stood up, walked over to Suga and tapped his shoulder. He turned around and gave Ayako a small smile.

"What do you need Ayako?"

"Who's A-Asahi~kun?"

Hinata and Ayako both asked at the same time. Suga tensed up while Tanaka showed visible shock.

"You're not suppose to mention that name, especially around Noya-san!"

Ayako's mouth formed a "o". She nodded, muttering apologies. Suga nervously chuckled and pat her on the head, noticing that Nishinoya was going to explain to them who he was.

"He's the current ace of Karasuno, for now."

Hinata's eyes lit up after hearing the word "Ace" come out of his upperclassmen's mouth.

Ayako spaced out a little, but a certain sentence brought her back to reality.

"But one thing that really riles up the crowd, is when a super receive is made!"

She smiled, flashbacks of her amazing saves flashed in her mind as she reminisced the good memories.

They do go wild.. I miss that.. When the crowd started cheering even more after the receive was made.. It's especially better when that receive is the reason your team got a point..

Ayako felt that someone was staring at her. She turned her head in that direction, seeing a blushing Kageyama who instantly stopped looking after her when their eyes met.

She tilted her head in confusion and walked up to Kageyama. He kept looking away until he felt a small soft hand be delicately pressed against his forehead.

He looked down and saw Ayako on her tippy toes, checking his temperature. She tilted her head to the other side.

"K-Kageyama~kun, are you a-alright? Your face is red."

He felt his cheeks burn up even more, as he gently pushed her hand away. He looked away from her, too embarrassed.

"Koizumi~chan, I'm fine.. J-just a little tired."

An irk mark appeared on Kageyama's forehead as he heard a certain blonde boy snicker in the background.

"Tsk tsk, Didn't know the King had a softspot eh?"

Tsukishima kept snickering until he noticed Ayako standing infront of him. Her eyes were fixated on his glasses.

His eyes widened as she reached up, and fixed the placement of his glasses.

She smiled, satisfied with her results, before making her way back to her backpack, leaving a blushing, embarrassed Tsukishima behind.

Tanaka smirked and elbowed the first year in the ribs while raising his eyebrow up and down.

"Who's the one with the softspot now ehh~?"

Tsukishima tched before walking away, muttering under his breath.


Ayako yawned, putting the psp down. Kenma had given her a recommendation to a new game that had been released recently.

She rolled onto her stomach and looked up at the clock, before groaning in annoyance.

2 am

She hadn't been able to sleep, like usual. Ayako sighed, after realizing she finished halfway through the game in 4 hours.

Maybe Kenma~kun is up?.. No.. I don't think anyone would be up at this time..

Ayako laid there, staring at the ceiling, going into her "deep-thinking" trance. She thought about how far Shoyo has come.

First started out in a incomplete Volleyball team, and now he's in a complete Volleyball Team full of pro players.. And I'm coaching them..

Ayako smiled, remembering the 3 on 3 and the practice match with Aoba Seijoh. She felt happy to be apart of the team.

She rolled onto her side and looked at the picture frame on her nightstand.

It was a picture of 13 yr old Ayako and Shoyo hugging each other, holding up peace signs. Ayako's mother was behind them smiling. Ayako's Father was the one who took the picture.

She smiled before focusing her gaze onto her mother's pure face.

You were right mother. Shoyo~kun is a ray of sunshine. If only you could meet the rest of the team..

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