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Harry, Ron, and Hermione insisted to come with you wherever you go to keep you protected after Pansy's Howler. You didn't need help because you were strong enough to handle yourself but you appreciated your friends' worrying and protecting you.

You and your three friends were heading to the next class until you saw the girls' bathroom. You tapped Hermione's shoulder. "Hey. You and the boys should go."


"I have to go to the bathroom. I'm fine."

She looked around and made sure no one was following. She nodded and smiled. "Okay. Are you sure you don't want me to wait outside?"

You nodded. "Yeah. I can handle her anyway."

Hermione sighed. "Alright." She gave you a small wave and ran towards the boys but she went to a different classroom since she was taking a different class.

You went inside the bathroom and looked at yourself in the mirror. You sighed and looked down at the sink, turning on the faucet and washing your hands. You dried your hands off and took your hair tie off letting your hair down. You fixed it before tying it back into half ponytail.

Once you were done, you took a deep breath and got out of the bathroom. Just as you turned around to head to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, you spotted Draco Malfoy in the hallway, waiting for someone.

Your eyes widened and you quickly walked away to avoid him. 'Please don't notice me. Please don't notice me.'

But he did.

"Stark." You winced when he called out your name. You frowned and turned around to look at him. Your eyes landed on his arm and noticed that it wasn't on a sling. "Why isn't your arm on a sling?" You asked.

He looked down at his injured arm. "It's just a scratch. Nothing too serious." He scoffed then turned to you. "Why do you care all of a sudden, Stark?"

You blinked in surprise. "Oh, sorry. Was I not supposed to care? Alright, I'll be on my merry way and ignore you for the rest of the school year. Or maybe I should avoid you for the rest of my life."

You were about to walk away but he ran towards you and grabbed your arm. "What?" You asked.

He looked at you and didn't say anything. You stared at each other for a while. Your eyes narrowed in confusion while he maintained his stoic expression. Your eyes slightly widened when you can faintly hear your heart beating just by looking into his cold grey eyes. Draco's lips formed a smirk. "You're blushing, Stark."

You furrowed my eyebrows and quickly yanked your arm back. "No, I'm not."

He crossed his arms and looked down at you. "Your face is red. You're clearly blushing."

"So you just stopped me from walking away just to see me blush and then tease me?" You asked as you crossed your arms as well and held your head high.

He shrugged. "Maybe."

You pretended to understand and gave him a fake smile. "Well, I hope you're happy, Malfoy." You walked away and headed to the classroom, leaving Draco.

You looked for Harry and Ron, standing just between them as the other students started to come inside the classroom. Draco and his gang were the last ones to enter the classroom. Professor Lupin showed a cabinet and the cabinet shook violently making every student flinch.

"Intriguing, isn't it? Would anyone like to venture a guess as to what is inside of it?" Lupin asked as he stepped forward.

"That's a boggart, sir." Dean Thomas answered.

"Very good, Mr. Thomas." Lupin smiled with a nod. "Now, can anyone tell me what a boggart looks like?"

"No one knows." Hermione suddenly appeared beside you and Ron.

"When did she get here?" Ron asked you and Harry as he looked at Hermione in shock.

"Boggarts are shape-shifters. They take the shape of whatever you fear the most. That's what makes them so--"

"So terrifying, yes, yes, yes." Lupin interrupted as he nodded and walked towards the wardrobe. "Luckily, there's a simple charm that exists to repel upon it." He said as he faced his students. The cabinet shook again causing all of you to jump in surprise. "Let's practice it now."

Some students were about to pull out their wands but Lupin stopped them. "Without wands. Please." He smiled a bit and cleared his throat. "Now repeat after me, without wands please, repeat after me, Riddikulus."

"Riddikulus!" You and the other students repeated.

Lupin smiled again. "Very good. A little louder please, and very clearly. Rid-di-kulus."


Under his breath, Draco scoffed and shook his head. "This class is ridiculous." You looked at him above your shoulder and saw him crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. Crabbe nodded, agreeing with him. You shook your head and put your attention back to Lupin.

"Very good." Lupin grinned. "Well, so much for the easy. You see, the incantation alone is enough. What really finishes a boggart is laughter. You need to force it to assume a shape you find truly amusing. Let me explain." Lupin looked for a student. "Neville! Would you join me, please?"

Neville looked around him, scared. "Come on, don't be shy. Come on." Lupin said calmly. Neville stepped out from the crowd and now he is facing Lupin. "Hello," Lupin said in a small voice. "Neville, what frightens you most of all?"

"Pfsr Snpe," Neville mumbled.

Lupin raised his eyebrow. "I'm sorry?" He asked, not sure of what he heard from Neville.

Neville took a deep breath. "Professor Snape." He said louder.

Then there was laughter from the students while you just smiled and crossed your arms. Lupin chuckled. "Professor Snaโ€”yes, he frightens all." He looked at Neville. "And I believe you live with your grandmother?"

"Yes," Neville answered. "But I don't want that boggart to turn into her either."

The students laughed again and you heard Draco's snickers. "No." Lupin shook his head as he glanced at the closet. "It won't. I want you to picture her clothes, only her clothes, very clearly in your mind."

"She carries a red handbag--" Once Neville started describing his grandmother's, Lupin shook his head and stopped him. "We don't need to hear. As long as you see it, we'll see it, okay?"

Neville nodded. "Now, when I open that wardrobe, here's what I want you to do." He stepped closer to Neville and whispered something. You looked at Ron who just shrugged. "Imagine Professor Snape in your grandmother's clothes." Lupin smiled and looked down at Neville. "Can you do that?"

Neville's eyes widened and he gasped as Lupin pulled out his wand. "Yes. Wand at the ready." Neville pulled out his own wand and gulped. "One, two, three." Lupin unlocked the wardrobe and the door slowly opened, revealing the boggart has transformed itself as Snape and dramatically walked out from it.

Lupin got behind Neville. "Think, Neville, think." Boggart-Snape walked towards Neville and stopped just right in front of him. "Riddikulus!" Neville yelled and the Boggart-Snape's clothes transformed into Neville's grandmother's clothes.

The students laughed as the Boggart-Snape looked at himself and then at the audience. Lupin started laughing too. "Wonderful, Neville, wonderful! Incredible. Now, to the back now, Neville. Everyone, form a line."

Neville, with a smile on his face, started walking to the back of the line. You stood just behind Ron and noticed Neville got pushed by Stacey. You glared at Stacey while she stuck a tongue out to you.

"Now, I want everyone to picture the thing they fear the very most," Lupin said as he dropped the needle to the record spinning. "And turn it into something funny." Music started playing. "Next! Ron! Concentrate. Face your fear. Be brave!"

Ron stepped forward and the boggart turned into a giant spider. You looked to the side as you observed the huge spider. 'It looks like a black widow but who knows.' Ron started to whimper and slowly pulled out his wand as the spider slowly approached him. "Wand at the ready, Ron. Wand at the ready."

"Riddikulus!" The spider started sliding on the floor because of the spell that gave the spider's feet rollerblades. Lupin laughed. "Yes! Do you see? Very good, very good!" Lupin gestured you to step forward as he praised Ron.

You stepped forward and waited for the boggart to change form. You took a deep breath and thought about what the boggart might transform into. 'Well, I am afraid of snakes and being alone, and my dad dying, and... oh no.'

The boggart changed into Edward Stark. Your eyes widened as some students started whispering. There's just one thing odd about the boggart as your father. He was standing there motionless and pale. Then he suddenly fell on the ground, lifeless. His once dark brown eyes started to become dull and were staring into your eyes. His mouth was slightly opened like his soul just came out from there.

Lupin furrowed his eyebrows and looked at you worriedly. You inhaled sharply, taking your wand out, and pointed it at the boggart. "You're not real," I whispered. "Riddikulus!"

The boggart stood up and burst into smoke. Everyone was silent and staring at you. You breathed heavily as you brought your arm down. Draco looked at you in worry as you stared at the place where the boggart once was. You couldn't think of anything funny with it. The sight was too horrible. 

"Well, that wasn't funny." A voice spoke out from the crowd. You and the other students turned to Stacey who blinked in confusion. "What?"

"Hush up, Ms. Doom." Lupin scolded. He turned to you and gave you a sad smile. "Thank you, Ms. Stark. Do you need some water or some air?" 

You shook your head. "I'm fine, professor." You went at the back of the line until Ron placed his hands on your shoulder and looked at you worriedly. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." You nodded and didn't look up at him. "I'll be fine..."

He hesitated at first but he just nodded too and faced front again, looking at the next student whose boggart was a snake. You walked past Draco and hugged yourself. Draco stared at you as you tried to focus on your classmates facing their fears.

"Part of the journey is the end."

You shut your eyes closed and tried not to cry so you wouldn't disturb the class. 'They are having fun. I don't want to interrupt it.' You cleared your throat and saw Harry stepped in forward.

Draco was about to approach you but Stacey pulled him towards her and pointed at Harry, whispering an insult. It took Harry a while to figure out what he fears the most until it showed a dementor.

Lupin, who was eating a red apple, acted quickly and stepped in front of Harry. The boggart changed into a moon. "Riddikulus!" It became a balloon and started flying around the room.

Your eyes narrowed in surprise. 'How odd.' You thought to yourself. 'Why is he afraid of the moon unless...'

Lupin opened the wardrobe and the boggart went inside. He locked it and faced the students. "Sorry about that. That's enough for today. I would like you to collect your books from the back of the class. That's the end of the lesson. Thank you!"

The students groaned in disappointment. Lupin apologized again as the students walked out of the classroom.

"(Y/n)!" Hermione jogged towards you and hugged you from behind. "I'm not gonna ask if you're alright because you're clearly not."

You stifled a laugh and nodded. "Clearly."

"Since we have free time because Professor Lupin ended the class early. Do you want to go to the library?" She asked, pulling away.

You thought for a moment before shrugging. "Sure..."

Before you and Hermione could go farther, Lupin stepped out of the classroom. "Ms. (Y/n)?" You and Hermione turned around to face the teacher. "Can we talk?"


"Avada Kedavra!"

"(Y/n), no!"

Edward gasped and opened his eyes wide as he quickly sat up and looked around frantically. Vivian jumped in surprise on the other couch when she saw his husband. "Eddie? Are you alright?"

Edward was breathing heavily and he ran his fingers through his hair. "Just a... nightmare."

"Again?" Vivian asked worriedly and sat beside him on the other side of the couch. "What is it this time?"

"(Y/n)..." He whispered as he placed his face on his palms. Vivian sighed and helped her husband lay on her lap. Edward laid his head on Vivian's lap, sighing heavily. 

"It's not real. Okay? Whatever it is." She reassured. Edward nodded slowly and closed his eyes. "God, I hope so..."

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