"Hinata! Ayako!"
They both turned around to see Suga, waving over to them. Quickly making their way to him, Hinata couldn't help but think back to what the boy said.
What did he mean by that? And how does he know Ayako~chan? Are they da-
Jolting in surprise, he turns to Suga while Ayako was waving her hand infront of his face. Suga shook his head while Ayako just continued walking ahead of them.
Waahh... I didn't know they'd be here this early.. I wonder what the team is like...
"Ah.. Koizumi~chan, can you cut these carrots up? I have to cook more rice."
"Hai! (Yes!)"
Ayako brought some carrots and placed them into the sink, carefully washing them of any excess dirt, before peeling a thin layer off.
She placed them on the left of the cutting board, before cutting some into small pieces. Gathering the carrot pieces into a pile, she then dumped them into the bowl.
"Alright, Thank you Koizumi~chan. I can take it from here. You can help Takeda-Sensei set up the table."
"Hai. No problem Kiyoko~senpai."
Ayako smiled, realizing she hasn't stuttered at all in those few moments. She has no problem speaking clearly with Kiyoko, but with the team, she stutters a little. But Ayako will get it soon.
Ayako helped set the table with Takeda, before turning around and exiting the kitchen. She walked towards the 3rd years room before grabbing her stuff and going into the bathroom to shower.
When she was done, she changed into a hoodie and shorts, before stopping infront of the mirror. Ayako stared at her left eye.
Should I? But what if they judge me and call me a freak.. Like what my teammates did... No, they're different! They're nice, not mean! Ok, lets do this..
Hinata and Kageyama were shoving the delicious food into their mouths while Tsukishima and Yamaguchi watched in disgust.
"Where do you get that appetite?"
Yamaguchi groaned. Nishinoya popped up behind them, raising his chopsticks.
"Don't stop eating! Force it down if you have to!"
Sugawara and the other 3rd years were eating peacefully, taking their time. Asahi smiled.
"You've got a big appetite today Suga."
"How are you gonna get to the summit if you don't eat? You'll shrivel up and die!"
"I need to fill up so I can work my hardest."
"Are you gonna eat that? I'll take it-"
"No! Let Yamaguchi eat his own food!"
Ayako giggled by the door, hearing Nishinoya shouting in the room. She slid the door open, nervous. Hinata noticed her arrival, waving to her.
"Oh, Ayako~chan, He-"
He stopped mid sentence when he noticed her left eye. Everyone else was confused as to what shut the tangerine boy up, until they also saw her eye.
Ayako waved nervously, before quickly taking a seat next to Hinata and trying to hide behind him. She didn't like the attention but the team was bound to figure out.
"You've got pretty eyes, Koizumi~chan."
"Who knew Chibi~chan had two colored eyes?"
Ayako smiled, watching as Suga and Daichi facepalmed and Nishinoya trying to see if Tanaka is still alive.
See.. They were different..
Daichi pulled the duo over to him while Ayako just walked into their room and set her stuff down. Tanaka and Nishinoya looked at him with a confused face before sensing the dark aura.
Daichi just gave them a gentle smile, despite the aura he was giving off.
"Be respectful towards her, okay?"
"Y-Yes Sir-"
"Good! Good night."
Ayako set her futon up, before pulling out her blue journal. The reason why she was switching rooms was because she wanted every member's opinion on the lineups.
She held out the blue journal. Nishinoya took the hint and sat down next to her, letting the towel rest around his neck.
Tanaka was still outside in the hallways. Nishinoya looked down at the journal. He nodded a few times, helping her tweak a few mistakes in the lineups.
"H-Hai. Thank you Nishinoya~senpai!"
Nishinoya just smiled and patted her on the head, remembering Daichi's words. He looked at her eyes, still stunned by them. Ayako turned to him, confused as to why he was staring at her.
"Why did you hide your eyes? They're really pretty Koizumi~chan."
"Ah.. Just some b-bad experiences. Thank you though."
Ayako gave him a bright smile. Nishinoya covered his eyes, muttering about how she was 'too precious.'
Tanaka walked in confused about the scene infront of him. Ayako was currently playing with Nishinoya's hair, brushing it. While Nishinoya was muttering under his breath, his cheeks red.
"Koizumi~chan, what happened-"
"O-Oh Tanaka~senpai. I only smiled at him and then.. This happened.. But his hair is really fluffy~!!"
Tanaka chuckled, watching as Ayako's heterochromatic eyes glimmered in delight, seeing her pat Nishinoya some more.
"Pffft look at this-"
"If Daichi sees this, he'll be so screwed-"
"Boke, don't talk so loudly, you'll wake them up."
Nishinoya was confused. He tried to sit up but felt a pair of arms wrapped around him. Opening his eyes and looking down, he saw a familiar brown haired girl hugging him and burying her face into his chest, sleeping soundly.
Nishinoya's eyes widened in realization. Ayako was currently cuddling him- CUDDLING HIM- in her sleep.
Oh god, Daichi's going to kill me-
"Did something happen last night~?"
"Shut up, you'll wake her up!"
Nishinoya waved everyone off, signaling them to leave the room and eat breakfast. With a few snickers and camera clicks, they left the room, leaving Nishinoya and Ayako.
Nishinoya shifted a little, carefully unwrapping Ayako's arms so that it wrapped around his pillow. He sat up and took a few deep breaths, his heart pounding.
Jesus, she's gonna give me a heart attack someday...
Nishinoya thought as he turned his gaze back onto her sleeping figure. She was snuggling into the pillow. He debated on whether or not he should wake her up.
Nishinoya just sighed, ruffling her hair gently, before exiting the room and sliding the door closed. He smiled after replaying the image of her cuddling him in his mind before hearing a cough.
"Mind telling me what you did?"
"Ah, Daichi-"
"Listen up. This is the starting order for our Nekoma High match."
He held up a board with 7 pins magnetically connected. Everyone that was mentioned on the board soon stepped onto the court in the exact spot.
"I know you haven't had much time to get acquainted, so I don't expect you to be perfect. Just because we have a hotshot libero and our ace just came back, doesn't mean our victory is a safe bet."
Ayako noticed Nishinoya and Asahi tense a little at the mention of their role.
"The winner keeps the ball in play. Those damn cats won't know what hit em!"
"Yes sir!"
~ Time Skip brought to you by "Oya?" ~
Ayako set her things down in the 1st years room. She was originally going to stay with them but decided not to since she wanted to discuss lineups with the 3rd and 2nd years first.
She turned around and helped them set down the futons. Hinata patted her on the head to show his gratitude, in which she accepted happily.
"Say, Ennoshita?"
"About what you said before in practice.."
"Ahh.. About how I ran away from the club?"
Ayako, interested, scooted closer to Hinata. Kageyama did the same after setting down his futon. The other two, Kinoshita and Narita, sat down next to Ennoshita.
"Remember when you heard about Coach Ukai coming back from retirement?"
"It's a bit embarassing for us to admit but a bunch of us had trouble adjusting to his.. training."
Ayako dazed out of the conversation, wondering how Coach Ukai was like if the training was as bad as they said it was. But somehow her thoughts went from that to Milk.
What's better though? Strawberry milk, Chocolate milk, or Regular milk? Regular milk is good but it's pretty plain.. Strawberry milk is sweet, but so is Chocolate milk... Wait... Does Vanilla milk exist-
"Ayako~chan, what did you say?"
Her eyes perked up towards Hinata, before she looked away, embarrassed that she was caught daydreaming.
"N-Nothing, Shoyo~kun.."
Kageyama put his hand on his chin, thinking for a moment. He then turned to Ayako with a straight face.
"I don't think Vanilla Milk exists."
"Y-You heard that?!"
"You were muttering out loud Ayako~chan.."
Ayako kept tossing and turning. She couldn't sleep. The closer the match was, the more nervous she got.
Turning around, she looked at Shoyo's face. He seemed to be laying on his stomach, his head facing her. He was drooling a little.
Ayako giggled before turning to the other side, seeing Kageyama's back. He seemed... Tense. Ayako debated on poking him.
Should I? But what if that's just how he sleeps?.. But he looks so uncomfortable...
Ayako gently poked his shoulder. Noticing him stir awake, he turned around, dark blue clashing with green and greenish blue.
'Are you okay?'
Ayako mouthed to him, not wanting to wake up the orange boy behind her. Kageyama just nodded, a bit embarrassed.
Ayako just smiled and pat him on the head before turning around and falling asleep. Kageyama, left with a blush tinted on his cheeks, just turned back around, trying to fall back asleep.
Safe to say, he didn't sleep well that night.
Listen up my fellow Anime Simps
(Yea I'm calling you out-)
I've had the urge to write so many stories
But I'll need y'all's help.
Some of y'all don't follow me so you won't get my announcements
(hey.. you should follow me.. or don't, it's fine-)
I recently put up a sort of poll.
And any character I DIDN'T mention, Suggest them here! I will be happy to write about them~
(For those 3, I already made up an idea for their story, but I wouldn't mind figuring out more ideas for the other characters~)
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