You looked towards the entrance of the Great Hall before looking back at your book and taking a small bite. "Don't worry. He'll be here in a minute." Ron reassured. Hermione scrunched her nose as she watched Ron continue to eat. In frustration, she slapped her book to him a couple of times. "Will. You. Stop. Eating? Your best friend is missing!"
Ron furrowed his eyebrows until he spotted Harry. "Oi! Turn around, you lunatic." You and Hermione turned around to see Luna and Harry entering the Great Hall.
Ginny sighed while you moved aside so Harry could sit beside her. "He's covered in blood again," Ginny said. "Why is it he's always covered in blood?"
"Looks like it's his own this time," Ron stated as Harry sat down between you and Ginny.
"Where have you been?" Hermione asked. She furrowed her eyebrows and pointed Harry's bloody nose. "What happened to your face?"
"Later," Harry replied. "What've I missed?"
"Sorting Hat urged as all to be brave and strong in these troubled times," Ron replied. "Easy for it to say, though, huh? It's a hat, isn't it?"
Ginny took Harry's stained cloth and helped him wipe the blood off his nose. Harry smiled and gently took the napkin back from Ginny. "Thanks." Ginny smiled back in return until Dean placed his hand on top of hers, gaining her attention to him. As Ginny and Dean leaned against each other, Harry sighed, and you gave him a pat on the back.
"Very best of evenings to you all." Dumbledore greeted. "First off, let me introduce the newest member of our staff... Horace Slughorn." Students started to clap.
Dumbledore glanced at Slughorn. "Professor Slughorn, I'm happy to say, has agreed to resume his old post as Potions Master."
The headmaster cleared his throat when the clapping stopped. "Meanwhile, the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts... will be taken by Professor Snape."
"Snape?" You heard some students question in disbelief and surprise. You glanced at the Slytherin table to see them clapping proudly except for the familiar blonde whose chin was resting on his palm.
You could tell how the events of previous months and weeks have changed him. He doesn't have his hair all loose now and has used gel for a bit. His hair wasn't like his first and second years in Hogwarts, nor was it like the hairstyle you have been used to, but it was neat and styled. You liked it, though.
His skin was paler than before, and his eyes were tired. When you locked eyes with him back at the train, you could see his stress and exhaustion swimming in his eyes. His eyes were staring out of nowhere, and his food was left untouched.
While Draco's friends sat beside him and chatted around, he remained quiet, like he was alone.
"Now, as you know, each and every one of you was searched upon your arrival here tonight. And you have the right to know why." Dumbledore inhaled as he began his story.
"Once, there was a young man..." Dumbledore started. "...who, like you, sat in this very hall, walked this castle's corridors, slept under its roof. He seemed to all the world a student like any other. His name? Tom Riddle."
You looked around when students started whispering. You glanced worriedly at Ginny who slightly flinched, feeling uneasy.
"Today, of course, is known all over the world by another name."
You leaned towards Ron, who also leaned to hear you. "Yeah. It's Voldemort McNonose." You whispered with a smirk earning a snicker from Ron and small smile from Ginny. Hermione gently but annoyingly tapped your head, warning you while she slapped Ron's back.
"Which is why, as I stand looking out upon you all tonight, I'm reminded of a sobering fact." Dumbledore continued. "Every day, every hour, this very minute, perhaps... dark forces attempt to penetrate this castle's walls. But in the end, their greatest weapon is you."
You glanced at Draco, who slightly looked up. He looked away and noticed you causing you to turn away and face Dumbledore. Draco pushed his lower lip out into a frown before looking away.
"Just something to think about. Now, off to bed. Pip-pip."
Ron sighed. "That was cheerful." He commented sarcastically.
"Attention to detail in the preparation is the prerequisite of all planning." Horace Slughorn discussed. You and your classmates were in your first Potions class with Slughorn. To your surprise and delight, he was less stern than Snape and was easy to approach. You wouldn't need to worry about trembling and stuttering.
Slughorn was about to speak again but was interrupted when Harry and Ron came in late. Slughorn turned around to see Harry. "Ah. Harry, my boy, I was beginning to worry." He looked at Ron. "You've brought someone with us, I see."
Harry nudged Ron to introduce himself. "Ron Weasley, sir," Ron told Slughorn, causing a girl beside you to gasp. You flinched in surprise and raised an eyebrow at her as you looked at her. 'Calm down, Lavender. You almost suck the life out of me like a Dementor.'
Lavender Brown stared at Ron dreamily, making you look at Hermione, who gave Lavender a death glance.
Ron sighed. "But I'm dead awful at Potions, a menace, actually. So, I'm probably just going to--"
Harry blocked Ron's way with a smile while Slughorn shook his head. "Nonsense, we'll sort you out. Any friend of Harry's is a friend of mine."
You hugged your books tighter as you leaned towards Hermione. "That's cute." You whispered.
"Get your books out," Slughorn said.
Harry frowned. "I'm sorry, sir, I haven't actually got my book yet, and nor has Ron."
Slughorn smiled. "Not to worry, get what you want from the cupboard." He turned around to continue discussing the lesson. "Now, as I was saying, I prepared some concoctions this morning."
As you try to listen, you can't help but notice Harry and Ron, who were struggling to get something because they were fighting over it. You cracked a smile when Ron won and claimed the neat-looking book causing Harry to get the old and tarnished version of the book. You shook your head. 'Don't judge the book by its cover.'
Harry frowned and huffed. He slapped Ron's arm, causing Ron to chuckle. They both walked towards you and stood beside you and Hermione.
"Any ideas what these might be?" Slughorn asked. Hermione raised her hand rapidly. "Yes, Miss...?"
"Granger, sir." She answered as she walked in front. You glanced at Draco, who was looking down while he was around his Slytherin gang. "That one there is Veritaserum. It's a truth-telling serum."
"And that one..." Hermione looked at the other cauldron. "And that would be Polyjuice Potion. It's terribly tricky to make."
You smiled as you remembered your days back in your second year with your friends when the three of them took the Polyjuice Potion. Hermione then looked at the pot in front of her. "This is Amortentia. The most powerful love potion in the world. It's rumored to smell differently to each person according to what attracts them."
She stopped for a moment. "For example, I smell... freshly mown grass and new parchment, and..." Hermione paused, causing you to look at her. "...spearmint toothpaste." She finished, exhaling heavily as she walked back, standing next to you.
You noticed Hermione slightly blushing when she realized who she was attracted to. In curiosity, you leaned into the cauldron a bit closer to know what you smelled. Hermione slightly nudged you. "What do you smell?" She whispered.
"I smell... peppermint, apples... and very strong cologne. Like a real expensive one and--" You stepped back and blinked twice when you recognized who owned the smell. As Hermione smirked, you looked at a certain blonde, who was already looking at you.
Draco could smell the pot from where he was standing, and he didn't need to step in for a bit to check. When he got the first sniff, the first thing he figured out was jasmine flowers. You love flowers, and you always smell like one, especially jasmines.
When he got a second smell, he knew they were chocolates. You were obsessed with chocolates, and whenever he had a chance, Draco would send your favorite chocolates before. You, of course, soon found out that it was him all along.
He wondered who you smell from the cauldron. But by the time you looked at him after you took a small sniff, he wanted to think that it was him you smelled.
"Now, Amortentia doesn't create actual love," Slughorn explained. "That would be impossible, but it does cause powerful infatuation or obsession." Some girls in the front, Lavender, Romilda Vane, Katie Bell, and Pansy, started walking towards the pot.
"And for that reason, it is probably the most dangerous potion in this room." Slughorn placed the cover down to the pot, causing the girls who walked forward to jump a bit. They stepped back.
Pansy glanced at Daphne as she tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.
"Sir? You haven't told us what's in that one." Katie nodded her head at a small vial.
Slughorn nodded. "Oh, yes. What you see before you, ladies and gentlemen, is a curious little potion known as Felix Felicis. But it is more commonly known referred to as--"
"Liquid Luck." You interrupted, causing Draco to look at you.
Slughorn looked at you for a moment before smiling and nodding. "Yes, Ms. Stark. Liquid Luck."
You stared in surprise when he figured out who you were. Slughorn nodded. "Yes, Ms. Stark, I know you. Your father was excellent at Potions."
Stacey smirked mockingly at you. "Your father should've used that, huh, Stark?"
Daphne nudged Stacey as a warning while Hermione, Harry, and Ron sent a death glare to Stacey. You shook your head and rolled your eyes at Stacey while Slughorn frowned and furrowed his eyebrows at Stacey. "Silence, Doom."
Stacey frowned and crossed her arms when she found no one else to defend her.
"Desperately tricky to make, disastrous should you get it wrong. One sip, and you'll find that all of your endeavors succeed. At least until the effects wear off." Slughorn continued.
Draco glanced up at Slughorn before looking at the vial filled with Felix Felicis.
"So, this is what I offer each of you today. One tiny vial of Liquid Luck to the student who, in the hour that remains, manages to brew an acceptable Draught of Living Death." You opened your book to look for the recipes.
"Recipes for which can be found on page 10 of your books. Issue one doubt, however. I should point out, however, only once did a student manage to brew a potion of sufficient quality to claim this prize. Nevertheless, good luck to you all. Let the brewing commence."
You and Hermione, along with the others, went to your tables and gathered some ingredients. You went back to the table with Harry until you sniffed and realized a strong smell of cologne. You looked behind you to see Draco, who had just passed by. He gave you a quick glance before quietly starting cutting up some ingredients.
You flipped a page in your book and saw the instructions. "Cut up one Sopophorus bean." You took your small dagger and tried to cut the bean, but it kept on sliding off. You looked around when you saw the other students were also struggling.
Ron sighed and tried to cut it only for the bean to jump off, almost hitting you and Harry, causing the both of you to duck and dodge. You chuckled while Harry cracked a smile.
Meanwhile, Hermione's hand chased after the bean, which was trying to jump off when she wanted to cut it. Crabbe attempted to cut the bean on the other table until it bounced towards him and Blaise, causing the two to duck while Slughorn caught it with his hand. Draco was unbothered, and although he was struggling to cut the bean, he managed to cut it anyway.
Harry glanced at everyone before looking at his book to see that it was corrected.
CΜΆuΜΆtΜΆ ΜΆuΜΆpΜΆ one Sopophorus bean.
You watched as Harry crushed the bean with his blade. Harry turned to you and gestured for you to do it. "Go on. It releases juice better."
You blinked in surprise before following what he was doing. You and Harry brought the bean up, releasing its liquid to your cauldrons.
"How did you do that?" Hermione questioned.
"Crush it. Don't cut it." Harry replied.
Hermione shook her head in disbelief. "No. The instructions specifically say to cut." She said sternly.
"No, really." Harry glanced at his book with a smile.
Hermione turned to you. You shrugged. "Harry just told me to do it. And it does work better."
When some students started brewing and stirring, you saw Crabbe's ladle melted, earning a confused look from Goyle as the two looked down at Crabbe's boiling cauldron. Seamus, on the other hand, dropped an ingredient, and it exploded right in his face. Dean chuckled in delight.
You sighed in frustration, tied your hair up, and removed your robes, setting it down on a vacant chair. Hermione's hair was bushier and messier as she whimpered when she couldn't get the potion right. Hermione Granger, the girl who aces every subject, especially Potions, is now struggling with perfecting Draught of Living Death.
After a few moments of disastrous and catastrophic events inside the classroom for making one single potion, the timer's up, and it's time to test each potion.
"Merlin's beard!" Slughorn exclaimed with a bright smile when he dropped a leaf on Harry's potion on his cauldron. "It is perfect! So perfect I daresay one drop would kill us all!"
You and the other students gathered together where you all were standing before as Slughorn gave the Liquid Luck to Harry. Hermione frowned as she crossed her arms while Ron smiled proudly at Harry, unknowingly being stared at by Lavender from behind.
"Here we are then, as promised-one vial of Felix Felicis. Congratulations. Use it well." You and your friends, along with the other students except for the Slytherins, clapped. Slughorn clapped as well with a joyous smile painted on his face.
You looked at Draco, whose hands were tucked inside his pockets while his hair was a bit of a mess. His robes were nowhere to be found. You assumed he got warm and frustrated with the potion as well. Draco glanced at you with a blank expression causing you to look away and sigh.
Draco entered the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom alone and sat on a vacant chair, waiting for Professor Snape. None of his friends were bothered by his presence, not even Crabe nor Goyle, who were busy making each other laugh. Draco looked down at his book and opened it, trying to do something before Snape came in.
He didn't bother to look at the students who came inside the classroom. He didn't even look nor take acknowledge of the student's presence who sat beside him. He assumed it was Stacey.
Draco huffed and closed the book. His mind is too far from reading. He looked around, looking for something interesting until he looked beside him, seeing you with your face hidden in your palms. Your hair was tied into a ponytail, and your necktie wasn't neatly done.
Draco flinched before looking around. He spotted Harry, Hermione, and Ron from their seats. 'Did she mistakenly think I was one of her Gryffindor friends?' Draco slightly moved away.
You brought your hands down and stretched your arms before laying the upper half of your body to the table in boredom. Draco's eyebrows raised in surprise. You turned to him before realizing you were sitting beside him. "Oh, shit." You muttered as you fixed your sit and robes. "Sorry. I-I thought..."
Draco sighed. 'I knew it.' He gave you a side look. "It's alright. I can change seats."
Before he could sit up, you grabbed his left arm, causing the boy to widen his eyes in fear. Draco looked at you with a blank expression, trying to hide that he was panicking. "Yes?" He asked not too rudely.
"You can stay. It's not like I don't want to sit next to you." You released his arm, and Draco adjusted his sit. "You alright there, Malfoy?" You asked.
Draco deeply sighed and glanced at you. "Why do you care?" His question came out harshly. Draco mentally hit himself in the head. 'How stupid, Malfoy.'
You frowned. "Alright. No need to be so snarky." You looked away and stuck your bottom lip out. "Why do I care? I don't know. Maybe because you're awfully quiet and suspicious."
Draco rolled his eyes and faced you. "Suspicious? And why's that?"
"You're talkative." You smirked teasingly. "I know you, Malfoy."
Draco clenched his jaw before shaking his head. "You thought you do, but you don't. You don't know a bloody thing about me."
You furrowed your eyebrows and were about to speak, but Snape came in and walked in front of the class. You huffed in annoyance before opening your book when Snape started discussing.
Draco liked how Snape was teaching and how he was as a professor, but he found the topic incredibly dull. It doesn't help that he would easily get distracted because of you.
You weren't doing anything distracting. You were merely listening very carefully to Snape and writing notes with your favorite quill. At times you were tilting your head when you got interested in some words from the discussion, allowing Draco to see your neck. He softly gulped and looked away, adjusting his collar.
As seconds turned to minutes, you felt like the discussion was going on forever. You covered your mouth to hide your yawn and continued to write more notes. But soon, your vision was getting hazy, and your eyelids were started to drop. Draco noticed your notes were now filled with scribbles as you pretended to write something. You rested your cheek in your palm while your other hand clutched onto your quill.
You glanced at Snape, who was looking down at the book. 'Maybe a small nap could be nice.' You gave in to your need for sleep as Draco watched your body slump for a bit. Draco kept a lookout for Snape to see if he would see you. He took the chance to look down at your paper to find not only scribbles but a random drawing of a guyβspecifically, Draco Malfoy himself.
Snape looked up from his book, causing Draco to kick your leg. You opened your eyes as if nothing had happened, hiding your irritation that Draco kicked you to wake up. Snape didn't notice that you just woke up and turned around, facing his back to the class. You glared at Draco, who pretended to read on his own notes. "You could've just tapped me." You whispered.
"Well, that wouldn't be fun." He replied as he hid his playful smirk. "I could've let Snape catch you in your little nap, so be thankful that I saved you."
You stared at him for a while before shaking your head and continued writing notes and even adding more drawings in the corner of the paper.
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