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as rainn was sleeping, brett watched her slowly heal. his hands ran through her hair as her head laid on his chest.

gerard and monroe had been notified of the absence of rainn from one of their hunters. they now knew that scott's pack now had one of their strongest members back which meant this war just got a lot harder.

in their bunker, they made two types of bullets. one with the same black poison they used on rainn, and the other with the strongest type of wolfsbane for all the wolves.

"it can get in your head, make you see things" scott explained.
"used to look like two ordinary people, but somehow they merged. all we know is that its made of two faces, one human, the other supernatural" lydia said.
"its a shape shifter just like us. it knows what your afraid of, what you fear most" scott stated.
"and know it can kill you just by looking at you" malia added.
"okay so your telling me we have to go up against this thing blind and face our deepest fear?" stiles asked.
"yeah.. why, what so you fear most?" scott questioned.
"becoming blind?" derek asked, already annoyed with stiles.
"yeah, terrified of it, always have been.. this seems to be a situation of unfortunate overlap"
"lydia, you and stiles need to find argent and get to the armory, rescue jackson" scott said.
"i dont think we have time to wait for him. i've gotten through those doors, i can do it again" lydia added.
"can we slow it down for one second and make sure im grasping this. so, were actually talking about doing this? were gonna do exactly what gerard wants us to? is that right?" stiles asked.
"i think that if we stop the anuk-ite, we stop it all" scott said.
"stoping this thing could stop gerard and the hunters" derek said, sounding more like a question.
"not all of them are hunters"
"hes right, most of them are ordinary people acting out of fear"
"monroes not gonna change.. but i think that we can reach the others, most of them actually"
"the anuk-ite is causing them to come from a place of fear"
"well fears pretty motivating, especially when it leads to anger"
"and i think that if we can take out the dear, we can take out the fight in them too.. their afraid of us, but they dont have to be. they just have to change their minds."
"well we have to change our minds"
"okay, we can face the anuk-ite. we can try to fight it blind. we can try to face our fears. but we still need to know how to catch it"
"we will figure that out, we always do"
"oh, its nice to see someone hasnt lost their optimisim"
"not yet"
"i have. i mean i just fainted at the sight of blood which may i add, was my sisters blood who can somehow make a magical glowing barrier. when i was a nogitsune, i felt like killing people, why couldnt i get her powers? shes cooler"
"we will buy you time, scott" lydia changed the subject.
"who knows, maybe jackson has the answer"
"maybe argent will come back with one"
"you two, your with me, and we need peter. anyone who could help stop this thing or slow it down"
"where we headed?"
"the highschool"
"thats where were gonna find this thing?"
"no.. it'll find us"
"brett, once rainn wakes up, meet us at the hospital" scott added as brett nodded.

as derek, malia and scott walked into the highschool, they found peter turned to stone.

"he's not dead, he cant be" malia stated.
"theres a heartbeat but its faint, and were not alone" derek said as they all turned around.
"i think i know how to catch it"

as malia ran down the steps, scott and derek followed. they heard a gun cock back as they turned around to see monroe standing just before a bullet pierced into scott's chest.

"no no no, im okay! dont let her get away!"
"your not okay, its yellow wolfsbane. it'll kill you" derek said while looking at him.

rainn was now at eichen house while brett went to the school. rainn had promised to meet him there after searching for her father sinc ehe wasnt home like usual. as she walked into eichen house, she saw her dad slowly walking in.

"dad!" she whispered.
"rainn?" he asked before engulfing her into a hug.

he hadn't known that they had found her or if she was even alive at this point. he squeezed her tighter than ever before as they lightly swayed back and forth.

"are you okay?" he asked anxiously while examining her.
"yeah, yeah im fine. what are you doing here?"
"some of my deputies have parrish in the basement and now were gonna get him back" he said before they both walked down to find him.

as derek roamed through the halls, he heard the voice of jennifer. even though he really wanted to turned around and open his eyes, he had to keep his attention away from her.

"derek, dont you want to see me one last time?" she asked sadly, dragging his hands down her chest.
"just open your eyes" she stated.

derek opened his eyes before seeing the anuk-ite and instantly feeling his body freeze up. as brett wandered through the halls, searching for scott or anyone from the pack.

"brett?" the soft voice emerged as brett instantly closed his eyes.
"its not real, your not real" he mumbled.
"bub im right here, please. i promised i would be here right?" she said as he tried to navigate his way through the school with his eyes closed.
"baby, please. just look at me" she said as her small hand gripped his.

he quickly retracted it, not liking the feeling it gave him.

"your not real"
"brett, im standing right in front of you" the voice called out before a loud boom was heard.
"brett run!" the same voice called out.

rainn created a barrier around the anuk-ite before opening her eyes and following brett. she felt the barrier close before hearing its footsteps head in a different direction.

"brett, its me okay? its really me i promise" she said quietly.
"its not real" he stated.

she pressed her lips to his as he opened his eyes, seeing the small girl standing in front of him. his hands wrapped around her waist, pulling her close to him.

they both pulled away at the sound of rocks hitting the floor. they ran around the corner to see derek standing there, stone all around him.

they stood around scott in the library, seeing malia run in and look at him.

"what the hell happened?!" she asked.
"i had to, im sorry"
"scott if you dont start healing now, the damage will be permanent" derek stated.
"scott look at me! focus! concentrate!"
"i cant, i cant do it"
"rainn grab his hand, malia kiss him" lydia stated.
"just do it!"

rainn kneeled down to grab his hand, seeing purple light bleed through his skin as malia pressed her lips to his. they watched rainn and scott's linked hands, it was almost as if she was taking his pain but instead of black veins, it was glowing purple.

malia slowly pulled away before watching scotts eyes clear up and go back to their normal brown. rainn released his hand before brett took her into his grip, wrapping his arms around her waist from behind her.

"They ran that night. Gerard put guns in people's hands, but a lot less than he thought were actually willing to use them. More people know our secret now, but more of them are on our side. They weren't afraid of us anymore. Now, we have allies who used to be enemies. We have protectors. We have friends willing to fight for us. The rest of us have been looking for others like you"

Scott, Alec, and Argent arrive at an inner-city parking lot. Scott clasps hands with Argent and says goodbye.

Scott explains to Alec that the people hunting them have a leader named Monroe. She has thousands of followers all over the world. Alec wonders what they're doing in an abandoned parking lot. Scott explains –

"We're meeting up with some people who can help us. Some of them are always with us. Others come when we need them, but, tonight, we need everyone we can get."

Stiles and Lydia arrive in his Jeep, Derek in his Camaro. Malia pulls up in her car with Liam while Rainn and Brett got out of his car. Alec asks if they're all different. Scott says -

"Some of them are. Some can do things you'd never believe, and others might only be human, but they make up for it by being really smart or really good in a fight."
"Who are they?"
"My friends. My pack. And you can be with us if you want, but you're going to have to fight."

Alec says Monroe promised to find him, hunt him down, and kill him because he is a monster. Scott repeats a line he once said to Liam-

"You're not a monster. You're a werewolf like me."

Scott's eyes glow red for a moment as Alec stares at him for a second. The pack walked up to them before they all walked together, the rain pouring down on them. They walked under the light of the full moon, smiling together

(one more chapter 🥺)

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