Chapter 5

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In the end, the fighter with the red boxing gloves won by using a joint technique to subdue the opponent.

Although Lisa won the bet, she didn't feel very happy; instead, she felt like she had lost something. She glanced at the parrot again with a hint of unwillingness.

Manager Zhao and Sana also returned to the training ground.

Manager Zhao went straight to stand beside Jungkook and asked for his instructions, "Boss, the match report for last month's fighters is ready. Do you want to see it now?"

Jungkook's voice carried a hint of amusement, as if he was laughing at Lisa, "En."

Lisa felt even more annoyed.

"Hey, you guys didn't start arguing, did you?" Sana lightly bumped her with her hand.

Lisa took a deep breath and calmed down, "No."

She couldn't afford to quarrel with him.

"That's good then," Sana let out a sigh of relief and whispered, "Have you noticed that Jungkook seems to have changed?"

Since she was discussing the future boss behind his back, she lowered her voice, "When we were in school, he used to be so carefree, getting into fights and beating people up. He still has that demeanor now, but there's something different about him."

Following Sana's words, Lisa recalled Jungkook from high school.

He never wore the school uniform properly; sometimes he carried it in his hand, and other times he casually draped it over his shoulders. He always looked very relaxed, with a hint of rebelliousness.

She was the student council president back then, and he was a typical example of someone who disregarded school rules.

Had he changed now?

She looked at him.

Coincidentally, Manager Zhao returned and handed a stack of paper documents to Jungkook.

Jungkook took the documents and casually flipped through them. His expression didn't seem particularly serious, and his brows still carried that relaxed and carefree air, not much different from his younger days.

However, the fact that he was now investing in an MMA club and managing it quite orderly was somewhat unexpected to her.

"Young Master, your family called just now, asking you to come home for dinner tonight," the assistant reported in a low voice as he approached.

Jungkook continued to lazily lean against the backrest and didn't show much reaction to the news. He simply responded with a nonchalant En.

The match on the stage had ended, and the audience had left, leaving the training ground quiet and empty.

Inside the birdcage, He Sui paced around boredly, occasionally making meaningless sounds.

"Boss, do you want to practice today?" Manager Zhao asked.

"Not today," Jungkook raised his hand to check his watch, "You do your own thing."

Manager Zhao acknowledged and understood that Jungkook didn't like being surrounded by people all the time, so he left to find the coaches.

He Sui lowered its head and used its beak to groom its feathers. Its beak was short, so its head remained low as it vigorously shook its body left and right, looking quite agile.

However, it got dizzy in less than two seconds, swaying as if it had drunk too much alcohol.

Jungkook's gaze fell on the birdcage, and he felt a bit of regret for some reason.

He should have recorded a video of He Sui's silly and cute antics and sent it to that person just for fun.

Her expression would have been quite amusing.

The thought crossed his mind briefly, but Jungkook quickly refocused his scattered thoughts. He raised his chin slightly and gestured, "Take it back with you."

Shi Tai hesitated, "Sir, should I accompany you?"

"No need," Jungkook stood up from his chair, adjusted his cuff, and chuckled, "I haven't reached that stage yet, so I'm relatively safe for now."

The grand mansion of the Jeon family is located by the ancient city's riverside, surrounded by mountains and water. In a place where land is precious, it enjoys a beautiful view and a private golf course in the south of Pingcheng.

Zhong Wanzhi stood at the entrance, waving to him from a distance, "Jungkook."

Beside her stood Jeon Jinyu, dressed in a suit, also nodding gently to him, welcoming him.

Both his stepmother and stepbrother put on a strong show of being the masters.

"You arrived earlier than Dad," Jeon Jinyu said with a smile.

His features were handsome, and could be described as an outstanding individual. Every move and gesture exuded an air of elegance.

In fact, the two of them were the same age, with Jungkook being a few months older. But when they stood together, people would feel that Jungkook seemed more like the younger brother. The air of freedom and ease around him made it seem as if he had no constraints.

"I was nearby, so I stopped by," Jungkook casually replied.

The club was indeed not far from here.

"Come in and let's talk," Zhong Wanzhi said with a smiling invitation, gesturing to him.

The main entrance of the mansion was spacious enough, and she was slender enough to allow Jungkook to pass through whether she moved aside or not.

Originally, Jungkook thought that tonight would be another boring dinner gathering, and he was just showing face by coming here.

However, he now realized that this mother and son duo's display of dominance was quite entertaining β€” a slight smile tugged at the corners of his lips.

He smiled, leaving Jeon Jinyu guessing and feeling uneasy.

When Jeon Zhihong returned, the four of them went to the dining room for the meal.

The Jeon family didn't have the rule of maintaining silence during meals. At the dining table, Jeon Jinyu timely reported on a development project at hand, fully demonstrating his outstanding abilities. Jeon Zhihong, who had always been serious, relaxed his brows slightly and showed a look of approval.

He picked up a napkin to wipe his hands and reminded, "Remember to rest more."

"Okay, Dad," Jeon Jinyu immediately responded.

In recent years, with Jungkook's absence, Jeon Jinyu had become more and more valued, rising to the position of a vice president in the company, and his relationship with Jeon Zhihong had become much closer.

Sometimes he would wonder if that top position was just one step away.

But, there was still a roadblock in his way.

Thinking of this, Jeon Jinyu subconsciously glanced at Jungkook.

He noticed that from start to finish, Jungkook had no expression on his face, not even a hint of jealousy. It was as if the people sitting at the table in front of him had nothing to do with him.

After dinner, Jeon Jinyu had originally planned to accompany Jeon Zhihong in playing a few rounds of chess, as he had done in the past.

But unexpectedly, Jeon Zhihong wasn't interested, so he had to take his leave.

Jeon Zhihong sat in the main seat on the sofa and nodded, instructing, "Let the driver take it slow."

Jeon Jinyu responded, "Thank you, Dad."

As he took a few steps towards the exit, he heard Jeon Zhihong's voice from behind, along with the slight rustle of clothing as he stood up, "Jungkook, come to my study."

Jeon Jinyu's footsteps paused as he secretly clenched his fist.

As father and son entered the study, Zhong Wanzhi used the excuse of serving tea to eavesdrop, but she was stopped by the butler outside.

Jungkook casually sat down on the sofa, leaning back with one hand resting on the backrest, "Do you need something?"

Seeing his relaxed attitude, Jeon Zhihong's forehead couldn't help but throb, and he scolded, "Look at you, do you look like a married man at all?"

Indeed, he didn't look like one. The marriage was in name only, and most of the time, Jungkook himself could hardly keep it in his mind that he was married.

So, he didn't bother to defend himself.

Jeon Zhihong understood his son well. He had been rebellious since he was a child. Back then, he could be disciplined through scolding and punishment, but now that he had grown up, no one could control him.

Sighing, Jeon Zhihong sat down and tried to calm his emotions before speaking slowly, "Your engagement ceremony with Lisa will take place in October."

The marriage between the Jeon and Ming families meant the restructuring of the former three-pillar stronghold in Pingcheng, which was bound to cause quite a stir.

They intended to release the news of their joint development of the coastal project to attract investment. Announcing it at the wedding would be too much of a spectacle, so they thought it would be more appropriate to arrange an engagement banquet in advance.

Jungkook responded with an indifferent tone, "Do I have to attend?"

"Don't talk nonsense! Who else can go if you don't?" Jeon Zhihong glared at him.

Since there was still an important matter to discuss, he reluctantly suppressed his anger, "Next month, you will go to Jinghong Films for half a year, and after the New Year, you'll go to the headquarters and start as a vice president. Even if you're reluctant, you should learn to manage the group."

"At the headquarters, there's already a Vice President Jeon. If I go, he probably won't be pleased," Jungkook recalled Jeon Jinyu's ugly face when he left.

Jeon Zhihong avoided that topic and said, "Jinyu is very capable; he will become your right-hand man in the future."

Jungkook chuckled, "You can try to deceive a three-year-old with those words."

Anyone could see that Jeon Jinyu was ambitious and had business acumen. The only fatal flaw was his bloodlineβ€”he was the son brought over by Zhong Wanzhi.

However, no matter how much Jeon Zhihong admired and valued Jeon Jinyu, he would not go against his principles and hand over the massive family business empire to an outsider.

"I will talk to him," Jeon Zhihong paused and looked at him, "Don't forget to report to Jinghong Films next month. Let me see your abilities, not just a pretty resume."

Jungkook responded nonchalantly, "Sure."

Seeing his indifferent attitude, which was far from that of a successor, Jeon Zhihong's pent-up anger finally erupted, "Jungkook, I really don't know who you take after!"

Hearing that, Jungkook actually smiled.

"I am the child of you and another woman," his voice was slow and cold, his gaze as frosty as ice, "If I don't take after you, of course, I must take after her."

When he arrived home, He Sui was flying around aimlessly.

Jungkook reached out, and it fluttered over, perching on his finger.

"Sir, you seem upset," Shi Tai stood there respectfully.

Generally, even if Jungkook had something on his mind, he appeared carefree and nonchalant to outsiders, easily masking his true emotions.

Having been by his side for a while, Shi Tai had come to understand him a little.

It was rare to see him return with such a serious expression today.

Indeed, Jungkook was feeling somewhat uncomfortable. The last words he had spoken had hurt not only Jeon Zhihong but also himself.

However, he didn't say anything and went upstairs with He Sui on his finger.

Shi Tai understood that Jungkook wanted to be left alone, so he continued to clean the birdcage.

He Sui noticed that its owner tonight was particularly difficult to please. He Sui would try to say something, but its owner wouldn't respond; He Sui would act cute, but its owner wouldn't smile; finally, He Sui said, Gong Xi Fa Cai, and the owner finally glanced at He Sui, "Can't you say something else?"

He Sui tilted its head, but it couldn't come up with a single word to say.

Being stuck with such a difficult-to-please young master really made it difficult to be a bird.

Jungkook sized up He Sui and suddenly curved his lips.

He found another birdcage and put He Sui inside, letting it stand on the perch. Then, holding his phone, he turned on the video recording mode and calmly sat next to it.

He Sui didn't know what this difficult-to-please young master was up to. After walking around inside the cage for a few laps, it gave up thinking and habitually lowered its head to groom its feathers.

Jungkook was waiting for this moment.

He now looked particularly like an immature little boy; when he felt frustrated, he wanted to bully others.

So he sent the video to Lisa:γ€ŒDo you like it?」

Lisa replied with a question mark.

Jungkook chuckled and teased a little, feeling like he was looking for trouble:γ€ŒIt's for you to watch.」

After waiting for a few minutes, Lisa still didn't reply.

Jungkook's smile didn't fade. He sat up slightly and asked:γ€ŒAre you angry?」

After typing these words and clicking send, a red exclamation mark appeared.

Jungkook stared at it for a few seconds and let out a soft tutβ€”

He had been blocked.Β 

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