for you at the school gates, his hands on the pockets of his winter jacket as his foot was kicking stray pebbles.
He was trying to remember the things he wanted to do today with you and one of the most important things he has to accomplish today.
Confessing to you and calling you his by the end of the day.
He knew it wouldn't be that easy given the fact that he wasn't really fond of showing emotions and how he felt.
But no matter what might happen, he'll try first, anything for you.
Snapping him out of his thoughts, footsteps came closer to see familiar [H/C] locks underneath a [F/C] beanie.
you both said in unison as you both looked away from embarrassment before you chuckled lightly.
"So.. what are your plans for today, Megumi..?" you trailed of and got closer to him.
"You'll see.." he muttered and smiled softly, holding out his hand for you to take.
You were both of and decided to commute to your destinations, not noticing a few people and a Panda following close by.
"They're on the move, go, go, go"
βοΈ . . . β’ ΛΛΛ α΄Ιͺα΄α΄κ±α΄Ιͺα΄~ ΰΏΰΎ
Megumi led you to a place you never expected to encounter, an outdoor penguin exhibit.
[Idk if there's anything like that but just pretend things like those exist π]
It was the winter season, the perfect weather and condition for the penguins to freely roam around an outdoor area of the aquarium. There were multiple activities to do with the penguins but you both settled on feeding them one-on-one.
You excitedly took a bucket of fish to feed the penguins, Megumi trailing behind. He found this new side of you really amusing and cute at the same time.
He also found it cute that you somehow equally give the food to each penguin, not forgetting the others.
"Megumi! Come here!" you excitedly yelled an beckoned him to come over as you both fed and interacted with the penguins.
The rest of your friends were nearby, having a hard time to hide Panda since he was a panda. The first years were too loud and Maki panicked.
"Shut up you two! We might get caught" Maki whisper yelled to them.
They were all wearing shady looking outfits as they occasionally took glances of you both.
On your side, you both finished and went out again. Megumi took initiative and grasped your hands in his while you blushed the slightest with the skin contact.
"Are you enjoying so far..?" he muttered while leading you somewhere else.
"Yeah... thanks, Megumi" you smiled at him and you swayed your hands with his.
"Where to next?" you asked.
"Just.. somewhere special" a smile tugged on his lips from the fond memories made in that special place.
You softly smiled at him and followed his lead while you both admired the outskirts of Tokyo, completely contrasting the city.
He led you down to a very familiar stone path until you remembered where it would lead.
"Is this..?" you muttered as Megumi pushed a few bushes and vines to reveal a frozen lake that glimmered under the afternoon sun, a small island with a leafless tree right in the heart of it.
Megumi led you into your old comfort place, an old place where you released stress as an early second year. The place where you also found out where Megumi would go on during late night walks and breathers.
You both entered a cottage like house, sitting down at the small room with a few chairs in it.
"This brings back a lot, huh?" you said and looked at Megumi.
"It does.." he smiled as you went off and confused him.
You went to a cabinet to find two pairs of ice skates, holding them up and grinning.
"Wanna skate?" you asked him as he laughed and nodded.
You both went out of the cottage and took a deeper look outside. Not much changed around the place. The cottage was still in good shape, the tree was still there and multiple wooden targets were still scattered around the place where you practiced your aim.
You removed your shoes, replacing it with the ice skates, Megumi doing the same before going in the frozen lake and gracefully gliding on it.
You smiled at him as he looked back to you, holding out his hand for you to take. You both glided on the lake gracefully while the rest of your friends following you both were in awe.
"I never knew Fushiguro could skate.." Itadori said while staring at you both.
"I didn't know [Y/N] could skate either.. do any of you know this place?" Maki muttered and asked them.
They replied in unison while they wandered around the place.
"Don't wander off too far" Maki said to the others.
You and Megumi were just gliding on the frozen lake, comforting silence on top of both of you.
"This is nice.. a day of just you and me.. we should do this more often" you said to Megumi with a light blush as he turned a deep shade of red with your statement.
"Y-yeah. We should" he smiled and regained himself.
After more small talks and gliding around the lake, you both decided to end your day on the cliff of the mountain and waited for the sun to set before going back to the school.
He was nervously fiddling with his fingers as you took notice of this.
"Today's been great, Megumi. Thank you" you smiled at him once more.
"It's nothing. Today was fun w-with you" he nervously added, feeling nervous if the timing was right.
Would he be able to tell you what he felt for so long or would he keep it to himself? Though he felt something was wrong.
You were staring out into the horizon with a soft smile etched into you.
Just then you heard a series of sneezes from your companion.
"Megumi?" you worriedly came to him, putting the palm of your hand to his forehead to feel him burning up.
"You're having a fever.. we should get back now" you said as you removed you hand from him, taking the warmth away too.
"But wait-" Megumi said before another series of sneezes.
"No buts, come on. My room's got some medicine and you can sleep there for the meantime" you smiled and held your hand out to his.
He took care of you all day and now you'll take care of him before his cold gets worse. With persuasion and bribery from you, he agreed and you both went back to the school.
You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net