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teresa's pov.

what looked to be an ordinary server ending cliff was the exit to this nightmare of a home. my feet shuffled towards the edge nervously as I took a moment to brush the dirt off of myself and take in my surroundings.

I took the jump. my eyes were sealed tightly shut as I took a leap of faith into the abyss but they shot open to when my head suddenly collided with a stone floor. 

we were surrounded by grievers, each one sound asleep, sealed in a tank. but at the end of the room a small, blue screen caught my eye. I slowly approached it, seeing it illuminated a keyboard below it.

'insert password'

it was written in red, bold lettering across the screen. it took a moment but I soon knew what to do. I rapidly start punching letters into the keyboards as more boys came flying through from above.

a smile lit up my face, we were finally going to get out, and- the computer beeped. 'limit reached' could be read in smaller writing and my smile dropped in an instant.

I had yet to type 'push' into the computer when it came to a limit. but chuck was quick to it, sliding under the table and pressing a button on the wall causing a pair of doors infant of us start to move.

once they had fully opened a woman could be soon be seen on the other side. as all of the remaining gladers approached her a sheet of glass separated from us. moving closer again, we could see dozens of desks behind her, more people.

"the creators."

everyone began to mumble before they were interrupted by a loud, obnoxious, beeping noise. another door began to slide open. a woman and a boy emerged. it was gally. 'WICKED' stamped on his shirt. he was alive.

but we seemed to have lost him. the familiar look in his eyes has disappeared. his head begins to shake rapidly. he turned beet red.

"they're controlling him." y/n yelled just as he pulls a knife and throws it directly towards thomas but a figure soon comes in-between the blade and the boy. 


he fell to the floor, struggling for breath as the blood from his chest began to soak his shirt around the wound. thomas screamed, y/n cried, newt with her, while minho's eyes were locked to the ground while his arm wrapped around y/n shoulder.

we had finally gotten freedom.

but freedom came with a price.

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