Stage 42

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The clock officially struck 12, yet Y/n was still awake, contemplating on life. She tossed and turned in her bed, still her brain refused to sleep. So she decided the best way to soothe someone to sleep was to eat late night ramen.

Off she went to seven eleven, hoping to grab a snack. She then searched for her favourite brand of cheesy ramen. Once she discovered the sought out snack, she made her way to the counter to pay for it.

Though the universe had other plans.

A tall, salty male entered the shop at the exact moment. Rendering her plans of paying, Y/n swerved to the aisles, hoping to not get caught.

She pried the hood of her jacket further, to cover her face. She tried her best to sneak back to the counter.

Thankfully, he wasn't near there. Thinking he left, Y/n paid for her meal then went towards the counter to dive into her food. She still kept on the hood though, just in case you know.

As Y/n slurped her meal, she watched the occasional walking passerbys. The night was quite peaceful, the only sound was the buzzing of the fans inside.

Just when she thought she was in the clear, her hood was whipped down by male. Y/n turned to see him standing right in front of her.

She stopped in the middle of a good slurp.

"I saw your height and knew it was you" The rough voice of none other than Hanma said.

Y/n forced herself to hurry up and chew. She then gulped before saying,

"Do you have people's height charts in your room or something?"

"Only yours" he sat down on the stool next to her. On a closer inspection, Hanma's hair was down. Making him look 10x better than what he did before.

Y/n scooted herself further away from him. The male followed in pursuit, going closer to her.

"Stay there omy gosh" she warned him before returning to her Ramen. While she ate, Hanma just rested his elbow on the counter, his head on his hands.

"Are you nervous for tomorrow?" Hanma asked as he watched her finish her meal.

"Me? Nervous? Pshht never. Yeah people will get hurt and stuff, but I won't let anyone die." She wiped her mouth clean with a napkin.

"And whys that?" he asked, curious about her confidence.

It was a gang fight, someone was bound to die. Then why was she so confident?

"Uh uh because I've been learning first aid for years. I know everything very well?" she sweated, almost letting her career slip.

"By that you mean watching a bunch of Youtube videos"

"I will kill you with that knife over there" she hissed.

Hanma chuckled at her threats before saying,

"Say Honda, after the fight, live with me. I've got a better future than those other idiots you hang out with"

"What do you mean by fut-" she wondered.

"Well anyways, imma head out now. Don't stay up too late" he ruffled her hair before leaving out the door.

"I'm sorry when I forced that on you"

October 31st 2008

Y/n, Takemichi and Chifuyu arrived at the abandoned warehouse of sorts. The entire place was crawling with criminals. Old, young, everyone was there, waiting for the rookie's match.

"Why are there so many people here?" Takemichi questioned, looking around, taking note of the people present.

"All the delinquent bosses are here to oversee the fight. Toman vs Valhalla. The winner of today's fight would be one step closer to running Tokyo" Chifuyu responded.

He then continued to point out and name every single representative of a gang. Various men and heads came to decide which side was more capable of conquering Tokyo.

"Those two are the Haitani brothers." He directed them towards two people sitting on the rumpled cars.

One had blonde hair with blue highlights and wore glasses. While the other had black hair with blonde highlights. They were quite handsome.

Handsome enough to be part of this story if the author had read the manga.

"They're so pretty, can I go mee-" she tried to talk Chifuyu into it but was immediately smacked away as the male blocked her vision to them.

"You aren't allowed to look at them anymore," he stated.

"Ha Toman and Valhalla aren't shit" A man walked in between everyone, his hands in his pockets. He wore a white uniform and had a tuft of hair on his head. On his call, all his men started bowing to him and greeting him.

"The names Hansen and I'm from Ikebukuro Criminal Black members. I'll be overseeing the fight today" she announced to everyone there.

Y/n wasn't focusing on his words though, as she was more worried about Toman. She looked around, trying to find any trace of them but no luck.

As if on queue, the side doors opened, to reveal Toman, with all their members. Their flag riding the wind, proudly.

In the midst, she saw Mikey standing, along with all the other captains.

The other door opened and out came Valhalla, their headless angel shining in the light of the sun. Both gangs had erupted into shouts.

Mikey then walked forward, his shirt acting as a shoulder coat, flowing behind him. Before he reached Hansen, he took one glance at Y/n, standing with Chifuyu.

"REPRESENTATIVES FROM BOTH GANGS, STEP FORWARD" one of Black members shouted from the side.

Both Kazutora and dOrAkEn kun stepped forward, facing each other in the eye. dOrAkEn kun towering Kazutora.

"5 of your best members or a full out mele. Both of you decide" the referee said.

"Valhalla brought this fight to us, so you should decide Kazutora" Draken claimed, which earned a 'Huh?' from Kazutora.

"We only have one condition:

Baji Keisuke and Suzuki Y/n's safe return"

Once he heard her name, Kazutora visibly gulped, his doubts from before clouding his thoughts.

"Huh? Baji came to us on his own. There's nothing to return. As for Y/n, she's our prize. And we won't let her out of our grasps that easily" He laughed off Draken's conditions.

Back with Y/n, she tensed when she heard them and grabbed Chifuyu's hand in the process.

She didn't know who to side with. Her friends were on both teams. She couldn't possibly choose one. Besides she knew he was a part of it as well and she would hate to see anyone hurt.

That's why she brought her tiny backpack, filled with supplies needed to treat a patient. She admits that she might have had to steal some from the nurses office, but hey, it was for the greater good.

"You jackass... Bring it on" Kazutora balled his fists then instantly hit Hansen.

Everyone's mouth was agape as they watched him beat up the referee.

"We came here to beat the shit out of you" Kazutora used his hands to showcase his entire crew.

"WANNA GET THE SHIT STARTED? MY KEY" Hanma showed his signature maniac smile, which alerted everyone of the signal.

"LET'S GO, TOMAN" Mikey shouted.

There right there was the first call of 31st October.

The Bloody Halloween.


I've got murder on my mind~

Lmao regardless of what happens in the next chapter, Don't hate me-

Also thank you guys for supporting this book so muchhhh I love yalllll

Have a great day/nightยกยกยก


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