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Third Person

school was back up and running now, not fun at all. stiles and rainn said goodbye to their dad before stiles got into his jeep while rosie picked rainn up.

"ready to be a sophomore?" rosie asked.
"no, whats special about being a sophomore?"
"i dont know. were not the babies of highschool anymore"
"i guess"
"since your being blunt with me, im going to assume your still worried about the whole not having control thing"
"yes thats exactly what im worried about. all it takes is one stupid senior to say something and boom, im gonna have a fit and who knows what i can do"
"maybe you can scare them away and like, levitate or something"
"i dont think i can levitate"
"a girl can dream"

rainn rolled her eyes as a smile rose onto her lips before it immediately disappeared at the sight of the highschool.

"you know, this is bullshit. i have AP reading for 2 periods then AP math then AP geography" rainn complained as they walked towards the entrance.
"why is it bullshit?"
"their basically frying my brain. i cant do advanced classes back to back and especially not this early in the morning."
"arent those your only classes cause your like, way too smart"
"yeah cause i have enough credits. i also took psat's freshman year so i wont have to worry about that when im a junior"
"lucky, i feel like im gonna fail it"
"if the lacrosse boys can pass then so can you"
"thats true"
"well i have to get to reading before she makes me stay after lunch"
"arent you staying to watch lacrosse practice?"

luckily, her first 2 classes went by a lot quicker than she expected. when she walked into AP geography, she instantly saw the back off his her partners head. she walked to the front of the class before taking a seat by the window next to her partner.

Rainn Dahlia Stilinski

"all right everyone! i know i said you would be stuck with your partners from last year, but seeing as we have some new faces and some old ones are gone, i will let you switch. just raise your hand and tell me who you'd prefer" the teacher called as a few people raised their hands.
"michael?" she asked.
"i would like rainn to be my partner" he said.

i could have sworn that i physically heard brett growl at the sound of his voice. michaels body count was probably higher than his IQ.

"mr. talbot, are you okay with rainn switching?" the teacher asked.
"uh no, im perfectly fine with her as my partner" he said sternly.
"ms. stilinski, are you okay with your partner?"
"yes, im good"
"okay, anyone else?"

i looked over to brett while some students changed their seats and he was literally fuming.

"the sun, the moon and the truth brett" i whispered in his ear as he turned to me.
"how did you-"
"i can practically hear you growling so put away the claws" i said, causing him to glance down at his hands before hiding them under the table.

i smirked to myself before continuing to listen to the teachers voice as we wrote down notes.

"you learn to control it yet?" brett asked.
"can i be left alone yet?"
"well no, i havent. also, still dont know what i can do"

as the bell rang, i quickly walked out and to my locker. a saw an arm appear on both sides of me as i looked over my shoulder to see michael.

"princess, why would you deny me?"
"first, dont call me that. second, get the hell off your high horse and accept that not everyone finds you attractive nor do they want to sleep with you"

once i finished, i saw him get dragged off of me with brett on top of him. before his fist collided with michael, i quickly placed my hand around his wrist.

"brett please, one fight and your done. dont do this" i whispered as he stared at michael.
"come on" i begged before he pushed himself off michael and walked away.

i quickly followed but lost him in the crowd of tall high schoolers heading to their classes.

Third Person

mason was making liam go to a club with him tonight since he wanted to spend more time with him but also find a boyfriend.

"remind me why im here" liam said.
"your like my wingman. i need a whole crew you know? a hot flight attendant, my wingman, a boyfriend and a hot friend"
"im definitely not the hot flight attendant"

once they were in, they walked around before seeing all the men dancing around with very few women.

"i think were a little to young to be in here" liam suggested.
"yeah so is he" mason said while both looke dto brett who danced with a girl before switching to a guy.

liam split for mason while he walked over to find hayden and mason found a boy named lucas.

lucas leaned mason up against the wall before pressing his lips to his as spikes formed on his arms. lucas was torn off by brett as they went back and forth with eachother. brett was slashed across the chest as mason ran to his side, scott running in to help. kira and rainn followed and stood by liam until scott was pushed back.

liam jumped in, pushing lucas back and forth and trying to throw him to the ground. liam was knocked back into the pillar while kira took off her belt, swinging it into her katana. she swung it back and forth but none of her strikes seemed to hit lucas. scott jumped back in before watching lucas fly back.

he got back up to his feet, his claws more apparent then ever. he ran at the smallest one in the room, rainn. as he approached her, he was powerfully blasting backward. rainn quickly put her hands down and stared at the unconscious form on the floor.

everyone stared at her wide eyed, bretts jaw going slack.

"okay so uh, no one saw that nor will anyone speak of it ever again" she said quickly.
"you have mind powers?!" scott practically shouted.
"i- no. i dont think i have mind powers seeing as i used my hands"
"not for the first one. you were nowhere near him"
"as i said, we dont speak of it"

she watched as mason helped brett up, examining the missing slice in his shirt from lucas's claws.

"now where do we hide the body?" liam asked.

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