๐‚๐ก๐š๐ฉ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ 26: ๐’๐ญ๐ฎ๐๐ฒ ๐’๐ž๐ฌ๐ฌ๐ข๐จ๐ง๐ฌ ๐š๐ง๐ ๐๐ซ๐š๐œ๐ญ๐ข๐œ๐ž

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Me: I'll update on Sunday!

Me right now: *only 638 words into the draft and it's 10:46 pm*


Ayako was helping them warm up, tossing balls to the setters so that the spikers could practice hitting balls to the other side.

She was just about to toss another ball when Ayako felt a sudden prescence near the doorway. Turning her head and pushing her bangs out the way, she noticed Kiyoko standing.

Ayako sent her a wave, before seeing a short girl with short, blonde hair make her appearance. She was holding her hands up, fists clenched, as if she was trying to defend herself from an attacker.

"Oh, you found a new manager?! That's so awesome!"

Ayako noticed her flinch, obviously nervous and uncomfortable. Kiyoko stepped aside, telling the team that she might be their new manager.

Ayako smiled, but she couldn't help but feel drop in her spirit. It wasn't that she didn't want the new girl to be their manager. She just wasn't sure if she wanted that.

Ayako always assumed that she would be fine with being the assistant coach and nothing else. But after hearing that the spot might actually be taken, she can't help but feel that she made the wrong decision.

The girl then locked eyes with Ayako, making Ayako flinch. Trying to find the nearest person, she ended up hiding behind Ennoshita.

Ennoshita pat her on the head, sensing her distress. Ayako was a little disappointed in herself from hiding from the new girl. She felt like a small kid hiding from the big kids again. She wanted to change for highschool, to fulfill her mother's wishes and meet her expectations.

Gathering up some courage, Ayako was about to greet the new girl, before realizing that she had left quickly after meeting the team.

I didn't even get her name...

Ayako could only sigh, disappointed. Just then, Coach Ukai popped into the gym with a confused expression on his face.

"Hey, why was there a random girl trying to hide by the gym?"

"Oh, she was here to introduce herself to the team. She might be the new manager for the volleyball team. Her name is Hitoka Yachi."

Ayako could only sigh, keeping the name in mind. She planned on trying to find her and become friends with her.

Maybe later though.. Right now..

Ayako looked over at Shoyo, who seemed to be fooling around again. She looked at the ball in her hands before looking at him again.


"Ow, Ayako-Chan?!"

"It slipped from my hands."


It was the next day and Hinata, along with Kageyama, had come into Ayako's class to ask Tsukishima for more studying sessions.

"Come on! Mr. Yoshida's not here and I-"

"Terribly sorry, but you're going to have to come back during my working hours."

Hinata only growled before turning to Ayako's desk, only to find that it was empty. He was a little confused, but he just assumed that she went to the bathroom.

"Tch, that suckyshima. So annoying."


The first year troublemaker duo turned around, seeing Yamaguchi jogging towards them.

"Hey! Can you help me with english?"

"Ah, terribly sorry, I'm horrible at english. But that first year manager is in class 1-5, I'm sure she'll be able to help you." Yamaguchi replied, looking around as he spoke.

"Anyway, have you seen Koizumi-chan anywhere? I uh, need to give her something."

"No, I haven't. I assumed she was in the bathroom. Why? If you want, I can give it to her when I pass by-"

Yamaguchi only waved his hands around, declining Hinata's offer, "I also wanted help with her in uh, studying."

Hinata was about to raise an eyebrow but only nodded before waving goodbye to Yamaguchi, dragging Kageyama towards classroom 1-5.


Ayako raised the ball before tossing it up in the air, slowly jogging behind it, before lightly smacking the ball.

Her eyes watched it slowly float towards the right, only to suddenly changed directions and fall immediately towards the left, hitting the water bottle.

She was about to set the water bottle in a different spot, only to hear jogging from the entrance. Raising her head slightly and tilting it towards the doorway, Ayako saw Yamaguchi making his way into the gym.

"Yamaguchi-kun? What are you doing here? I thought you were studying with Tsukishima."

He instantly froze, before clearing his throat a little, scratching the back of his neck and withdrawing his eyes from her direction.

"I uh, was wondering if you would help me practice the jump float serve."

Ayako was surprised. She thought Yamaguchi was gonna ask her for help in academics, not volleyball. She wasn't confident in her skills either, practically because of her old teammates, despite what Hinata always says.

"Sure.. Come on then, let's practice."





Ayako blew some of her bangs out the way, before retying her hair back into a ponytail. Yamaguchi groaned in dissatisfaction, annoyed with his serves.

After Yamaguchi had shown her how he served, Ayako told him a few tips and offered to receive some of his serves to help him get better.

"Urgh, just one more Koizumi-chan."

Ayako only smiled before tossing the ball to him and getting back into her stance, keeping her eyes on the ball.

Yamaguchi tossed the ball in the air, slowly jogging, casually gaining speed before jumping up and lightly smacking the ball.

Green eyes followed the ball, examining the way it spun. Her eyes widened for a moment, before narrowing.


She did her signature little jump, before diving towards the right, instantly digging the ball up, sending it back to Yamaguchi. He caught it, amazed at her observations.

She always managed to know exactly where the ball went, despite the small time she has to react and act upon her observations.

"I-I think we should take a break, Koizumi-chan."

Ayako smiled, sitting on the ground and catching her breath as she replied to him, "Agreed."


It was the end of the school day and Ayako was a little late for the start of practice. She was turning in some work for her english teacher, who seemed to be even more pissed than ever.

Mrs. Jelaviฤ‡ was in a terrible mood, angrily tapping away at her phone as she made the students work on vocabulary worksheets.

"That darn octopus.."

Ayako didn't bother to ask, assuming that she was probably talking about someone who seemed like an octopus. But she found it weird when she would somtimes put 'yellow' in front of octopus.

Shaking her head and ridding her random thoughts, Ayako fastened her pace, running towards the gym. She sharply turned the corner before running straight for the doorway.

Ah crap-

Ayako forgot about how fast she was going, speeding into the gym. Looking around for something to stop her momentum, her eyes landed on the new girl who was wearing a burgundy tracksuit.

Ayako was confused as to why she seemed scared, before noticing the volleyball heading straight for her.

Using her quick reflexes, she instantly stomped her left foot and made herself turn to the right, before pushing herself towards the ball. Ayako jumped, positioning her arms in order to send it back in.

The new girl seemed surprised, watching as Ayako sent the ball back to Kageyama. Ayako landed with a small thud, almost falling over before regaining her balance.

"Ayako-chan!! That was so cool!!!"

"Uwahhhh, Koizumi-chan is so cool and cute!!"


"Get your head in the game Tanaka, Nishinoya!"

"Y-Yes Sir!"

Ayako only chuckled, before turning towards Coach Ukai.

"Sorry for arriving late, I had some work to turn in."

Coach Ukai only waved it off. Kiyoko immediately made her way towards the two, a concern look on her face.

"Are you okay Yachi? Ayako?"

Ayako nodded, humming in agreement. Yachi only nodded, still surprised and shocked. Her brown eyes looked over at Ayako, observing her.

Oh my gosh, isn't this Ayako Koizumi?! The pretty first year from class 1-4?! She's so much more pretty up close.. What if her fans come at me?! Even with Kiyoko-senpai here!! Oh my goodness-

Ayako cleared her throat, looking down at her shoes. Yachi instantly flinched, seeming nervous for what Ayako was about to tell her.

"I-uh.. I'm Koizumi Ayako.. Pleased to m-meet you."

Yachi deadpanned, blown away from how adorable she was. She instantly recomposed herself, bowing dramstically.

"I-I'm Yachi Hitoka! Nice to meet you, Koizumi!"

Ayako smiled at her, tilting her head towards the side. When in reality, she was dying of anxiety, thinking she may have intimidated Yachi and made Yachi dislike her.

I really need to get better at introducing myself...

"It's just, I've never seen a volleyball game so up close! It's so intense and powerful!"

"Well, when it comes to offense, I think we're probably the best team around." Kiyoko replied, easily blocking a stray ball from lightly hitting her.

"Kiyoko's talking.. Her mouth is moving.. And she's smiling too!"

"They're having some girl talk.. That so cute!"

"We're gonna have a talk if you don't snap out of it!"

Sorry for the late update, but it's here!

I hope you don't mind the extra Yamaguchi and Ayako interaction~

And, Ayako and Yachi meeting! They're so cute~

Anyway, have a wonderful evening/morning!

~Starry โ™ก

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