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˗ˏˋ꒰ chapter sixteen : oh shit 

┊ ➶ 。˚ ° 🎀 

"what is it!?— what is it!?" she excitedly asked bouncing in your arms. you hummed, faking a thinking act. "why not see it yourself~" you giggled tickling her, when she laughed throwing her head back when you took her to the bathroom.

looking over your shoulder, you gave loid a reassuring smile which somehow calmed his nerves down. looking at the bandaged hands, you aided few hours ago, he whispered. 



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you looked at the mirror as your eyes teared up. you bought your trembling hands to cover your mouth to let out a sob as loid rushed towards you and held you shoulder and waist asking if something is wrong. 

"h-holy shit man..." you sobbed. "why do i have to be so sexy.." 

┊ ➶ 。˚ ° 🎀

ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ YOU BOTH WERE  on your way to eden's acadamy to check the notice  board for acceptance. honestly you didn't expect being accepted for what you caused last time. can't blame yourself if that pig didn't open his shitty mouth. 'honestly i slayed that slap' you thought. 

you held anya's hand and looked up to see the board. "it's not here.." you both muttered, eyes scanning the names. you saw how loid's face fell into depression which made you feel bad. and that's when you eyes fell on dejected anya walking swaying. 

"rejected..." she darkly muttered. 

you forced a smile for her and picked her up by her arm pits, "let's binge spy wars together anya-baby!!" you tried to cheer her up. "y-yeah let's go home.." loid wore his hand a forced a smile too. 'murder sounds nice today...' you thought looking at clouds moving. 

'oh wait! it's heart shaped !!' your mind jumped. 

"i'm sorry..." her shaky voice said bringing you back to reality. "it's because i stepped in poop.." her emerald eyes started to store hot tears. "m-madame! senior!" someone yelled rushing towards you and panted. you looked at him with confused gaze. 

"how may i help you?" loid asked stepping forward, as you consoled anya, spoiling her with kisses. "a-are you mr and mrs. forger?" the young man trembled, voice cracking. 

"s-sir we have  you to our school in the waiting list!" he said and shoved a form to loid's hands. "headmaster says that you've proven worthy of our school." he looked at you and shivered. 

"y-you can further contact headmaster, i'll leave now.." he ran away swiftly and that's when you noticed a black limo. loid was stunned to hear this as he froze, and that's when he felt you pounce on him with anya. 

"hurray!" "yippie!"

you and anya celebrated sharing a wink as loid looked at you hugging him and holding anya. "yes..." he muttered still not convinced, feeling your warm soft arms around his abdomen. he placed his hand on your back with a smile. 

"see baby! we deserve it.." you swayed anya left to right as she nodded hugging your neck. "can't believe it..." he smiled nearing his lips towards you forehead. he stopped eyes widened at it's maximum size. 

'wait what the fuck was i thinking?' he thought and pushed you back making you stumble. "l-loid...?" you asked surprised as anya glared daggers at loid. "w-wait! i'm sorry i didn't mean to.." he bought his hand forward as it got soon slapped. 

"yeah.. no problem.." you forced a fake smile and walked away without calling loid towards ice-cream shop to treat anya. anya looked back at loid over your shoulder and stuck her tongue out, pulling her lowed eye mocking him. 

flipping her short hair, she followed her mama, angry at her chi-chi for treating her wrong. 

unknown to you three. 

English times brings the top news headlines from Ostania on Politics, Current Affairs, Sports, Entertainment, and Business News. 

"rumors said that kambe daisuke, the billionaire had demanded to purchase eden acadamy. this has shocked the public as well as the staffs. there might be chances of mr kambe being the co-principle of the school."

"anya get in!~ anya get in!~" anya dance and sang holding her toy in joy as you vibed with her, recording her. "what the heck is she doing?" loid asked awkwardly sweat dropping. you rolled your eyes and answered.  

"ritual dance."

"mama look!" anya swayed side to side with the toy like a ball dancer. "yes baby! keep going!" you cheered like audience. *proud mama noises*

loid looked at your smile and dancing with anya as he remembered what he was about to do. his stomach felt weird. he shook his head ignoring it. the ringing noise of a telephone interrupted the dance ritual of mama and baby. 

loid rushed towards the telephone so fast that he almost made anya fall, you carefully held anya and gave him a middle finger behind his back with glare. 

"yes forger here,.... thank-you..." he whispered and hung up. he shoved his hand into his pockets and fished a small yellow objects, turning toward you both. 

"you got in!" 

pulling confetti poppers, you three celebrated with biggest smile on your faces. 

i love you guys

a big W <333 

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