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Sighing while wiping his sweaty hands off of his pants, Rintarล stood in front of Y/n's door.

There was no reason for him to be this nervous, he had been over to her house countless times before.

Maybe those times were to hang out with Aran, in the living room to play video games, or in the backyard to practice with spiking or blocking, but that didn't matter.

Rin ran a hand through his hair before building up the courage to finally ring the doorbell after anxiously standing on the porch for over seven minutes.


Rin heard a familiar voice yell from inside. His nervousness growing as the footsteps became louder, nearing the front door.

Who was he kidding? All those times he had been over were completely different from this time. This was the first time he came over to see her. He always hoped to catch a glimpse of her when he was over at their place for Aran, hoping she'd come down from her room to grab a glass of water so he could check her out.

Rin put his hands in pockets after awkwardly fidgeting with them, not knowing what to do. He took a step back after hearing the door unlock.

"Hey Rin! It's good to see you again, come in."

"Thank you ma'am." Rintarล politely bowed before entering the house.

"I'll call Y/n down for you." Y/n's mother kindly smiled at him before turning around to walk to the living room.

Rintarล bowed forward to untie his laces and take off his shoes before taking off his jacket to hang it onto the coat rack near the door. After doing so, he made his way to the living room as well, following behind Y/n's mother.

"Y/n, Rintarล's here!" She yelled in front of the staircase before walking back to the kitchen and continuing to chop vegetables.

"Tell him I'll be there in a few!" Rintarล heard Y/n yell from upstairs.

He made eye contact with Y/n's mom who playfully rolled her eyes as she chuckled.

"Why are you standing there like you've never been here before?" Y/n's mom asked, cocking up an eyebrow.

"Uh, I don't know..." Rin awkwardly chuckled, finding himself fidgeting with his hands again.

Yeah, why was he acting like he has never been here before?...

"While you wait on Y/n you can help me cutting these onions." She said as she turned around, to check the stove.

Rintarล amusingly shook his head before making his way to the sink to wash his hands.

"So, how's school?" Y/n's mom asked while she grabbed a knife and placed it on the cutting board for Rin to use.


Not that great...

"It could be better..." Rin awkwardly chuckled as he started to trim the ends of the onion, cutting it in half right after.

Y/n's mom laughed at the face he made before speaking up. "Well, at least you now have Y/n to help you."

"Yeah..." Rin replied, beginning to slice the onion into wedges.

Rintarล and Y/n's mother made some smalltalk before they heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

Rin looked up to the sight of Y/n.

"Here I am." She grinned after jumping off the last step, twirling on her toes right after.

There she stood, in a pair of way too big grey sweatpants, a blue oversized T-shirt that most probably belonged to Aran, fluffy socks and her hair loose, framing her face beautifully.

"Took you long enough." Her mom scoffed, not looking up from the stove.

Rin awkwardly stood there at the counter with a knife in his hands, unable to speak up all of a sudden.

Y/n's brows furrowed in confusion as she walked up to him, taking a seat at the stool on the other side of the counter.

Instead of saying anything, she just leaned in on her elbow and stared up at him.

Why is she doing this to me?...

Y/n tilted her head and furrowed her brows when after a little Rintarล still hadn't said anything nor made eye-contact with her.

She was getting impatient and took it upon herself to say something first.

"Hello, Rintarล." She said with a flirty undertone as she smirked, the words smoothly rolling off her tongue.

It took everything he had to look up at her and greet her without stuttering.

"Hello, Y/n."

The atmosphere in the room changed as Rintarล felt quite intimidated by the way Y/n stared at him.

Y/n's mom must've noticed because she all of a sudden 'had to work in the other room'.

"Rin baby, could you keep an eye on the stove while I'm gone? It'll only take a minute." She kindly smiled at him.

"Yeah, sure." He smiled at her, happy that he could now break eye-contact with the woman's 'sinister' of a daughter.

She walked behind Rintarล, passing him before stopping in her tracks next to Y/n, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Be nice." She said.

"I'm always nice?!" Y/n exclaimed, her mother tilting her head and giving her a 'really?' look, before walking off.

Rintarล couldn't help but snort, immediately regretting his action as Y/n's attention was now back on him again.

"Why are you laughing?" She asked, cocking up an eyebrow.

"Nothing- nothing!" Rintarล hastily answered, putting his arms up in surrender.

"Hmmm..." She hummed, getting up from the stool she sat on.

Rin stayed quiet as Y/n made her way to stand next to him, watching him as he continued chopping the unions.

"I see that my mom has put you to work." She grinned.

"Yea, she must've seen my potential." Rin smirked at Y/n from over his shoulder.

"Oh please~" She laughed, her voice sounding like music in Rintarล's ears.

"What potential? You're doing it all wrong. Step aside." She chuckled before softly bumping her side into Rin's, making him move to the side.

"Since I'm a pro, I'll show you how it's really done..." She smirked at the guy standing next to her, him scoffing and shaking his head in response.

She took the knife from his hand and started to demonstrate by first slicing the union in half vertically, then horizontally and afterwards chopping it in little cubes.

"See?" She smiled up at Rintarล, proud of her work.

Rintarล chuckled at the sight of Y/n proudly posing and pointing at the chopped unions when he noticed the dark circles under her eyes.

"You look tired." Rin said calmly, staring down at her face.

"Excuse you?" She said offended.

"You know that's rude to say to a woman, right?" She asked, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion.

"Woman? What woman? I don't see a woman..." Rintarล trailed off while squeezing his eyes, teasingly looking over Y/n's head to 'search for a woman'.

Y/n's mouth fell open in disbelief...

"All I can see is a little girl who- Ah." Rin shrieked when Y/n harshly elbowed his stomach, making him bend down and clutch his stomach in pain.

"Girl? Did I say girl? I meant that all I can see is a thirteen-year-old boy who needs to get a haircut- AH" Rintarล audibly laughed, tears forming in his eyes as he crouched down to the ground, Y/n punching him non-stop, giving him no time to defend himself.

"What. Did. You. Just. Call. Me?" She said between gritted teeth, one word per punch she threw at him.


Both Y/n and Rintarล both turned their heads to the sudden interruption.

"Are you okay Rintarล?" Y/n's mom coed, helping Rin to stand up on his feet.

"MOM?! WHY ARE YOU HELPING HIM? HE CALLED ME A BOY!!!" Y/n exclaimed, tugging at her mom's arm.

"We don't treat guests like that in our home..." Her mother sighed, exhausted from her daughter's energy burst.

Y/n gasped, her eyes slowly averting to Rintarล, who was now up on his feet again, smirking at her from behind her mom.

Y/n blew air out of her nose before she calmed down, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath.

Rintarล and her mom exchanged looks, both unsure of what would happen next.

Y/n slowly opened her eyes again and pointed her finger at Rin, him immediately holding up his hands in surrender as if he did something.



"Let's go."


Y/n didn't spare him a look as she made her way up the stairs to her room. Rintarล shot another quick glance in her mother's direction before rushing after Y/n.

"Thank you for watching the stove Rin!" Y/n's mother yelled after them, chuckling after recalling the state she found them in.

"No problem Mrs. Ojiro!" He yelled back.

He had caught up to Y/n and was walking behind her on the stairs. He tried his hardest not to stare at her ass, but there wasn't really anything else to look at.


Y/n stopped in her tracks and looked at Rin from over her shoulder. Rintarล's eyes quickly widened and he looked up to meet her eyes.

"PERVERT!" She yelled at him before smacking his head.

"Ah-" Rin hissed, bringing up his arms to block her, unfortunately for him to no avail.

Y/n flipped him off before running up the stairs to her room.

Rin sighed in exhaustion before slowly walking up the stairs, looking at Y/n who was impatiently waiting for him in front of her bedroom door.

"Yea yea, I'm coming."

หš เผ˜โ™ก ยทหšAuthors note๊’ฑ โ‚Šหšห‘เผ„

Hi guys, ๐Ÿคญ

I'm sorry but the end is a little bit rushed because I just didn't know what to write.๐Ÿ˜ž


GUYS my exams are nearing. Please pray that I pass them and get the motivation to study cause I REALLY need it.๐Ÿ™

Don't forget to vote and leave a nice comment๐Ÿ’“

And with that being said, ttyl bae's ๐Ÿฅฐ

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