WEATHERVANE, chapter thirteen
βyou can work whilst I rest hereβ
"What do you guys have?" Wednesday asked from behind them "Weathervane so I'll see Eli again" Odette shrugged "Interesting" Wednesday said as she looked back at Xavier who seemed to also have weathervane but Odette didn't know that yet.
"Yes! I got Pilgrim world!" Enid cheered "I do have natural people skills and a love of performing so it's kinda a obvious choice, what'd you get?" she asked Wednesday who looked at her paper, "Uriah's heep, whatever that is" she said and the two girls made a gross look "Ew, it's like this weird creepy antique store"
"Actually I think you'd like it though" Odette said
"I'm crossing my claws Ajax and I will be outreaching together" she smiled towards him and he smiled back.
"I feel like a proud mother" Odette said smiling at the two of them.
Wednesday went off to ask Xavier about her book and Enid went off to talk to Yoko so Odette went to go find Eli who was probably in the Weathervane working already. "Hey sparky" Tyler exclaimed from the front desk and Odette tried to not smile "hey slightly taller Galpin" she greeted him whilst she sat down at the front "I find offence to that" Eli walked in as he handed a woman her coffee "I am just as tall maybe even taller than him"
"keep dreaming" Odette and Tyler said at the same time, high fiving each other anyways.
"Outreach day?" Eli asked as he placed a almond croissant in front of her. "Oh you remembered" she laughed "hey I'm sorry but when you date a girl you do remember her favourite treat"
"Only if you date her" Tyler asked
"Or really really like her" Eli shrugged, correcting himself before leaning over the bench to talk to Odette quitely. "How are you, I haven't seen you since the other night?" he asked "I'm okay but me and Wednesday are trying to find the answers about it all.
"I didn't know you were such good friends with Wednesday?" Tyler asked whilst pouring a cup of coffee for himself "I could ask you the same thing" she said giving Tyler a pointed stare before the door opened.
"Odette what are you doing in here?" Miss Thornhill exclaimed "the mayor is talking now you should be there" she ushered her off before turning to Tyler "coffee please" she smiled "the usual".
Eli looked at the teacher whilst he grabbed the plate of Odette's croissant. "Shouldn't you be out there as well if you're their teacher" he said before Tyler kicked his ankle with hit foot "sorry I don't mean to intrude but I've just never met a teacher who disappears from their students" he shrugged
"They're capable of protecting themselves just like you boys are" she smiled sweetly before taking a sip out of her warm coffee.
There wasn't even a point of Odette going to the meeting because by the time she got there it had already finished.
"Great what I miss?" she asked Xavier and Wednesday who were standing at the back. "A badly executed pun" Wednesday said and Odette looked at Xavier "yeah no she's telling the truth it was terrible" he laughed.
"Gotta get to my job then" she said before starting to leave "great you two can go together, can you make me a coffee tho, four shots" she said before leaving.
"You have weathervane?" Xavier asked "yeah, that's why I was late I was taste testing their almond croissants" she smiled cheekily before Xavier scoffed "oh yeah well I'm going to taste test their caramel slice" he hummed.
Odette laughed slightly as they walked in Miss Thornhill still sitting down and talking to Tyler, Odette looked at Eli and he just shrugged.
"Do we need to wear the vomit coloured tops?" Odette asked him as he laughed, Xavier did too.
"Yes unfortunately you do" Eli replied before going to the back and passing them both black pants and the brown/orange T-shirts.
As the pair walked to get changed Odette turned to Xavier "you know if working with Tyler gives you some grief then you can just hang with me" she said before walking into the women's bathrooms.
Xavier nodded as he too walked into the mens where he called Ajax.
"I'm working with Odette" Xavier told him
"Oh sick, guess what?"
"I'm working with Enid"
Xavier felt happy for his friend "that's lucky" he said laughing but then he remembered "So when we walked in together I was like great I can talk to Odette more and try to regain our friendship some more and then guess who's working"
"Eli Galpin and Tyler Galpin"
"Oh shit"
"I know, so now not only do I have to make awkward eye contact with Tyler all day I have to watch Eli flirt with Odette right in front of me" he complained before hearing someone knock on the door.
"It's Odette!" her voice was muffled from the door and Xavier could hear Ajax gasp from the other side of the phone.
"Is it safe if I come in?" she laughed "yeah just wait a sec I gotta get my pants on"
"Why would you say that?" Ajax told him off through the phone as Xavier rolled his eyes "Well I'm not lying" he told him.
"Wait your putting your pants on?, dude are you taking a shi-"
Xavier turned off his phone and put it in his pocket before he walked out of the stall. He only had one mission today and it was to not be jealous of Eli Galpin and make a scene like he did last time.
He wanted to be in Odette's good books.
When he walked out of the stall to see Odette and Eli laughing over how she overflowed the coffee mug his face fell still.
This was going to be a hard day.
this is more of a filler chapter but it was so fun to write Ajax and Xaviers phone call
Ajax is actually my favourite character next to Eugene so I'll either write a book about him or put it in my plot shop
also can somebody explain to me how to get the mentality to shift like I feel like if I do shift stuff will be missing cause I'll just forget that like Yoko is a character or will it all just come to me like what do the extra's do are they there like it is so confusing to me and then I can't sleep because I'm thinking about it too much
also has anyone here shifted if so please tell me everything idc what universe
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