"Hello, Megan!" You greeted as You walked down the stairs from the Common Room. You saw her sitting just down the stairs so you decided to sit with her. "How are you?"
"I can't say if good or not..." Megan sighed and looked down at her shoes. "Ginny has been acting weird."
"What kind of weird?" You asked her as you tied your hair into a ponytail.
Megan looked at you in worry. "I-I can't even describe it."
You sighed and opened your arms for her. She smiled and hugged you tightly. You hugged her back and kissed the top of her head. "Just tell me anything, alright? If you have any problems."
"I don't know how you handled this last year. I miss Mum and Dad. Terribly." Megan admitted a tear rolled down from her eye. "And with these horrific events... it's just a little too much."
You smiled sadly and pulled away from the hug. You wiped her tears away. "I miss Mum and Dad too. You'll get used to it soon. Just write them letters if you miss them, okay? And for the events happening, it'll get over soon."
"I miss them 3000..." She giggled. You chuckled and hugged her once again. "You okay now?"
You felt her nodded. "Yeah..." She mumbled.
"Come on. We might be late for our classes." You pulled away from the hug and stood up. She stood up as well and you were about to open the door but Megan stopped you. "What is it?"
"Are you alright?" She asked.
You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. "Yes, of course. Why'd you ask?"
"The snake was about to attack you." She said in worry. "I heard it from Draco. He was worried. He was blaming himself for conjuring the snake."
You blinked in surprise. "Oh..."
It was Christmas Day so you and your sister decided to stay at Hogwarts. It was the second time you haven't spent your time with your whole family during Christmas. You wish you could be with them the next holiday. Hermione noticed you, your sister, Harry, and Ron so she went to the table, placing her plate on the table, and sat beside you. "Everything's set. We just need a bit of who we are changing into."
"Crabbe and Goyle," Harry answered. Ron nodded along
"We also need to make sure that the real Crabbe and Goyle can't burst in while we're interrogating Malfoy," Hermione added.
"How?" Ron asked.
"I've got it all worked out." Hermione showed you a muffin-looking food and placed it on the table. "I filled these with a simple Sleeping Draught. Simple, but powerful. Now, once they're asleep hide them in the broomstick cupboard and pull out a few of their hairs and put on their uniforms."
The two boys exchanged looks while Megan snickered. "Who are you getting, Mione?" You asked her.
"Millicent Bulstrode. Slytherin. I've already gotten hers. I got this off her robes." She smirked. "Now, (Y/n), Megan, and I are going to check on the Polyjuice Potion. Make sure that..." she grabbed the two muffins. "Crabbe and Goyle find these."
Not long after, the boys finally succeeded from their small mission and returned to the abandoned girls' lavatory. Hermione started pouring the Polyjuice on their glasses. "We'll have exactly one hour before we exchange back into ourselves."
As Hermione gave out the three glasses containing the Potion, Ron looked at you and Megan with furrowed eyebrows. "Hey. Why aren't you two getting one?"
You shrugged. "Megan and I have to make sure that you three will be okay and won't get caught. Besides, one of us should be the one normal so if anything goes wrong, we could take you to Madam Pomfrey."
Ron just nodded and Hermione handed them their glasses. "Add the hairs." They added the hairs. Harry looked at me and frowned. "You two should've gotten Pansy or Stacey."
Megan scrunched her nose in disgust. "Ew. Why would I be the pug-faced girl?"
You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms. "And no way in hell am I disguising as Stacey Doom."
"Eugh..." Ron complained as he smelled the Potion. "Essence of Crabbe..."
"Cheers," Hermione stated. They clinked their glasses and started drinking. Once they swallowed it, they started feeling terrible. Harry started to drink more while Ron shook his head. "I think I'm gonna be sick." He dropped the glass until Hermione dropped hers too. "Me too."
Ron and Hermione went to different cubicles while Harry stayed. You turned to Megan and nodded. "Go check on them." Megan obliged and you stayed with Harry. You watched him slowly changing into Goyle. "Harry?" I asked.
Harry, as Goyle, looked at you in surprise and nodded. The two of you heard one of the cubicles' doors creaking causing you two to turn around to see Ron as Crabbe. He looked at himself, shocked that it worked. Harry and Ron stared at each other after changing into Crabbe and Goyle.
"Bloody hell!" Ron exclaimed.
"You still sound like yourselves." You told them both. You glanced at Ron. "You need to sound more like Crabbe."
"Um... Bloody hell." Ron repeated but in a lower voice.
Harry smiled. "Excellent."
"But where's Hermione?" Ron asked.
"I..." The three of you heard Hermione spoke. "I don't think I'm going! You go without me!"
"Hermione? Are you okay?" I asked her, knocking at the cubicle she's in.
"Umm...I'm not sure! Just go. You're wasting time!" Hermione yelled.
You turned to the two boys. "You two better go. Megan and I are going to look after her."
The two boys nodded and ran away. You sighed and knocked at the door again. "Hermione, let me in. It's just me." She opened the door and you saw her face making you gasp.
Harry and Ron managed to get out of the bathroom and looked for the Slytherin Common Room. "I think the Slytherin Common Room's this way." Harry pointed to the left side.
"Okay," Ron responded. The two started walking until the two of them heard a voice.
"Excuse me."
The two froze when they heard Percy Weasley's stern voice. Ron gasped. "What are you doing dow--" Harry cut Ron off by nudging him. Ron glanced at him and realized his mistake. "I mean, what are you doing down here?" He asked with a lower voice.
Percy looked at the two confusingly, not knowing it was Harry and Ron. "I happen to be a school prefect." He raised his eyebrow. "You on the other hand have no business wandering these corridors of this time at night."
The two boys nodded until Percy asked a question. "What are your names again?"
Harry was about to speak, his brain unable to function properly due to panic and stress. "I'm..."
"Crabbe! Goyle!"
'Oh yeah. That's our names.' Harry sighed in relief until he realized whose voice it belonged to. Harry and Ron turn around to see Draco Malfoy coming towards them. "Where have you two been? Pigging out in the Great Hall all this time?"
Draco stood between Harry and Ron until he caught Harry, who was disguising as Goyle, wearing glasses. He looked at him confusingly with his eyebrows furrowed. "Why are you wearing glasses?"
"Oh! Umm..." Harry took his glasses off and looked at Draco. "Reading." He excused.
"Reading?" He asked in bewilderment and observing him for a few moments. "I didn't know you could read."
Harry nodded in silence, not knowing what to say next. Draco raised his eyebrows in surprise before turning to Percy. "And what are you doing down here, Weasley?"
"Mind your attitude, Malfoy." Percy warned and glared.
Draco suddenly walked away and the two boys followed him leaving Percy.
You sighed as you ran your fingers through your hair as Megan stared at Hermione, still in surprise. Hermione had a face of a cat instead of Millicent Bulstrode. You glanced at Hermione before sighing. "I'm gonna try looking for a book to help you with this. Maybe I could also go look about the monster hidden in the Chamber as we wait for the boys."
Megan held your wrist. "I'm coming with you."
You shook your head. "You should stay with Hermione." You patted her head before running away to head to the library.
Draco, Harry, and Ron entered the Slytherin Common Room. Harry and Ron were standing awkwardly in front of Draco who flopped on the couch. He looked at the two confusingly. "Well, sit down."
Harry and Ron exchanged looks before sitting down on the couch behind them. "The Weasleys should've never been pure-bloods," Draco stated. Ron looked at him with his eyebrows furrowed. "The way they behave. They're an embarrassment to the wizarding world. All of them."
Harry noticed Ron clenching his fist and was ready to charge at Draco in anger. "What's wrong with you Crabbe?" The blonde boy asked.
Harry glanced at Ron who was still glaring angrily at Draco so he nudged him and Ron snapped back. He cleared his throat. "Sorry. Stomachache."
Draco just shook his head. "You know, I'm surprised that the Daily Prophet hasn't got a report from all of these attacks. I suppose Dumbledore's trying to hash it all up."
Harry and Ron continued to listen.
"Father always said that Dumbledore was the worst thing that ever happened to this place," Draco added making Harry furious.
"You're wrong!" Harry exclaimed.
Draco flinched. There was silence as Draco glared at Harry and Harry gulped. Ron looked at his friend with a worried look. Draco stood up and faced the two. "What? You think there's someone here who's worse than Dumbledore?" Harry lowered his head while Ron shook his head. "Well? Do you?" He asked.
Harry thought for a moment until a name came out of my mind. "Harry Potter?" He questioned.
Draco hesitated at first and sighed. "Maybe." He answered.
Harry blinked in surprise. 'Maybe?'
"Saint Potter." Draco hissed. "And people actually think that he's the Heir of Slytherin?"
Harry and Ron glanced at each other then looked back at Draco. "But then you must have some idea behind it all?" Harry asked him as Draco walked around.
"You know I don't Goyle," Draco answered as he leaned on a desk and took a small green box. "I told you yesterday. How many times do I have to tell you?"
He brought the box near his ear and shook it. He stopped and looked at Harry. "Is this yours?"
Harry shook his head in response. Draco hid the box in the pocket of his robe. 'Bloody snatcher.'
"My father did say this: it's been fifty years since the Chamber has been opened," Draco stated. "He wouldn't tell me who opened it. Only that they were expelled."
The two Gryffindors disguised as two Slytherin boys kept on listening. "The last time the Chamber of Secrets was opened, a Muggle-born died." Draco continued. "So it's only a matter of time before one of them is killed this time. As for me, I hope it's not Granger."
Harry and Ron looked at each other confusingly. Ron's eyes widened in realization.
"With the look on your faces, you think that I fancy Granger. Bloody hell no." Draco gritted his teeth. "I already told you guys who I like and I'm not gonna change her for Granger."
"Who is it?" Ron asked in curiosity causing Harry to nudge him.
Draco looked at them confusingly. "Are you two that forgetful? Since the first year! You know who! Don't act like you two don't know it." He brought out the box that was in his pocket and started to open it.
He brought the thing out and the two Gryffindors saw a bracelet.
Draco was confused and so we Harry and Ron. He looked at the box for more and he saw a letter. He read it out loud.
β β β β I got you a gift since you gave me one but this doesn't mean I forgive you that easily. What you said to Hermione was horrible and bullying my friends isn't good either.
β β β β However, I suppose I can give you this last chance. You're not that bad but you are terrible to my friends. I could help you change your ways if you want. It will take time to forgive you.
(Y/n) Stark
β β β β P.S. I heard that you were worried about me. I'm well and alive.
Draco suddenly smiled. "So the box was for me after all. It's from (Y/n)." He said and wore the bracelet. He looked at Harry and Ron. "Remember her?"
The two both nodded.
"She's the girl I like." He smiled warmly. "And I hope nothing bad happens to her."
You managed to sneak past the school prefects who were on a patrol. You arrived at the library and quickly looked around the bookshelves. A drop of water suddenly landed on your shoulder causing you to look at it. 'Oh great, there's a puddle of water in the library.'
You sighed as you continued your search to look for a cure for Hermione. 'Hmm...' You looked everywhere until you spotted a book.
You pulled it out of the shelf and opened the book to look for the possible monster that could be hiding in the Chamber of Secrets.
As you flip through pages, you suddenly saw something. "The Basilisk..." You leaned closer to see what was on the page. "One of the many fearsome beasts and monsters that roam our land, there is none more curious or more deadly than the Basilisk." You read in a soft tone so no one could hear you.
You quickly looked for a quill and a paper and conveniently found one just by the other side. You quickly went there and scribbled some notes. "The Basilisk has a murderous stare, and all who are fixed with the beam of its eye shall suffer instant death."
Before you could write any notes, you came to a realization. "If the Basilisk's stare could kill anyone, then that means the students who were Petrified looked at it indirectly. But where could it be?"
You wrote down the last note before folding the paper and placing it down in your pocket. You set the quill down and placed back the book on its correct shelf. You were about to leave until you noticed a pair of large yellow eyes staring at you in the puddle of water.
Harry and Ron ran off and ignored Draco's calls when the Polyjuice Potion was wearing off its effects. The two boys went straight to the Moaning Myrtle's bathroom and went to Hermione's cubicle. Megan was there but the door was still closed. "Hermione! Come out! We got loads to tell you!" Harry exclaimed.
"Go away!" Hermione yelled.
Ron looked around. "Where's (Y/n)?" He asked.
"She went to the library or back to the Common Room," Megan replied. "She said she's gonna help Hermione and look for the monster hidden in the Chamber."
"Help Hermione?" Harry asked. "On what?"
Moaning Myrtle came out. "Wait until you see. It's awful." She went behind Harry, Ron, and Megan as she giggled.
"Hermione?" Harry asked again opened the door. "A-Are you okay?"
Ron's eyes widened while Harry couldn't see her clearly so he quickly got his glasses. "Do you remember me telling you that the Polyjuice Potion was only for human transformations?" Hermione asked. "It was cat hair I plucked off Millicent Bulstrode's robes." Once Harry has put his glasses on, Hermione turned around, showing her face. "Look at my face." She sighed.
Myrtle kept laughing while Ron smiled and giggled. "Look at your tail!"
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