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"Sit down, please," Dumbledore ordered causing the students to follow him. You sat beside Hermione and looked at Dumbledore. "Now the moment you all have been waiting for: the champion selection!"

Dumbledore dimmed the lights and approached the Goblet of Fire. The blue fire turned red, earning some gasps from the students. The fire spat out a paper with a name and Dumbeldore caught it. "The Durmstrang champion is Viktor Krum!"

Durmstrang students cheered for him as he stepped out. You saw Draco with his friends sitting by the Durmstrang students, clapping for Viktor Krum. 'He must be a fan.' You told yourself.

Another name spat out from the Goblet of Fire and Dumbledore caught it. "The champion for Beauxbatons is Fleur Delacour!"

Beauxbatons girls cheered for her. Fleur smiled and walked in front, joining Viktor. You looked at Fleur as you clapped and slightly nodded. 'I'm not going to lie. She looks beautiful.'

Another name was revealed. "The Hogwarts champion, Cedric Diggory!"

You clapped and gave him a small smile. He smiled and stood up until he saw you and grinned. Seamus started whistling as Cedric joined Fleur and Viktor. "Excellent! We now have our three champions! But in the end, only one will go down in history."

Barty Crouch set something down on the front, covered with a blanket aa Dumbledore continued his speech. "Only one will hoise this chalice of champions... this vessel of victory..." He turned around and pointed at the covered object. "The Triwizard Cup!" The blanket flew off revealing the Triwizard Cup.

Snape was the first one to notice that something was wrong with the Goblet of Fire. Dumbledore saw him so he turned around to the Goblet and walked towards it. You and the other students looked at it and saw it spat another paper with a name. Harry stood up to see what was happening.

Dumbledore caught it and gasped. "Harry Potter." He whispered. He looked around to look for the Boy Who Lived. "Harry Potter?" He asked.

Harry gulped. 'Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.' He thinks and slowly sat down.

"No. No. No." Hagrid shook his head.

"Harry Potter!" Dumbledore yelled.

"Go on, Harry." You whispered, gently pushing him.

Hermione sighed in frustration. "Harry, for goodness sake!" She whispered and pushed Harry. Harry hesitantly walked towards in front. You saw Ron looking at Harry angrily causing you to sigh.

Harry noticed Dumbledore staring at him as he gave the parchment with his name on it. Harry hesitantly took the parchment and joined the other champions.

"He's a cheat!"

"He's not even 17 yet!"

You watched as Harry looked at the professors, nervously. You looked at Hermione who's sighing and looked down. Gazing back at Harry, your breath hitched and your lips pressed into a thin line in worry.


The next day, you were walking around by yourself, looking for your Ron and Hermione. You saw Peter talking to his friends. He saw you and started to worry. He excused himself from his friends and ran towards you. "(Y/n)."

"Peter." You greeted back with a small smile.

"About your father..." Peter sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. "I-I'm so sorry. It was never easy. I know. I experienced that with my own father and my Uncle Ben."

You sighed. "It's fine Peter." You looked behind him to see his friends. "I think your friends need you now."

Peter glanced at his friends. "No, they can wait."


He suddenly hugged you making you jump in surprise. "I'm here for you, okay? I'll be here when you need a shoulder to cry on."

You nodded and hugged him back. "Thank you, Peter."

"I hope I'm not interrupting the moment."

You and Peter pulled away to see Cedric Diggory approaching you and Peter. "Hello, Peter. Hello, (Y/n)." Cedric sadly smiled. "I'm sorry about your father."

"It's alright." You said until you smiled. "Congratulations, by the way, Diggory. I'm sure you can do it."

He chuckled and scratched the back of his head. "Thank you, (Y/n). Congratulations on Harry too, I guess."

You sighed. "I know he didn't do it. He could never."

Cedric nodded. "Yeah, no, I agree with you." He glanced away. "I saw him when I placed my name in the Goblet of Fire. I even heard his conversation with Ron Weasley. He didn't want to join."

"Cedric! Peter!"

You, Cedric, and Peter turned to their friends. "We have to go." Peter frowned. "See you later!"

You waved at them before walking away to find your friends. Soon, you found them with Ginny and Megan heading to the Black Lake to talk to Harry. You joined them and got out of the castle.

Megan walked beside you and slightly nudged you. "How are you feeling?"

"I should be asking you that." You replied.

"Yeah, but..." Megan sighed. "You were there. You saw him. You saw how he..." She was unable to finish the sentence and clenched her fist.

You saw her struggling to finish her sentence so you placed a hand on her shoulder. "It's okay, Megan. I'm..." You hesitated to say the words but you took a deep breath. "I'm fine."

Megan pulled out a letter from her pocket and gave it to you. "I found this on the Owlery. Mum sent this to both of us. You should read it later."

You nodded and took the letter. "Thanks." You and your friends were walking towards Harry who was sitting by the lake with Neville who was also there. Neville noticed you and the others causing him to wave. Harry noticed him so he looked behind me and stood up.

"It's already been through enough people," Hermione whispered to Ron. "Why don't you just go and talk to him yourself?"

Ron whispered something to Hermione causing her to scoff. "Ron, this is your problem, not mine." She turned to Ron and faced him. "What do you want me to say again?"

Ron whispered again to Hermione causing her to take a deep breath and walked towards Harry. "Ronald would like me to tell you that Seamus told him that Dean was told by Parvarti that Hagrid's looking for you."

"Is that right?" Harry asked as he faced Ron until he tried to find for some words to say. "Well... what?"

Hermione started to panic so she walked back to Ron. "Are you sure you won't do this?"

"Do it," Ron whispered back.

Hermione walked back to Harry. "Uh... Dean was told by Parvarti..." She took a deep breath and sighed. "Please don't ask me to say it again. Hagrid is looking for you." Hermione started to walk back to Ron and you but Harry stopped her.

"Well, you can tell Ronald..."

Hermione quickly turned to Harry. "I'm not an owl!"

Hermione walked away, dragging Ginny with her, and Ron followed her but you stayed behind. Megan turned to you and you nodded at her, gesturing for her to go. Once your friends and sister were gone, you approached Harry and Neville.

"Hello, Neville." You greeted as you walked beside Harry and put your hands on your pockets. Neville looked at you and waved with a smile.

You smiled at him in return then turned to Harry. "You two should really talk about this. All of this."

"Well, he wouldn't listen." Harry scoffed and sat back in his place. You sat beside him and stared at the sky. "I didn't want to argue with him. He just wouldn't listen to me."

"Life always gives us obstacles. Especially on friendship." You told Harry as you looked at him. "Either you two work together to pass those obstacles, or just give up."

"How are you so good in advices?" Harry asked, smiling.

"Yeah?" You asked, chuckling a bit tiredly. "Sometimes, I experienced those but sometimes, I didn't. I'll just have to pretend I'm in that situation then analyze then make it as an advice."

"Huh." Harry stared back to the lake, nodding.

"The thing is," you sighed and threw a rock on the lake, of course not hitting Neville. "I keep on advising people but I couldn't apply them to myself." You lean your head to his shoulder while he leaned his head to yours.


You and Draco were at the Courtyard, sitting under the tree. His head was laying on your lap, eyes closed while you were reading a book.

As you read, you saw something odd. Words started to disarrange. They were forming new words. Finally, it stopped and it reads: "you couldn't save your own father, you pathetic little girl."

"Avada Kedavra!"

"Gah!" You quickly closed your book and put it down, hitting Draco's face, not knowing Draco's head was still in your lap.

"Ow!" Draco yelped.

You jumped in surprise and looked down. You removed your book away and placed it to his stomach so you could see his face. "Sorry..."

Draco looked at you and frowned. "Are you alright?"

"I should be asking you that." You stifled a laugh.

Draco sat up, taking your book, and caressed your cheek. "I'm alright. I know you aren't."

You took your book and looked at the page you were reading. The words were in their right places again making you sigh in relief. You dropped your head on Draco's shoulder and closed your book. "Just seeing things, that's all."

"You're a right foul git, you know that?" Harry yelled to Ron. You heard him so you quickly stood up and looked at them.

"You think so?" Ron asked.

"I know so!" Harry exclaimed.

"Anything else?"

"Yeah, stay away from me!"

"Fine." Ron pushed Harry away with his shoulder with Seamus.

Harry rolled his eyes and walked away but you stopped him. "Harry."

"You stink, Potter!" You heard someone yelled causing you to glare at the person then looked back at Harry. "Don't listen to them. They're idiots."

Harry just nodded. "Thanks, (Y/n)."

You, Harry, and Draco continued to walk but were stopped by a voice. "Why so tense, Potter?" Stacey asked as she approached you with Millicent, Crabbe, and Goyle. She suddenly saw you and smirked. "Oh! Stark! I heard your daddy died. So weak. Both of you. You couldn't even save him."

Stacey snickered and Draco growled, stepping forward to her. "She's strong in ways you'd never know."

Harry stepped forward too, standing beside Draco. "We don't give a damn what you think and say. You're just pathetic!"

Stacey widened her eyes. "Pathetic?" Stacey pulled out her wand and so did Draco.

"Oh no, you don't, sonny!" Moody comes out and transfigured Draco into a platinum blond ferret instead of Stacey. "I'll teach you to curse someone when their back is turned!"

Moody proceeded to flick the ferret up and down, probably thinking he got Stacey or he thought Draco was the one who's bullying you and Harry. "You stinky, cowardly, scummy..." Moody muttered.

"Malfy-Poo!" Pansy shrieked when she spotted and recognized Draco. She was about to reach for Draco but Daphne pulled her back.

Professor McGonagall came and was running up to Professor Moody. "Professor Moody!"

"Back-shooting..." Moody continued to mutter. Students started to gather around and laughed.

McGonagall looked at Moody confusingly. "Wha-What are you doing?"

"Teaching," Moody answers, still not looking at McGonagall, still focused on the ferret.

"Is that a... is that a student?"

"Technically, it's a ferret." Then he dumps the ferret down Crabbe's trousers.

You saw students circling around, giggling and laughing in amusement. You also saw Cedric crossing his arms with a big smile. He glanced at you causing you to look away.

Goyle ran towards Crabbe. "Stand still! Stand still!" He attempted to remove the ferret from Crabbe's trousers, only to be bitten.

Moody turned and winked at Harry, who was laughing gleefully. You glared at Harry and nudged him. Harry frowned. "Come on. It's pretty funny."

You sighed and softly chuckled. "Maybe." The ferret crawled out of Crabbe's trousers. The ferret quickly ran up to you, trying to escape Moody. You picked the ferret up and smiled. "It kinda suits you." You whispered with a smile.

You heard the ferret squeaked until McGonagall pulled her wand out. "Ms. Stark, please lay him down on the ground." You nodded and set the ferret down. McGonagall turned Draco back into his normal human self.

Draco stood up and almost lost his balance but you held him. His hair was now messy and covered with some dried leaves. Draco turned to Moody. "My father will hear about this!"

Moody widened his eyes. "Is that a threat?"

Draco widened his eyes, turned, and ran around the tree as Moody chased after him.

"Professor Moody..." McGonagall tried to call the old man out.

"Is that a threat?" Moody continued to chase Draco, ignoring McGonagall.


"I could tell you stories about your father that would curl even your greasy hair, boy!" Moody yelled as Draco hid behind your back.


"It doesn't end here!"

"Alastor," Finally, Moody looked at McGonagall. "We never use transfiguration as a punishment! Surely, Dumbledore told you that?"

"He might've mentioned it," Moody mumbled, looking down.

"Well, you will do well to remember it," McGonagall said sternly then turned around to the group of students standing nearby. "Away!"

As she walked away, Moody stuck his tongue out at her mockingly causing you to chuckle. Moody turned to you, trying to ignore that Draco was behind you. "Ms. Stark. I'm sorry about the spider, by the way. I know what happened."

You stared at him and slowly nodded. "I understand, professor. You were teaching and I was being emotional."

Moody shook his head. "No, Ms. Stark. Being emotional is alright. I was being insensitive. I apologize."

You smiled at him and glanced at Draco. "I think you made it up to me by turning him into a ferret." You smirked.

Draco looked up at you and softly gasped, slightly slapping your arm while Moody chuckled. "Ah, yes. Glad to lighten up your mood." He gave one last glare to Draco before turning to Harry. "You. Come with me." He gestured Harry to come with him and he walked away with Harry.

You let out a small chuckle and turned to Draco who was fixing his hair. You held his hands, so he could stop. "I think messy hair suits you. Moody was wrong about your hair, though. About it being greasy." You ran your fingers through his hair, plucking the leaves out. "It's soft."

Draco huffed. "I didn't like what you told Moody. I can't believe you're taking his side."

"Because you did look adorable being a ferret." You smiled.

"Why did he have to cast a spell on me?" Draco gritted his teeth. "It should've been Stacey."

"Remember when we're both in our first year?" You asked. "You said you didn't want to be a ferret. But you became one. Draco Malfoy the bouncing ferret."

Draco slightly gasped. "Shut up." He whined and leaned his forehead to yours. Your eyes slightly widened and slowly smiled, ignoring your heart beating faster. You watched his closed eyes and his bottom lip sticking out. Your hand moved up to touch his cheek before chuckling. "I don't think I won't stop teasing you about being a ferret, ferret boy."

Draco opened his eyes as he stared at you with no enthusiasm. You softly gulped. His gaze was weakening you that you swore that you couldn't feel your legs anymore. He opened his mouth to speak. "If you try teasing me again I might look for a way to shut you up."

Your confidence suddenly increased inside you as you smirked. "Then I'll be looking forward to it, ferret." You poked his nose and walked away, leaving Draco stunned. He slightly scoffed before smirking and stuffing his hands into his pockets. "You really are something, Stark."

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