Rainn Dahlia Stilinski
as the bus pulled in, i watched as liam walked up to it. brett walked out and stood with the rest of the team behind him.
"i just wanted to say.." i heard liam start.
"have a good game" liam said while holding out his hand as brett laughed in his face.
"thats cute liam. is that what they told you to say in anger management? apologize and everythings fine?... you demolished coaches car"
"i paid for it"
"yeah your gonna pay for it. were gonna break you in half out there and its gonna be all your fault"
i noticed a drop of blood fall from his hand due to the whole werewolf and IED thing.
"hey liam" i said quickly while wrapping my arm around his shoulder and turned around as scott joined me and stiles stood in front of us.
"rainn stilinski? havent heard that name in a long time" brett teased as i stopped before turning around and handing liam to scott.
"im so sorry that you cant live without me for a week brett, truly, im very sorry" i fake pouted as he smirked.
"you look good in jeans babe, but i always liked the skirts better"
"in your dreams talbot"
"your right, it is in my dreams but i was hoping we could make it a reality" he said with his ego growing bigger after every sentence.
"keep dreaming brett cause its never gonna happen"
"did you consider my offer yet? i mean, im not wearing my tie right now but im sure we could find some ropes or something right?" he asked as his smirk grew wider.
"if it ends with them around your neck then of course"
"i wouldnt put a rope around anyones neck since you know, im not into it but if your into that type of stuff then we could get really kinky you know? like choking, ropes, bondage... anything you like"
i felt my body visibly tense up and my hands ball into fists. i could feel small cresents forming on my palm from my nails as my breath staggered. stiles knew this usually led to a panic attack or me just getting really bad anxiety when i dug my nails into my palm.
"hey heyy, whats going on prep students" stiles said while wrapping his arm around my shoulders and pulling me close to him.
"welcome to our little public highschool, how you doing? stiles, thats a firm handshake you got there." he introduced himself as brett stared at him like he was about to murder him.
"uh, were very excited for the scrimmage tonight but lets keep it clean okay? no rough stuff out there" stiles mentioned.
he turned us around before leading me into the locker room while scott held liam. they put liam in the shower as fangs emerged from his teeth and claws came out of his fingertips. i sat on the floor against a locker while watching scott and stiles hold liam down.
"are you calm yet?" stiles asked as liam roared in his face.
they pushed him back into the wall until liam claimed he was calm. as scott questioned him, stiles kneeled down to me.
"are you okay?"
"im fine"
"does brett always do that?"
"no hes uh, he just wanted to make liam jealous" i lied.
"lemme see your hands"
i placed my hands in his as he examined them.
"are you sure your okay?"
"im fine but i uh, i should get going"
before he could respond, i walked out and headed towards my locker. i put my stuff away before heading home. rosie was on her way to my house so we could go together since i didnt want to be alone.
"dude wear this" she said while holding up an outfit.
"why not?"
"its to nice. all were doing is going to a lacrosse game"
"yeah and you need to show all those boys how hot you are"
"why would i do that?"
"because you need a boyfriend. im thinking you should just date brett at this point"
"think again rosie"
"come on! hes hot and you know it"
"hes an egotistical dick"
"but hes still hot. i also need to find a man"
"you and cara broke up already?"
"yeah, she said i wasnt invested in the relationship"
"your so stupid dude"
"just wear it pleaseee"
"fine if you finally commit to a repationship"
i walked into the bathroom and put it on before coming back out to her.
"i dont think so"
"come on you look good"
"i dont care, lets go"
i tried to pull the sweater down a little more but it seemed to be no use. i groaned and got into the car with rosie as we headed to beacon hills high school.
we stepped out and went towards the bleachers before sitting besides mason, lydia and malia. i noticed stiles seemed a lot more tense than usual while he was with scott.
Third Person
"hey, i'll be back in a minute, i just need to talk to stiles" rainn said to them as they nodded.
she walked down the bleacher steps before jogging over to stiles.
"hey, can i talk to you for a second?"
"yeah of course"
she pulled him over to the side while kira and scott were standing on the field. she looked over to the side to catch brett staring at her while he had his jersey in hand, starting to put it on.
"look im sorry for lying to you, i know you can handle yourself but i just- i wanted to keep you safe because your my baby sister and i love you. i cant even imagine losing you so i had to lie to protect you and i-" he was cut off as rainn wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tighter than ever.
he let out a small huff then smile as he hugged her back. he missed this, he missed her.
"i believe you stiles. im sorry for going all dramatic and stuff, i get why you did it... you and dad are all i have, i would never wanna lose you" she said into his chest.
"i love you" stiles mentioned.
"i love you too"
brett's head hung low while he did nothing, still shirtless with his jersey in his hand. rainn looked over at him while still hugging stiles, he was completely still as if he was listening to every word they said. she thought about it and concluded it could be jealousy since brett didnt know that she had a brother.
"stilinski! on the field!" coach yelled.
"alright i gotta go but i'll see you after the game okay?" stiles said.
"yeah, good luck"
he kissed her forehead before running off.
the game started off very heated with the rivalry of liam and brett. she smiled while watching stiles pass the ball to kira and kira score. she could tell liam was losing it and clearly, she was correct. he threw his gloves down along with his lacrosse stick while rushing at brett. scott and stiles held him back as the devenford prep players held brett.
the game continued until garrett, liam and brett all went down. a sense of worry grew inside her as liam and garrett both stood up but brett stayed down while yelping in pain.
scott had to snap liam's arm in place while the referee's dragged brett away and into the boys locker room.
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