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Note: Sorry for the lateness, I promise new updates next week on this book! But for now, a seasonal freebie ;) Happy Fourth of July, my fellow Americans! ^_^

"Will there be fireworks?" Jack asked, his innocence ringing clear in his voice as always.

"Well, yes, of course-" I started when he interrupted excitedly.

"-and pork?" he cut me off.

"Wait, pork? Where did you get an idea like-" I frowned in confusion.

"YES! PORK!" a voice boomed suddenly, making me jump.

A sigh left my mouth then and I rolled my eyes. Of course he had told him that. Angrily, I whipped around, wooden spoon still in hand from stirring the potato salad.

"Dean Winchester, why did you tell that boy lies?! Not everyone eats pork for the Fourth," I admonished, pointing my spoon at him to emphasize my words.

He rolled his green eyes, side-stepping me to swipe a finger around the edge of the bowl of potato salad before sticking it in his mouth. He made an 'mm' sound before turning back to me.

"We do in the South, honey," he winked, making me scoff.

"Dean, you're not from the South!" I said, throwing my hands up in exasperation just as he slipped out the doorway of the kitchen.

I could hear him chuckling all the way down the halls of the Bunker before his voice faded away completely, leaving only me and Jack now. Strands of his blond hair fell in his face then as he leaned over my shoulder, peering curiously into the potato salad bowl.

"So if they call it salad, does that mean it's healthy?" he asked, trying to swipe a finger across the lid of the bowl like Dean had.

But before he could, I swatted his hand away with the spoon, making a slight 'ouch' emit from his lips.

"Absolutely not. And don't-don't tell anyone you ever thought that, Jack," I said, shaking my head at his naivety, "The Fourth of July isn't really about food, you know. It's about celebrating our independence. Besides, fireworks are more of a must than the food,"

I frowned then, a wave of sadness washing over me. I always use to celebrate with my family - at my grandparents' house. My grandmother would already have the food set out waiting for me when I walked in, a small jar of pickles set beside my plate just for me. She was always thoughtful that way, always knowing what I wanted without me having to say it. A sigh escaped my mouth and absentmindedly, I brushed away a tear that had rolled down my cheek. That was all over now, though. She was gone and with her, all of those lovely holidays that were forever etched into my memory.

Suddenly, I noticed the silence that had enveloped the room and realized Jack must have left back to the library with the others. I finished fixing the potato salad then and began to set out the rest of the food on the kitchen table. As per usual, the boys were already sat waiting by the time I arrived with the food. I rolled my eyes, sashaying into the room before smacking the large bowl down in the middle of the table.

"Seriously, guys? You couldn't help a girl out? I did just prepare all of this for us," I grumbled before taking a seat beside Jack who was bouncing up and down in his seat like a child.

Dean's eyes lit up when he noticed the red, white, and blue cupcakes I had set beside Sam and reaching over his brother's plate, he snagged a couple before stuffing them in his mouth. He looked like a chipmunk with his cheeks poked out like that, making me chuckle despite myself.

"Save some for the rest of us, Dean-o," I joked before I grabbed onto him and Jack's hands.

Jack furrowed his eyebrows in confusion but Dean seemed to get the message, grabbing onto Sam's hand beside him until we all we're in a circle. We bowed our heads then to bless our food before everyone dug in. Dean made jokes about the latest demon he and Sam had smoked out while Jack sneaked cupcakes while the rest of us weren't looking. It wasn't hard to tell though that the sugar was getting to him - he was acting even more hyper than usual. As everyone finished eating - the cupcakes by now long gone thanks to Jack, although he claimed otherwise even though red and blue frosting was smeared all over his lips - I was pulled to my feet by the boys, their faces showing excited expressions.

"Come on, we got a surprise for you," Sam smiled, his large hand tugging me along behind the three of them, leading me up the steps that led out of the Bunker.

A warm summer breeze hit my face as we stepped outside, my sneakers pressing firmly into the hard-packed dirt beneath me. As my eyes blinked rapidly to adjust to the difference, I noticed darkness had fallen all around us. I didn't know it had gotten so late. But as the boys led me over to the Impala, Dean and Sam scrambling onto the hood beside Jack sitting cross-legged already in the middle, I couldn't help but chuckle, shaking my head.

"Seriously, guys, what's going on? What's this all about?" I asked as they helped me hop up beside them.

"Jack wanted to do something special for you," Dean confided and I arched my eyebrows in surprise briefly.

But I didn't have time to think on what it could be before a loud noise split the air and the world around me burst into an array of shining colors. Overhead in the night sky twinkling with stars, a shower of sparks popped and I laughed as the beautiful reds, blues, greens, and purples rained down from above. It was breathtaking.

"Fireworks!" I exclaimed with a giggle, covering my mouth with a hand briefly in astonishment.

My eyes met Jack's then whose gaze was already locked on me.

"You did all this?" I asked him softly, feeling my heart swell with love for the little nephilim perched beside me.

"Nope. He was just the idea person," Dean pointed out, only to receive a swat on the back of the head from Sam.

Nodding, Jack replied sweetly, "I knew how much you loved them. And I thought you deserved something special since you can't be with your family."

The familiar tingle of tears pricked the space behind my eyes and I wrapped an arm around Jack, pressing my lips to his cheek in a chaste kiss. The poor boy's face flushed a bright red from the contact as I pulled away, making both Dean and Sam laugh. I leaned my head on his shoulder then, gazing up at the bright fireworks popping overhead. Holidays may not ever be the same, that much I knew for sure. But...maybe it wasn't a bad change, after all. Maybe some things in life could still be amazing.

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