changlix (changbin & felix, stray kids)
CHANGBIN SAT, TYPING away at his laptop, trying his best to finish his assignment in the time he had left. as he was busy writing, his boyfriend, felix, was laying down on their shared bed, scrolling through his phone.
to put it simply, felix was bored. without changbin giving him attention or simply acknowledging his presence every once in a while, felix felt extremely bored, and as if he was the only person in their room right now.
the australian male sighed, turning off his phone and placing it on the bed. he sat up from the laying position he was previously in. the boy let out another sigh, eyes looking right at changbin's back. the other did not seem to notice, too busy writing.
"changbin," felix said, whining a little. the other male hummed in response, and felix could tell he wasn't really paying attention. "i'm bored. give me attention," he said, pouting and speaking sadly. despite that, changbin did not seem to care at all.
"i'm busy babe," he answered, going quiet after. felix sighed, getting up from their bed. he walked over to where changbin's desk was situated. for a split second, changbin looked at felix, questioning with his eyes why he was there.
ignoring changbin's stare, felix invited himself onto the other's lap into a hugging position. he made it so he could just stay there, hugging changbin as the male did his homework. changbin let out a little laugh, softly stroking felix's back.
so they stayed like that; changbin writing for a couple more hours and felix hugging him from his lap, almost falling asleep from the anount of comfort he was feeling.
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