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Luke had awoken from his dream with a start. "Amelia.." He whispered.

Ten years ago today, Luke Castellan met his first demi-god friend. His best friend, to be exact. Amelia Richardson lived her life with monsters chasing her everywhere she went. She had been left all alone after her parents death at the hands of a monster.

Amelia's adoptive parents died when she was only six. The same day Luke met the girl, the same day she lost her parents, was also the same day she let out her last breath. At the age of eleven, the unclaimed demi-god took her last breath.

That day she met the older boy who was battered and bruised just like her, was the day she found her best friend.

She lived the next five years (the rest of her short life) with Luke, being sent from one foster home to another. Whenever they tried to separate the pair, Luke had always gotten angry, violent.

They were inseparable, after all, they only had each other. Until they didn't.

Five years ago today, marked the day Luke had promised himself to avenge his best friend. Five years ago today, Amelia Richardson died by the hands of a manticore.

He could never forget the sad smile she had on her face as she kneeled in front of him, the acceptance in her eyes when she felt the sharp scorpion-like tail push through her abdomen. He could never forget her last words, 'Survive for me, Luke.'

Luke could never forget the second she closed her eyes, for the very last time. That was the day he last saw her icy blue-eyes, her long blonde hair, and the sweet smile that pained him every time he remembered.

That cruel night was the start of his downfall.

Luke sighed as he got up from bed, feeling the tear-stains on his cheek. He hastily wiped them away and walked towards the bathroom, both hands pressed against the sink, eyes examining his own reflection.

A flash of memory shot through his brain.

"Luke! Come on! I don't want to wait in line for hours!" The cheerful girl dragged his younger self towards the rollercoaster.

The pair had sneaked into an amusement park, wanting to have fun once in a while. The then twelve-year old boy grinned happily, allowing the girl to pull him towards the small line of people lining up for the rollercoaster.

That was one of the best days of his life. One that he would like to look back and enjoy, but now all he could feel was the pain, the sadness, the anger coursing through his veins.

"There's only a small line of people, Lia!" Luke rolled his eyes lightly, finally joining the line.

"If we waited a little bit longer, more people would have line up!" She exclaimed, eyes wide in excitement and happiness.

Luke had no idea how the girl had always remained cheerful and positive after everything they went through, but he held on to that happiness she had. It was the one thing that he wanted to keep forever.

That day in the carnival, the Fates had decided to give them a break and let them live like normal kids for once, it was the one day he got to enjoy himself without having to care about monsters chasing after them.

When night time came, the pair stood inside the ferris wheel, admiring the view from up above. The girl's eyes gleamed in happiness, looking at the view before them. "It's so pretty...." She trailed off.

Luke, admiring the view as well, couldn't help but think 'If only this was how we see the world every day.'

"It is." Luke settled in agreement.

"Lia." He called out, the said girl turned to face him and sent a sweet smile towards him, "Hm?"

"If the world was ending, you'll be right by me, right?"

"I'll always be with you, Luke." She promised.

And he believed it.

"I don't think I've ever said this to you." Lia started, looking back at the view. "But, thank you for saving me, Luke." She finally turned back to face him to offer him one of the most genuine smile she had.

"You're my hero. No matter what happens, you'll always be my hero." She promised to the older boy, eyes shining with adoration and happiness.

"I should be the one thanking you, Lia you saved me. I don't know what I would've done without you." He told her, a small smile playing on his lips as he went towards the girl to wrap his arms around her. He placed his chin on top of her head, enjoying one of the only peaceful moment in his life.

"It's us against the world." He said.

"Us against the world." The small girl whispered, taking those words into her heart.

"Us against the world." The now nineteen-year old whispered to himself.

Amelia was the only thing that kept him going, the reason he survived. He wanted to protect her from all the evil and cruelty in the world. She was the only family he had. The only person he considered as family.

There was no one like her.

Until Lilith came along.

She reminded him so much of what he lost. She had the same blonde hair, the same blue eyes, the same personality Amelia had. How a girl could live with monsters chasing her and still be so positive and see the world as a beautiful place, even after seeing all the horrors in the world.

The first time Luke laid eyes on the daughter of Hades, his breath caught his throat.

"Did you hear? The new girl is a daughter of Hades. She killed the Chimera all alone." One of the unclaimed kids from his cabin whispered to his friend.

Luke raised his eyebrows in surprise, listening in to their conversation.

"Do you believe it, though?" One of his brothers asked skeptically, "I've seen the new girl.. She doesn't look like she has what it takes."

"One of the Athena kids overheard Carisse telling Chiron about it. You know Carisse, she wouldn't lie about something like this! Especially not to Chiron."

Luke left his cabin after that, curious about the new girl everyone seemed to be talking about. It was big news, of course. She was one of the Big Three children they had heard of in years. As the teenager walked through the paths, passing by his fellow campers and greeting them with a smile, his eyes then trailed towards the seating area close to the bonfire.

He saw a glimpse of blond hair talking to the Stoll brothers, when the figure finally turned around, Luke felt the breath caught in his throat. He stared at the uncanny resemblance the new girl had to the girl he had lost.

His heart then hurt when he saw the way the girl smiled cheerfully, the innocence peaking through her face. She looked so much like Amelia.

Her laugh and the way her eyes sparkled though, was so much different. Whereas Amelia had the same innocent sparkle in her eyes, hers was so full of wonder. The new girl had the same innocence, only much more, and a hint of mischief behind them.

Whereas Amelia had a cute loud laugh, the new girl had a loud child-like laugh, full of innocence and mischief at the same time.

Travis then turned around and caught his eyes, "Luke!" He waved hid elder brother over.

The teenager let out a breath he was holding before mentally preparing himself and walking over to them. "Hey, you little shits."

He then saw his brothers' wide eyes and the new girl's gasp. "Don't curse in front of her!" Connor hissed, looking back at the new girl with an apologetic expression.

"Sorry about him, Lilith. Our dear brother doesn't know basic manners."

"S'okay." Lilith murmured shyly, before hiding behind Travis, peeking over his arms to observe the teenager.

"This is Luke. He's one of the oldest in camp." Travis introduced them, "Go on, say hi. Don't be shy." He cooed.

The new girl- Lilith, then hesitantly "Hello." She mumbled shyly.

"Hi, Lilith." He greeted her softly, the bruised and battered heart he had mending back slightly.


Percy, Annabeth, and Thalia had left, Lilith had no idea where, and she hadn't asked anyways. She was starting her second year in Hogwarts in three weeks, and she was excited for the new school year.

However, she knew she would miss her new-found friends in camp. Like Tyler, the younger boy she and Percy had saved from the Colchis Bull. Ever since she had saved him, Tyler had followed her everywhere like a lost puppy, and he had urged his friends to follow her around too after telling them she was a hero.

Lilith didn't mind at all, she adored them with all her heart.

"Lilith! Look what Charles gave me!" Tyler jumped excitedly, waving the dagger right in front of her face.

The daughter of Hades smiled back excitedly, "That's so cool, Tyler!"

The son of Apollo grinned happily, "Look! Look!"

He pressed the bottom of the handle, and the dagger had morphed into a silver ring. "It turns into a ring, Lilith! Isn't that so cool? Charles is awesome!" He cheered.

"You're right!" Lilith beamed, "Charles is awesome! But you know who else is awesome?" The girl grinned,

"Me!" Tyler puffed up his chest proudly,

"That's right, Ty!" She giggled, "You're the awesome-est kid ever!" she ruffled his hair.

"Did you show your friends yet?"

Tyler seemed to lighten up at the suggestion, "Not yet! I'm gonna show them now! Bye Lilith!" He beamed, kissing her cheeks before running off to find his friends.

Lilith watched with a smile on her face as her eyes followed the small boy. The girl then turned around only to let out a small shriek of surprise at the towering body over her.

"Ethan!" She exclaimed in surprise, her hand clutching her rapidly beating heart. "You scared me!"

"Sorry, Lil." He chuckled, before his eyes went to the boy who ran off. "Seems like the kids around here likes you." He noted.

Lilith let out a beam at what she took as a compliment. Over the past few weeks, she had been making friends all over camp, and Ethan was- well not one of them, but she had been trying to befriend the scary boy.

Ethan barely talks to anyone, and Lilith found it quite a bit upsetting. She didn't want Ethan to be lonely, and as scary as he was, she was determined to befriend him.

"They're all so lovely." Lilith sighed out happily, staring after the little kids running around before turning back to face the older boy. "How are you doing today, Ethan?"

The boy raised an eyebrow at the question, crossing his arms over his chest. "Same as every day."

"I thought you were supposed to be in sword-fighting right now?"

Ethan was evidently surprised at her knowledge of his schedule, but he quickly regained his composure. "I felt like skipping. How did you know that anyways?" He asked her suspiciously.

"Oh." Lilith blushed, avoiding his eyes. "I noticed you always have sword-fighting at this time of the day."

Truthfully, she had been spying on him, trying to find a way to befriend the boy, but whenever she saw how scary he looked when sword-fighting, she backed down.

"Hm." Ethan slowly nodded, "Okay."

Lilith cleared her throat before looking up and meeting his eyes. "Do you want to help me pick out strawberries in the field?" She asked, eyes widening slightly.

Ethan was about to decline at the ridiculous offer, but the second he looked down at those puppy eyes filled with hope, he faltered. "U-um.. sure."

Lilith cheered happily and began dragging the boy towards the field, wondering what he had gotten himself into.


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