DELPHIA FLOWER, chapter twenty
โfamilies are weird and dysphunctional..ewโ
Parents weekend... a.k.a Odette's least favourite part of Nevermore. Watching everyone come in and be embraced by their loved ones not only made her sick but jealous.
She didn't have that.
So she watched as all her piers waited in the quad as she saw them from her bedroom window, Thing patted her shoulder before waving goodbye and she sighed to herself. They all looked happy, hugs of reunited parents, even some grandparents but Odette had nothing.
And it was all her own fault.
She killed them when Weems took her in, she lost control and killed her own family and innocents nearby. The news called it an accident in a science lab, that her parents were secret scientist who made a mistake and people died.
The thought of her parents made her sick and now looking at Xavier that's all she could think about.
That feeling made her heart break.
He was the one who saw her first, in his dreams where his visions occured, that's all she knew, she knew that he was the reason Nevermore even knew about her in the first place.
Because of Xavier Thorpe.
He's the reason Weems tried to rescue her and that's the reason she killed people. That's why she ignored him in first year but in this year they kept on seeing each other, even when they weren't planning on it, like a string was pulling them together at all costs so they were around each other.
And now she liked him and she even kissed him, multiple times actually at the end of the rave'n.
And this weekend she couldn't even look at him.
Not without all the memories she had been trying to forget for two years coming back up.
Odette did eventually end up leaving her room to go down to the quad, she stood next to Ajax with his height slightly covering her. "You now you can hang with my family if you want" he offered to her and she just gave him a tight lipped smile "I'll think about it Aj" she told him and he smiled "Yeah cause I think Xavier is as well so it would be like a little group thing" he smiled and Odette just nodded her head which hung low.
Weems got up to the microphone as Odette shifted her feet to be hidden behind Ajax, she didn't want anybody's pity.
"Nevermore was created as a safe place for our children, to learn and to grow no matter who or what they are" she announced before an applause took over before she coughed again, a serious facade setting over the quad.
"I realise that most of you have heard about the unfortunate incident involving one of our students, but I'm happy to report Eugene is on the mend and is expected to make a full recovery" she smiled and Odette could hear parents sighs of relief.
"So let's focus on the positive and make parents weekend our very best yet!" she cheered and Odette rolled her eyes before quickly walking off "where are you going?" Ajax asked whilst Odette stormed off.
Odette can be very quick when she wants to, one time coach made them run suicides and she happened to be the last one standing which was very unexpected since she always talked about her distaste to running.
Competitions on the other hand where her thing.
"Odette!" someone called out her name and her eyes widened, she knew it was Xavier she knew that voice so well by know.
How could she let herself know his voice too well.
She ignored him and kept moving on.
Xavier watched the girl walk by him with confusion. Did he do something wrong?, a week ago she asked him to go to the school dance as a couple and this week she's walking past the boy like she didn't even hear him.
Odette made her way to Miss Thornhills class to pick up Astrid, the class was supposed to pick them up on monday but with the time on her hands with the weekend she figured she could pick it up now.
When she walked in she was surprised to see Miss Thornhill already inside and on the phone "It was a mistake okay, just get it done already" she told whoever was on the other end. The door closing behind Odette made her presence known and Thornhills eye's darted towards her in agitation but calmed when she realised it was Odette.
"I'm so sorry Odette I didn't realise you walked in, what seems to be the problem" she smiled innocently and Odette's eyebrows were still furrowed with confusion from what she heard.
She had never heard miss Thornhill talk like that in her life, not even when the siren twins cause havoc in class.
Thornhills eyes followed Odette's to her phone "Oh I'm sorry I just had to call my brother, he's staying over and forgot to feed the cats" she explained and Odette just nodded her head "I didn't know you had cats?" she told her "well it's not often teachers talk about their homelife to students but I guess you caught me at a wrong time, since you were asked to pick up the plants on monday"
"I would've but I don't have any family attending this weekend so I thought I could get a head start" Odette shrugged before looking for Astrid on her tray "Oh yes, I am sorry for that by the way miss Clarence" Thornhill apologised "don't be, it's not like they were very nice people anyway" Odette shrugged before picking up Astrid and smiling at it, it was on it's way to blooming.
"The Delphia flower is magnificent" Thornhill started "she's hard to sprout, you have to be very patient" she laughed "but it is also hard to maintain, it will have good days but many bad ones it's like a game, she'll throw you battles every chance you get but when she blooms it is one of the most beautiful things you will ever see" Thorn hill explained to Odette who smiled "well she seems close to blooming"
"yet tomorrow she might droop and act dead" Thornhill says before Odette just shrugged "good to know bye miss" she called out "bye Odette" she cheerfully waved goodbye before Odette walked out of the classroom.
I wrote half of this whilst sunbaking and it felt so wrong
do you guys get where Odette is coming from?
also did you see what I did with Xavier and Odette's flower (;
does it remind you of any relationship in this book (;
it's actually a real flower I researched for ya'll
no because ya'll Georgia Farmer may be one of the most aesthetically atractive person I have ever seen in my life, do you get me
look at this shit
like the rings, the northface jumper, the hair and like the causality of it all just makes me die
like he's just chilling and we are dying like how does it feel to have that much power over women
it's scary.
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