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                   " Make your lover feel safe."

Shiromo and you made it to the drama club, "Why are we here?" You asked as he knocked on the door to see Akano open it, "Oh! Shiromo why did you bring her here!" He said as he hit Shiromo on the head, "I thought Megamo was here." He said as you were distracted by something on the ground that was covered with a white sheet and had a small yellow sign, 'Why haven't they moved that..' You thought to yourself as you grabbed Shiromo's sleeve trying to make him pay attention to you as he was arguing with Akano. "Shiromo...I wanna leave and find Megamo." You said as he stopped and looked at you, "Okay." He said and glared at Akano while you felt your stomach feeling uneasy while still holding onto his sleeve. You guys left the club room to find Megamo, you found him in the Student Council Room while he was filling out some papers, "Hey boss-man." Shiromo said with a smirk on his lips while you followed him letting going of his sleeve and grabbed Megamo's instead without even noticing. You were quiet and couldn't even think right, you just couldn't process what you saw still, you might have seen Osano's death but it was an accident, not a murder. Then Amao going missing... and finally seeing Kizano on the ground. You didn't know if you wanted to puke or just cry, "(Y/n)....(Y/n)?" Megamo's voice finally snapped you out of your thoughts as you looked at him, "Huh?" You said so softly it sounded like a whisper. "Are you feeling okay?" He asked as you just nod and looked at the ground trying to ignore the thoughts that filled your head while Megamo was scolding Shiromo for having you still here at the school while Shiromo was just rolling his eyes. You gripped Megamo's sleeve tighter and sighed as Shiromo looked at you, "Instead of yelling at me maybe pay attention to your wife there." He said and pointed to you as you were staring at the ground as if it were the most interesting thing in the world, Megamo made Shiromo leave and turned his attention towards you.

"What if they come for other students?" You mumbled as you looked at Megamo as he frowned, "I doubt they'll come for other students (Y/n)." He said and pat you on the head. You felt your face turn red after he did that, "R-Right." You said and sat down at the table, "Sorry I was holding onto your sleeve." You said as he shook his head, "It's fine don't apologize for it." He said as you guys just sat there, you didn't know it but you were making Megamo go crazy, well in a good way. When you grabbed his sleeve it made him think you were cute for doing that and he just wanted to protect you in any way he could. He wasn't fighting with himself any more about who he wanted, he knew you were going to be his wife and that was final.

You guys ended up leaving after the cops moved Kizano and everything was settled, Megamo and you were standing outside the school building since he was waiting for his ride as you were just going to walk home alone since you told Ayato to go with Tara, "Well, the drama club will have to disband since the leader is gone and the masks must be removed since a mask was found behind the school." Megamo said as you thought, "Wouldn't the mask have some sort of DNA on it? Like fingerprints or anything?" You said as Megamo nods, "We did check that but unfortunately we came up with nothing." He said as you pouted, "Seems like the person is good at covering up their tracks.' You say as Megamo agrees with you. "Let's not talk about it anymore (Y/n)," He started and placed his hand on your shoulder, "Tomorrow we have a date, okay?" He said as you felt your face get red again. "Right right!" You said happily and smiled at him, "I'll wait for you hereafter school then?" He asked as you nod your head at him. "Actually, how about you pick me up at 4?" You asked him as he thinks about it then nods, "Of course, I'll pick you up at 4 tomorrow then." He said and gave you a small smile, 'God his handsome...oh gosh his making me have butterflies in my tummy.' you thought while waving bye to Megamo as you started your journey home.

You got home and changed into some comfortable clothing and thought to yourself, 'Okay okay, so, I have a mini-date with my future husband basically, I mean it shouldn't be different than the time I saw him at the carnival right?' You thought and sat on the couch, 'This time it'll just be me and him with no Ayato....oh crud.' You felt those damn butterflies again and your face turned red. "I hate this so much...no!" You said and smacked your hands on your face, "This will be good! We deserve time together if we're going to be married, besides that way I can try and crack under that persona of his." You said with stars in your eyes. "Wait--what if he still likes Tara?" You said and bite your fingernails, "No no no! I'll be a good wife, maybe we should just start saying we're boyfriend and girlfriend for now..." You said out loud, it was calming for you to talk out loud rather than think it all in as you usually do. You started your homework since you wanted to get it out the way, while doing it your phone went off, "Oh! It's Ayato!" You said happily and grabbed it accepting the call.

Ayato: "Hey, are you okay?"

(Y/n): "Yes sir! I'm okay!"

Ayato: "You seem happy, what's got you in a good mood?"

(Y/n): "Dummy, did you forget I have a date tomorrow?"

Ayato: "Oh, no not really, I just didn't think you'd be this happy to see a stuck up rich kid."

(Y/n): "He's not stuck up... for your information he can have his nice moments."

Ayato: "Oh yeah? Like the time you came into class upset?"

You hung up on him after he said that, "Don't remind me." You mumbled and groaned while throwing your phone across the room. "Crap!" You yell and get up seeing it had a crack on the screen with a new text that just came in.

Ayato: "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that."

You smiled a bit and put your phone on the table while putting your homework away, "I hope everything goes well." You say and lay down for the night with a small blush on your while you started thinking about Megamo. 

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