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ΚΚΚΙ΄Ι΄α΄ [Κ-Κ-ΙͺΚ-Ι΄] / ΚΚΙ΄ [α΄Κα΄Ι΄α΄α΄Ι΄α΄α΄α΄
: Κ-ΙͺΚ-Ι΄ α΄Κ Κα΄ΙͺΙ’Ι΄]
Alec and Brynne had gone out once again and this time they also portaled somewhere. Only this time they had gone outside of New York and didn't hold hands while going somewhere new.
"I mean, how would they feel?" Alec asks continuing the conversation as they step out of the portal bags in hand
Brynne couldn't help but laugh, "I'm just glad you didn't ask in front of the sushi chef!"
"Well, seriously, why do they call it fatty tuna?" Alec questions while they walk towards the living room where they set down their own bags and Brynne was looking at a trinket she had bought, "I mean that's a little degrading"
"Obese tuna doesn't sound any better," Brynne says with a smile her back to Alec as she takes off her black long flower embroidered coat
"You know, as much as I love Amsterdam and Vienna, a bacon burger from the East Village isn't that bad"
Brynne with a coat in hand looks at Alec and shrugs her shoulders, "We'll just have to do that next time mon ange"
Alec turns around picking up a small bag that stood out from the others which he had secretly bought, "I got you something"
"Me?" Brynne asks in shock at the bag he held out for her to take having no idea where he even got such a thing since they were side by side the whole time
"Yes, you" Alec smiles before giving Brynne a little red gift bag, "Open it"
Brynne does as he says and opens the small black paper bag and digs through the tissue paper red bag only to pull out a little lucky charm, "It's supposed to bring you luck and protection"
The small red chenille fabric rectangular bag opened and inside was an iron round charm with a hole in the middle. Brynne wasn't staying anything making Alec start to worry, "You don't like it"
"No-No..." Brynne dismisses looking up from the charm still speechless, "I-Thank you mon ange. I appreciate it and you"
With a smile Brynne moves up to kiss him, clutching the charm in one hand while in her other she uses it to pull him closer. If there was a word Brynne would use to describe the kiss it would be heartbreak. The kiss was gentle, so soft and so sweet that it makes her not think about any problems just the softness of Alec's lips against hers.
In trying to savor the moment of being alone, no one walking in and hopes of keeping their date night without being interrupted. Brynne deepened the kiss, but with a few breaks for air they end up making out on the yellow couch.
Alec's phone chimes making them pull away so he can take out his phone and read the message informing him he was needed, "Damn it. I need to go"
"Go do your Shadowhunter job," Brynne whispers leaning back to quickly kiss Alec's lips before standing up from straddling his lap, "I'm not going anywhere"
Alec looks up at Brynne before sighing, "All right"
Brynne needed some time out of her house and so she got Magnus to go out with her. They go to Hunter's Moon where Maia was standing behind the bar pouring a drink for the two warlocks.
"Thank you, my dear" Magnus thanks the werewolf bartender and to show his appreciation he slips a one hundred dollar bill forward
"On the house for my best tipper," Maia praises the male warlock while the other was in her head
"Never trust a stingy warlock, Maia. Not when we have an eternity to acquire wealth," Magnus advised with a wink pushing the bill forward
"I'll remember that" Maia gushes while taking the bill and since the other warlock hadn't said anything she looks over to her, "What you got there?"
"A gift," Brynne whispers running her hands through the lucky charm felt she'd gotten from Alec, "I've gotten gifts over the years... from people I've helped out of the goodness of my heart but it's rare that I get gifts without an ulterior motive"
Brynne flips the iron charm making Maia ask, "Is it from someone special?"
"Yes," Brynne states before she can feel her cheek heat up and a smile spread across her face
Maia continues doing her duties as a bartender when behind the warlocks the sound of clicking heels stomping past them is out of place with the nightlife the bar held. Brynne turns her head only to see a woman dressed in black and with long hair walk to the back but it's the bracelet that makes her realize the woman is Isabelle.
"I'll be right back," Brynne tells Magnus standing up from her stool while placing the charm in her jean's back pocket
Brynne walks to the back of the bar where the pool table was and hears Isabelle tell the man before her, "Whatever it costs"
Knowing who the man Isabelle was talking to Brynne walks up to him interrupting the conversation, "Rufus, wish I could say it was lovely to see you"
"Ryn, what are you doing here?" Isabelle smiles but Brynne didn't turn her stare to the Shadowhunter
"The real question should be what's Rufus doing here?" Brynne asks looking into the man's eyes before setting a firm hand on his shoulder, "Last I heard your ban from North America is still valid"
Rufus sighs placing his pool stick on the table and glares at Brynne before walking away but not without bumping into Brynne's shoulder. At the act, Brynne rolls her eyes and turns to look at Isabelle, "Que 'tas hacienda aqui?"
Being asked what she was doing at the bar Isabelle confidently replies, "I'm here on business"
"Drug dealer business?" Brynne asks while they walk over to an empty tall table
"Exactly," Isabelle lies keeping her red lips in a relaxed smile, "Trying to crack down on the Downworlder drug trade"
"Iz, you should know I'm really great at knowing when I'm being lied to," Brynne informs her making Isabelle slowly blink a few times before replying
"There's been a spike in the demand for yin fen and I have orders to find the source. If you don't believe me, call Aldertree"
"Ugh I will never willingly reach out to him," Brynne says in disgust deciding to trust the Shadowhunter before her after all she was Alec's sister, "but yin fen is dangerous like any other drug and it can wreck so many people not just the user"
At the sudden recognition of the drug Isabelle wanted to get information, "Do you know where to look for the source?"
"If you want to stop a yin fen distribution ring you need to find the leader," Brynne shrugs as if it was so easy
"Any ideas on who that might be?" Isabelle asks unconsciously leaning in to take in all the information
"Easily could be any vampire, after all the drug is made from vampire venom," Brynne shares before letting out a scoff "Desperate people even go straight to the source, vamps"
Isabelle nods her head at the news and with a smile on her red lips says, "Good to know"
"Hey Iz," Brynne says reaching out to place her hand over Isabelle's "This is a dangerous business, be careful"
"I always am," Isabelle confidently smirks making Brynne give her a smile before walking back to sit at the bar next to Magnus
Magnus had called Brynne out for her being a bore knowing that her mind was somewhere else and not on having fun at the bar. So Brynne left him there and returned to her apartment where she decided that in clearing her mind, she'd try to make ice cream.
Brynne was waiting for the pineapple ice cream to cool in its machine while scrolling through her phone. It's then that she hears a knock on the door which makes her confused knowing the door was unlocked. Brynne places her phone on the mahogany marble counter before walking barefoot to the door.
Behind the door, Alec stood making her greet him with a simple name of endearment, "Aein"
Alec walks in taking off his black leather jacket, "Anyone here?"
"No. Simon's out on a date and I doubt anyone is going to come barging in why?"
Alec doesn't say anything instead he places his jacket on the closest chair and places his hands on Brynne's cheeks pulling her into a kiss. Brynne kisses him back but once the kiss starts to get heated she pulls away a bit. Brynne licks her lips as she raises her hands to place them on his shoulders, "Hey, uh not I'm complaining but what's this all about?"
"Iβ I just thought, you know... I thought we could take the next step," Alec nervously yet confidently states
At the realization of what the next step meant Brynne's eyes slightly widen, "Oh. T-the sex step"
"Yeah," Alec replies looking into Brynne's eyes and sees her hesitation as her face was easily read
"Alec..." Brynne breathlessly says raising her hand to caress his cheek, "I may be experienced but well I worry that once we have sex. T-that if we rush into this... that I could lose you"
"What? Why would you think that?" Alec asks with a smile
At his sudden certainty, Brynne couldn't help but smile, "You're not the only one who feels vulnerable"
"Ryn... you have nothing to worry about. I want this," Alec states leaning in to kiss Brynne but she steps back
"Alec..." Brynne sighs needing to explain "you may be ready, but I'm not. For me taking the next step with you means telling you the truth about me. A-a truth not many people know about me"
Brynne full of nerves walks away from Alec while shaking her hands and when she has the courage turns back around to face him, "Have you ever heard of something called a kitsune?"
"No," Alec answers making Brynne purse her lips knowing it was her turn to explain
"It's a fox, didn't know that's what I was until later in life when I was able to harness more of my powers. My animal mark is tied to a fox, I can control electricity-" Brynne says walking over to a lamp and taking off its shade reaching out to the light bulb. Her fingertips reach out to the bulb but never touches it, and the light bulb starts to glow.
"I can control it but the one surrounding me I can't turn off. I can use electricity as a source of power only if it was to be the last resort. The reason I don't like to kill or well prefer not to kill, uh it's because I'm a harbinger of death a-and the more I kill the more my mystic grows. It makes me dangerous"
"You haven't lost me," Alec states walking over to her but all Brynne could do was stand still and quickly blink before letting her shoulders relax
"Are you sure?" Brynne questions needing to ask once more "Because taking the next step is a pretty huge thing. I'd be your first... I mean I am your first almost anything and I want this to be special for you"
Alec couldn't help but tense up looking away not being used to talking openly or freely about such a subject, "Can we not talk about it?"
"It's important so we should talk about it?" Brynne tries to sound confident but it came out more as a question
Alec walks over to sit down on the couch his hands resting on his knees looking up at Brynne with his big brown eyes, "Did you talk about it before your first time?"
"Well..." Brynne trails off before she sits next to him, "no."
"...Was your first time special?"
The question caught Brynne off guard and so her eyes flickered away from his for a second doing her best to recall sharing that moment with someone, "I was twenty-five, learning that I was immortal and never going to age. I had left my village but not without giving everyone a proper burial. My first time wasn't special because I had none of my self-respect and wanted something to fill a void. That meant trying new things at whatever cost"
"That's not very fair," Alec murmured making Brynne smile
"No... and I do want to take the next step with you, I-i just want you to be certain"
"I am"
"Okay, but if at any moment you're not just tell me and we'll stop no hurt feelings," Brynne caresses his face before leaning in to kiss him
a/n: this was going to end up differently
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