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ΚΚΚΙ΄Ι΄α΄ [Κ-Κ-ΙͺΚ-Ι΄] / ΚΚΙ΄ [α΄Κα΄Ι΄α΄α΄Ι΄α΄α΄α΄
: Κ-ΙͺΚ-Ι΄ α΄Κ Κα΄ΙͺΙ’Ι΄]
Alec walks into Brynne's apartment without a knock and when he finds her in the living room wearing Corduroy flare jeans with an oversized v-neck denim long-sleeved shirt. At the sound of her apartment door shut Brynne turns around making Alec greet her, "Hey!"
"Mon ange, I was just about to call you!" Brynne exclaims happily to see him knowing they haven't had much time as everything in the Institute had been moving fast wanting to recover after Valentine's attack and then there was Izzy going through a detox that no one but Alec knew about. The cool of her rings touches Alec's skin when they kiss each other hello
"There's a Greater Demon on the loose. And we need your help. It's been leaving this on its victims," Alec explains making his visit not a social one and raises his hand to give Brynne a small bag of what looks like regular sand but it wasn't and Brynne knew exactly that
"This... this is from Duduael," Brynne breathlessly states her mind racing but immediately going to Magnus
"Which is a dimension of Hell?" Alec questions looking at the concentrated look she gave the sand sample
Brynne doesn't answer his question instead she asks one of her own, "Did you find this on their face?"
"Mmm," Alec answers with a nod
"How did he get loose?" Brynne mumbles in a whisper looking off into the distance in the direction of her bookshelf next to her swords, "He's been shackled for centuries."
"Who, Brynne?" Alec asks needing answers that she obviously had
Brynne lets her shoulders drop and rubs her temple before answering, "The demon who taught man the weapons of war. A Greater Demon, Azazel. One of the Princes of Hell"
"Right, a real prince" Alec says moving past Brynne to examine the dark-lit room knowing she liked the light whether it was sun or moon light, "Why is it so dark in here?"
Alec walks to the closed curtains only to hear a swoosh behind him. Brynne mumbles "crap" as Alec turns around to see Raphael standing next to her.
"Hello, Alec," Raphael calmly greets
"What is he doing here?" Alec asks Brynne who knew she should have told him about Raphael the minute he arrived
"Raphael," Brynne states turning to look at the vampire dressed in black who stood behind her as some sort of protection against Alec, "has something important to tell you"
"Nothing he says matters to me," Alec protests sending the vampire a look of hate
"Your sister's in trouble" Raphael states but that wasn't even half of the information
"You're damn right she is," Alec snarled taking a step closer "She's suffering withdrawal back at the Institute because of you!"
"She just came by the DuMort, begging for a bite," Raphael announces taking Alec by surprise and Brynne keeps her attention on him
"I didn't touch her. You have my word," Raphael swears and in good faith gives them extra information by saying "But there are plenty of vampires more than eager to take a bite"
Alec looks over at Brynne getting ready to leave when saying, "I never should have left her alone"
Brynne steps in front of Alec to stop him from leaving, "It's not your fault. We will find her"
"Here's the address of the closest den," Raphael reaches into his suit pocket to take out a piece of paper for Alec to take, "There's a good chance she's there"
Alec takes the paper from Raphael his one act of goodness not repairing what he had done. Alec turns to Brynne, "Let's go"
Seeing Alec quickly walk to the apartment door Brynne sighs turning to Raphael with a smile and whispering, "You did good"
The direction Raphael gave them did lead them to people who could have helped if they were alive. The alleyway was dimly lit by the various back store lights and bin lit fire, giving Brynne enough to see the white foam oozing out of a vampire on the ground while Alec kneeled down by another.
"Azazel did this," Alec voices but Brynne nods knowing he was right and with Izzy nowhere around that wouldn't reassure him. So instead Brynne continues walking down the alley taking in all the remaining on the floor only to find Izzy's necklace.
Brynne picks up the silver and now black broken gem necklace, "Izzy's necklace"
Alec takes the necklace in his hand to see it for himself only for his worry to continue to grow, "It's broken. Where is she?"
Alec returned to the Institute to get help from Clary and Jace, the latter has yet to tell the redhead they weren't related. Believing that Azazel has Izzy, they went to get answers from the one prisoner who made sense was a part of the greater demon's release.
Valentine gives them the idea to use their warlock friend to lure Azazel by using Valentine as bait and give Izzy back. Valentine knowing how to pick a fight gets Jace to admit to Clary that Valentine isn't his father which meant they weren't siblings.
Since there was an Inquisitor's Council meeting still taking place that meant they could do Valentine's plan in secret. Alec, having a better grasp of how Brynne's magic works, made sure Brynne wasn't asked to perform any spells and instead asked Magnus.
Brynne had helped Magnus prepare a pentagram on the ground of the Institute courtyard to summon Azazel. Brynne watches as Alec rattles the chains Valentine wore among with a mask over his nose and mouth.
"Is the courtyard glamoured?" Alec asks Magnus who was putting the final touches on the pentagram and Brynne stood at the side using all her strength not to kill Valentine then and there
"No one can see us," Magnus reassures the Shadowhunter
"I don't know, it still seems like a risk," Alec voices stepping outside the pentagram
"We have no choice. It was the only space big enough," Magnus countered knowing he knew this information
The Institute door opens and Jace walks out announcing, "Security cameras in the cell are down. We got a half-hour until the inquisitor's done with her meeting"
"Is Clary ready?" Alec asks looking around knowing all they needed to be ready or their plan doesn't work
"Let's do this," Jace states looking across the pentagram to Valentine
"I call upon the power of the pentagram. Azazel, I summon thee," Magnus commands making with each sentence a line in the pentagram light up orange, "From within our realm, into this mystical confinement, I summon thee. You seek the Mortal Cup. We seek the return of our friend. For this exchange, I summon thee"
Thunder crackling around the courtyard Azazel appears in the middle of the pentagram. The two shadowhunters place their hand on their swords ready to take them out and use them at any moment. Wanting to find the culprit for summoning him Azazel turns around, "Well... if it isn't Magnus Bane. Brave move"
Azazel moves his leg to walk towards Magnus but before that can happen Magnus holds him back with his magic, "Return Isabelle Lightwood, and we'll hand over Valentine. He can lead you to the Mortal Cup"
Wearing a black slim suit Azazel turns around to face the man in chains, "Valentine Morgenstern. The man who dares to dream big. It is a tempting offer, but I don't have your friend, Isabelle"
"He's lying," Alec argues wanting his sister back
"I'm not so sure," Jace countered keeping his eyes on the greater demon who was eyeing the pentagram knowing it wouldn't hold him
"No time for a debate. The barrier's weakening," Magnus announces making Azazel try to take another step towards him making Brynne take a step forward ready to intervene but before she can Magnus blasts a fireball into Azazel making him stay put
"We can still find Isabelle. We can't let Azazel get away," Jace reasons having already made the choice for Alec by calling out, "Clary, now!"
The redhead walks down the path towards the courtyard drawing a sunlight rune on the palm of her hand but it doesn't work. In worry, Clary stutters, "It'sβ It's not working!"
"What are you talking about?" Jace asks watching Clary use her stele on her palm but nothing is drawn
"Nothing's happening," Clary repeats only to stop trying to draw the rune on her palm when Azazel's face flares back and forth from his real one and his human one
"You thought you could contain me?" Azazel growls throwing a blast of demonic energy all around him making everyone fall back as the light bulbs around them exploded and the candle flames were extinguished by the wind
Brynne being quick on her feet uses her magic to push against the blast allowing her to stay standing only to wish she was on the floor. Azazel uses his powers to send a piercing pain to everyone around him making them scream at the pain of feeling like their heads are about to explode
"Jace!" Clary shouts amongst her screams of pain
"Ahh! Brynne!" Alec shouts being able to hear her shouting in pain but isn't able to see her, the rining being to painful to open his eyes, "Stop him!"
Azazel sees the other warlock knowing exactly who she was but he had his eyes set on revenge and so the greater demon walks over to Magnus who laid squirming on the ground. Azazel touches his cheek while menacingly stating, "Stupid warlock"
Azazel then walks over to a kneeling Valentine, "Now, a present for you, my dear Valentine"
Azazel puts his hands-on Valentine's head making dark veins appear as the man on his knees screams
"Jace!" Clary shouts for help once again
Using unknown powers from within Jace activates his iratze healing rune without a stele allowing him to stand up and walk over to the greater demon. Jace pulls out his blade but before it can touch Azazel he transforms into a dozen flying creatures. The pain surrounding them vanishes making everyone stop screaming and start gathering their strength
"How did you do that?" Alec asks Jace looking up at him as he sat on the ground next to Clary
"I have no idea," Jace answers sharing a look with Clary the both of them having a theory but he dismisses it by staying on topic "It doesn't matter. He got away"
Alec walks over to Brynne who still laid on the ground surrounded by Azazel's trademark sand.
"Hey. Are you okay?" Alec asks helping Brynne stand up "Are you all right?"
"Yeah, yeah" Brynne unconvincingly answers her mind racing with thoughts filled with fear knowing what it meant was to come now that a greater demon had found her, "W-where's Magnus?"
Alec points to one of the two remaining lying figures on the ground making Brynne walk over to Magnus. Seeing he was awake yet wasn't standing up helps him stand up while asking, "Hey, come on I got you. You, okay?"
"I... I think so," Magnus replies slightly off making Brynne push it off at just getting his ass kicked
"Come on," Brynne leads him to where Alec stood near the hallway entrance and as they walk back into the institute behind them Valentine was getting picked up from the floor by other shadowhunters ready to lock him back up
Brynne tells Magnus to wait for her by the Institute exit while she turns to face Alec who couldn't help but notice the worry on her face.
"I can come back home with you if you'd like" Alec offers making Brynne smile at how he calls her place home
"No, you should stay, keep looking for Izzy" Brynne reassures him leaning up to kiss him "Call me if anything happens"
Alec nods his head making Brynne smile at him before turning around and walking towards the Institute exit only to find no sign of Magnus. Brynne double checks yet nothing making her let out, "What the Fuck"
A/N: Started watching ER just because I heard Amal Clooney is watching it and its embarrassing her husband
edit: finished ER ages ago and honest after a certain season it wasn't worth it
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