The beginning

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She stood in front of the demon. Her katana pointed strait at him and she had an envious look in her eyes. How she hated this man.

"What's with the sour mood, Sumiko? I thought you'd be happy, what I gave you was a gift." She scowled at him. "If they find out, they'll kill me! And you! You killed everyone I loved! First my family, and now my sister! You monster!" He looked confused. "I don't know what you're talking about, I never killed your meddling sister."


Tanjiro was fighting, in his own world. The demon didn't seem normal, not in anyway. In didn't try to attack him, instead it held something. It was glowing but he didn't know what it did. When he tried to behead it the light consumed everything around him. He woke up in another body. It was staring at a reflection. Those cat like eyes, fangs. The claws.

The body was a female, and no doubtably his. He took quick notice at the katana and uniform. He quickly understood what happened. This wasn't his world, but it was him. He was a demon slayer, turned into a demon.ย  He could smell the remaining fear and hatred from before.

He knew it was Muzan's fault. He gripped the counter with her hand and crushed it.

He heard a knock on the door. "Is everything alright, Nii-Chan?" The voice of Nezuko called out. "I-I'm fine!" She responded. The voice was sweet and calm, to mask the fear and confusion Tanjiro was experiencing. The blood from her hand was healing. Tanjiro stared at the mirror again. Her name definitely wasn't the same, it would be modified for a females. But what would it be?

Sumiko. The name Tengen gave him in the red light district.

He opened the door and walked out. The rooms outside it looked unfamiliar and new. "H-hey Nezuko?" Nezuko looked at her. "Yeah?" She was human. Tanjiro felt relieved but didn't show it. "What's today's date..?" Nezuko tilted her head to the side, thinking. "November 21st. 2025, why?" Tanjiro froze. "No reason..."

Tanjiro had traveled 105 years into the future. He was horrified.

'Does that mean..."


Sumiko had beheaded the demon, which Tanjiro failed to do so. She didn't care for its life, like he would have. She didn't care that she was in a males body, or that this wasn't her real world. All she cared about, was the fact she was no longer the creature she despised. She smelled the remaining despair and regret from Tanjiro.

He looked at the bloody box that Tanjiro still carried. The remaining scent of Nezuko. Sumiko grit her teeth. "Pathetic. Just move on." He kicked the box and began walking away. The demon slayer corps had a new problem. It wasn't that Muzan had found Master Oyakata, or Muzan had conquered the sun. It was Sumiko. He gave no mercy.


Tanjiro looked at a location for a mission on her phone. It took her awhile to figure out how to use it, but she got the basics down.

The location was quite close, and the mission was labeled dangerous. But she still took it.

Akaza didn't hurt woman. Butโ€” she didn't know that. He stared at her. "No thanks." He stated then started walking away. She froze. "What?!" He turned to look at her. "And I recommend not wearing that around Master Muzan, he'd kill you." She charged at him with her katana, which he swiftly dodged. He grabbed her and held her in place. "You may have been a demon slayer before, but you're a demon now, so stop acting weak and childish." She was punching his chest, the sound of bone breaking and stitching itself back together as all that was heard.

"I'm not a demon!" She screamed.


Sumiko was following a crow that was giving him orders for some reason. He wanted to kill it for the simple reason he was being annoyed. Nonetheless the less he followed the crow. He knew it wasn't taking him on another mission. It was taking him somewhere though.

After a while the familiar smell of wisteria flowers his nose, and he was met with Shinobu. "Are you feeling better, Tanjiro-Kun?" She asked him. He smiled. "Never better!" He took note of her angry scent. He was pissed too, but he wouldn't get on her nerves.

Shinobu had shock displayed for less than a second. "That's good to hear." She smiled. Sumiko did not in fact return it. Shinobu thought this was weird behavior for him but she let it go. She dragged him inside.

Tomioka was frozen. Sumiko was near silent. Even his heartbeat was inaudible. And every time Shinobu wasn't looking he was shot a glare. At a point she left the two alone in the room. Sumiko kept his glare still and was making Giyuu nervous.


"Tanjiro, what wrong..?" He managed to stifle out. Sumiko tilted his head to the side.


Tanjiro had returned, failing to kill Akaza. She was shocked to see Sanemi with Nezuko when she opened the door. The white-haired man seemed on edge. But Tanjiro did notice one thing, there was a scar over lapping the original one on his face. "I think I'll be leaving now, see ya." He said as he walked through the door. Tanjiro tilted her head to the side. "What was that about?"

"You don't remember?" Nezuko asked. Tanjiro shook her head. "Oh, well during a meeting you slashed his face, almost blinded him." She explained. Tanjiro was shocked. "Oh yeah... now I remember..." Tanjiro didn't know what type of person he was in this world. He was a girl now sure, but there was so much more to unbox.

"I'm gonna go to bed... night..." She said as she walked to a room she assumed to be hers. She was right.

There was a single futon and a box of clothes. A charger was the only thing noticeable in an outlet in the wall. Other than that it was empty.

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