✦❘༻ XXI- Power! ༺❘✦

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Another chapter? Oh my~
I'm really impatient with publishing the chapters because I have another book I've been working on:eyes:
Oh course I'll tell you:P
It'll be a fem Dazai OC x bnha book called No Longer Human (ofc lmao), and yeah, there'll be cool plot twists that'll link the League of Villains to the Port Mafia:D
Anyway, without further ado, here<3

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"How dare you be late, especially after your recent events." Mr. Aizawa sat pissed off and wrapped up in his yellow sleeping bag, while the students of 1A all stared at the new guests. Before them, stood three unknown upper classmen to Yui.

"Fancy meeting y'all, I'm the infamous Yui Itadori." She stated bluntly whilst yawning. Those sleeping pills are really something else.

"Alrighty then! I'd say fight me all at once, but Mr. Aizawa asked me specifically to fight only Itadori here! Problem child, am I right?" The blonde haired male standing to the left laughed at his own jokes. He seemed to be the only one, poor guy. 

"Hm,..." Yui turned on intensive thinking, then a lightbulb flickered on above her. "Ah! You're that guy from yesterday!"

"Yeah, I am! I'm Mirio Togata, this is Nejire Hado, and this here is Tamaki Amajiki! Now, let's all head to gym gamma for your dose of punishment and experience!" He exclaimed over-enthusiastically, making train motions with his arms while moving out. With a beaming smile, the purple haired girl glanced at Yui, and beside her, head against the wall, stood a darker purple haired male.

"You ok dude?" The pinkette glanced over at the boy.

"I wanna go home..." He whined in a low, introverted voice.

"Easy there, big guy. I'll give you some real good sleeping pills later, and you can go to sleep." She pat his back and followed the group.

"Alrighty, just try land a hit on me, Itadori!" The boy winked, stretching his body out, and the female followed suit. The two stood 7 meters apart, both in their gym uniforms while the rest of the class stood watching from the sidelines, slightly concerned.

"If I do that, I win. Now, Wikipedia, or even better, Midopedia, what's this guy's quirk?" Yui whipped her head over to the flustered greenette.

"Ah! Um, I don't think I have it in my notebook yet, sorry..."

"No worries. You're still hella smart in my eyes." She winked, then turned back to the opponent. "May the heavens have mercy on my opponents, because I know I won't." She smirked confidently, bending her knees loosely. 

"Good for you!" He smiled, then...he fell into the ground?! And why did his clothes stay above?!

"Not now, focus focus focus!" She shook her head, standing alertly.

"At eight o'clock." 

"Oh? Interesting." The female hummed whilst twirling around, meeting Mirio dead in the eyes with her own, deathly focused ones. "Good for you." She repeated his words, then punched him in the gut, ignoring his dangly-doos. Unfortunately, her hand phazed right through his body, while his fist punched her in the side.

"Wow, most people don't even know what's going on! I'm impressed!" He admitted, falling through the floor again while Yui brushed herself off.

"Is that supposed to be my punishment?" She raised a brow, preparing for the next attack. "Nothing will stand in the way between me and my sleep!" She yelled completely seriously, no joke, punching the boy's fist, throwing him back. "NOW EAT SHIT!"

"Dang! I guess I'm down!"

"Interesting." Mr. Aizawa hummed. "It seems that we should find you a more suitable punishment."

"Uh oh..." Yui deflated hopelessly, landing on the ground like a flat piece of paper, making herself even more 2D than she already was. "If I die, cremate me and make me into pencils. Apparently you can make 200."


"Well that's that!" Mirio laughed obnoxiously whilst rubbing the back of his neck. He and the others began some talking about work studies, but it was all a blur to Yui.

The sleep drugs have taken their toll,


─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"Itadori! You're finally awake! We'll be heading to school soon!" Mina squealed at the hazy and half-concious female, latching onto her tightly, then led her to the dining table where practically everyone had already finished their breakfast.

"If I eat seven fondants a day, how long will it take me to die..." She dropped her head onto the table, from which the pink toned girl picked it up and began feeding her breakfast attentively.

"Oh girl! You need to chill more, or you'll never get your perfect sleep." She patted her back.

"Something's come up in the sorcerer world lately, and that's a nag. Then there's also the work studies. I think I'll just go to Mirko's, but if she doesn't accept, it'll be another drag to spend all night thinking about." She groaned.

"If I can't sleep because of some reporter case I haven't solved, I like to use relaxation techniques!"

"Is this one of our classmates or have I gone crazy both ways?" Yui whisper-yelled at the female beside her.

"Oh, I'm none of that! I'm just a reporter and I've come to record your daily lives and how you've been settling in!" The dark haired male swatted a hand, then pointed to his camera.

"Alrighty then, just don't let that porcupine scare you." She pointed to Bakugo, then headed to her room to change into her uniform. "Any bad vibes from that man?"

"No." Sukuna groaned, wishing something more interesting finally happened.

"I guess that's good then. I shouldn't let my guard down, though, because we don't know when those damn jujutsu idiots are gonna try kill me again. I just hope they're focused on me, and not Yuji..." She sighed and finished up, then headed to school with the others.

Nothing much happened, so here Yui was now after school, laying outside the dorm house on the emerald lawn right next to the porch, letting the drops of warm rain roll down her skin. The smell was amazing. The wetness of her own self, the scent of the grass coming alive, the wet asphalt, the pouring dorm house rooftops. It all blended into the perfect rainy afternoon aroma, creating its own, uncatchable perfume. Petrichor. All held perfectly by the uncanny sunset.

A pair of footsteps exited the dorms, and a moment later Midoriya's face hung over the female.

"Oh! Hey Itadori, aren't you cold out here?"

"Its the warm, blissful type of rain today. Just smell it all." She hummed.

"It does have a unique smell." He agreed and looked out at the sky dreamily. Yui wondered what could he be thinking about, until he excused himself to train a little, and he began his everyday kicking training.

"Can I um, join you?" The girl asked after a while.

"Oh, of course!" He chirped. Once Yui was standing before him, dripping with water, he began explaining. "I was trying to do it like Iida does, you know like when he's on the ground with one hand and kicks out powerfully?"

"Mmm, yeah." She hummed and nodded.

"Well, I think I figured out the trick, and it's to balance out yourself on your arm more while putting most of your weight into the kick to add power!" He beamed proudly.

"That's quite genius, and smart that you figured it out while he did it without knowing the actual theory behind it."

"Ah, t-thanks..." He flushed up, looking  away while rubbing the back of his neck. The first few tries ended up with Yui on the ground with harsh and painful thuds, but it soon paid off as she began getting the hang of it and could soon do it just as well as Iida and Midoriya themselves.

"Midoriya." The female huffed out, leaning against the barriers.

"Y-yeah?" He looked up, sitting on the floor.

"Your quirk. Its All Might's isn't it? The way I always notice you with him, or how your quirks are seeming more similar by the day, or he doesn't have his quirk anymore."

"I um-"

"Its ok, I won't tell anyone. Just wanted to know..."


"I hope no cursed spirits or ghosts of your quirk aren't haunting you, unlike me." She laughed dryly.

"I don't think so." He chuckled too.

"Its getting pretty late, you two squeezing in one last training?" Tokuda joined the two teens outside.

"Midoriya here was just teaching me how to utilise powerful kicks while being swift and balanced." She elbowed the boy lightly as he looked away, flushed up.

"Ah, sounds like Midoriya knows his stuff!" 



"Wha- Itadori!" The teen called out after the girl, but she was already long gone as soon as the heavenly scent hit her Tanjiro Nose.


"Woah, woah, woah, Young Itadori is here!" The retired hero exclaimed, making stopping motions with his hands while holding a plastic bag full of the food. "I brought some for the whole class, and I was just going to drop by to leave them." 

"Are there any spares?" Yui leaned over, ain't in know of anything about pErSoNaL sPaCe.

"We'll see when we give them ou- hey hey hold up!" All Might called after the girl who was now dashing back into the dorm house.

"ALL TROOPS ARISE! ALL MIGHT HAS BROUGHT MEAT BUNS AND IS ON HIS WAY!" She yelled out, then slammed the door and got ready to leave, but was stopped by the two males sitting outside.

"Hey, Itadori, you wanna join in on our photo?" Tokuda tapped her shoulder.

"Huh? Ok, I guess." She shrugged and stood behind them, and the man extended a hand from which A FRIGGING CAMERA LENS POPPED OUT AND TOOK A FRIGGING PHOTO. "WHA-" She stood awestruck. Quirks will never fail to amaze her, time and time again.

"And now," He unbuttoned the first two buttons of his shirt and a dispenser appeared on his chest, discarding a photo. "Here." He held it up.

"Woah, so cool!" She beamed.

"Finally caught up to you..." All Might huffed out, barely standing by the pathway.

"Mr. Tokuda, will you stay for meat buns?" Yui asked.

"Thanks, but I'm afraid I'll have to get going. See ya, future heroes." As he walked off with a calm smirk, he did a half-wave and continued on his way.

"What a weird man, to reject meat buns like that..." A look of puzzlement appeared on the girl's face as she watched him walk in the distance.

"Take these and share them with your class, I gotta get going."

"Bye-bye All Might." Yui waved cheerfully and took over the bag, pulled Midoriya inside, then once again called the class for the treat. 

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"Alright class, its time for trick or treat!" Iida exclaimed, making chopping motions like the usual. He stood with a floppy red hat with a fluffy white pompom on the end, matched to his red outfit with the same fluffed lining. You got it right, he's Santa.

"Come on, Itadori! Stop being so stubborn!" Mina groaned as she pulled Yui into the common room. The former was dressed up as some pop star she favoured, while the latter's fate was tragically chosen by a spin-the-wheel app. She was dressed as a nun, but at least she got a small spray water bottle.

"Let's go already!" Mineta, dressed as a grape juice cartoon, flailed his hands around hastily.

"I wanna go home..." Yui whined, getting dragged out.

"Alright then, let's begin with Saitama Avenue!" Kirishima, dressed as Crimson Riot, clinked his fists.

"How about we'll split up into four groups of five, according to seating numbers?" Sato, dressed as a cute kitchen chef, suggested.

"Good idea!" Yaoyorozu and the others agreed, and everyone split up. Yui was put into the last team, with herself, Yaoyorozu, Mineta, and Midoriya.

"Alright then, let's begin!" Momo smiled and her group took Naganota Close, containing twenty five houses. The two-thirds of the homes were the 'trick or treat, take one each!', so there wasn't much taking. Although, the remaining that had to be knocked on, were also kind.

"Ok Itadori, your turn!"

"I, um, oh jeez..." She deflated, then reluctantly pressed the doorbell that began playing the sound of a cackling witch.

"Merry night, trick or feet?" She stopped and cringed, then turned her back on the old lady, deflating once again. "What the hell did I just say...I'm a failure, sorry everyone..."

"No worries, my dears! Here, you can have three each!" The woman pat Yui's back and gave her a few treats, then shared with the rest of the group, and then they were done for the night.

"Damn, looks like Daranashi Road got the most!" Mina exclaimed at the group's overloaded buckets plus a plastic bag each.

"Yeah, you guys did well." Yui hummed, looking into Kirishima's stash.

"Oi Shitty Hair! Give me your sweets!" Bakugo, who got the least out of everyone, began storming towards the male. The pinkette deadpanned and stood protectively in front of him, then reached into her pocket and took out her secret weapon: her water spray.

"Bless you." She added as she sprinkled the liquid all over the blonde.

"Why you damn little-"

"Try me~" She cooed, then pat his hair down to flatten it.

"YOU'RE DEAD!" He yelled, chasing after her as she skipped away slowly, all while Kirishima and Midoriya tried to stop him.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"Hello? This is Yui Itadori speaking, I came to intern some time ago."

"Please hold on, I'll put you on the line with Miss Mirko." The line beeped a few times, before the familiar voice spoke.

"Itadori? Hey kid, watcha need?" None other than Mirko herself said.

"I just wanted to ask if you were taking in work study students? I kinda don't know where else to go..." 

"Sorry, but I'm a bit too busy to take in a student for extended periods, even if its someone as capable as you. Buuuut, I could reccomend you to a friend of mine, Sir Nighteye." She said it as if she were awaiting some big reaction.

"Uh...who's that?" Yui deadpanned.

"Oh dear..." Mirko sighed. "He's All Might's former sidekick. I guess you don't know his quirk either, so I'll warn you now. It's called Foresight, and when activated, he can see what the given person will do for the next 24 hours from that moment." 

"How does he activate it?" 

"Nobody knows, so keep an eye out for that. That is, if you accept the offer." 

"Of course, thank you very much."

"That's my girl! Now go get a good night's sleep."

"Right back at'cha~" 

"See ya, kiddo." 

"Bye...HELL YEAH!" As soon as Yui hung up the phone, her entire being entered a state of euphoria, like she was floating from the relief, yet unable to sit still...

"Can't sleep can't sleep can't sleep can't sleep..." She sighed and took out her ringing phone. "Its 6 am, what could be so important..."

"Don't panick, but I may or may not have consumed eleven fingers...some time...ago...not giving any details."



"Goddamn it, Yuji!" She yelled into the phone. That would explain the silence from Sukuna today, excluding the morning.

"Don't yell, your classmates are probably sleeping!" 

"You damn idiot." She hissed.

"Hey, it wasn't my fault! Nobody knew it would happen like that!"

"Of course, nobody ever knows anything! Just like that damn cursed womb incident!"


"Its not funny, Noba, Yuji you can come out now." 

"Its not a joke, Yui..."


"Its not my fault!"

"Sure! Its never anyone's fault!" She cried out, ending the call hastily before throwing her phone across the room.

She stood up and walked towards her desk. Threw everything off.

Walked up to her shelves. Threw everything off.

She broke anything her hungry hands could grasp, until they grew numb.

"Itadori? Is everything ok? Can I come in?" Todoroki knocked twice, concerned by the early yells and noise, and slowly peered in, shocked at the scene. The room looked like a robbery attempt, books and pens and pencils and everything scattered all over the floor with Yui in the center. She had finally broken. Finally stopped shutting away the reality of what was going on, acting like never cared about it.

"He's going to die...he's going to be killed...I'm going to be killed..." Her whispering voice trembled as tears streamed down her face, and she gripped the fabric of her leggings tighter, curled up on herself.

"What are you..." He ran towards her, and stopped when the realisation hit him. Once all 20 fingers of Sukuna are consumed, Yui and the other vessel, her brother, will both have to die. Be executed. 

He stood frozen, unable to think of anything to tell her, anything to stop her from her agony. He was never good at comforting, just like he never recieved any comforting after everything he's been through.

"I-I'm sorry, Todoroki." She suddenly stood up and wiped her face dry with one swift move. "You shouldn't have had to see that. Or hear that. Nobody should've, to be honest. It was selfish of me to make a noise like that. Sorry."

"Don't say that. You keep acting like you're ok, but you're only human. You can only take so much. Its ok to break down, I understand."

Human...Its the first time I've heard someone actually call me that...human...

"...You should finish getting ready for school." She finally said, dislodging the bullet caught up in her throat.

"Yeah...See you later..." He gave the warmest smile he could muster up, and left.

Yui Itadori of class 1A did not show up for any of her lessons. She did not show up to eat anything, either. She did not answer or open her locked door upon being called either. She did not exist for three full days, until the third nighttime, when she appeared to Shoto Todoroki at 3 am, taking a bottle of water and dinner scraps. She first took the water, then took out what appeared to be Sukuna's finger and swallowed it. 


"What. Am I disturbing anyone?" She lifted her filthy head up slowly, revealing her swollen, sunken, and dull eyes, devoid of life. 

"Everyone's worried for you."

"Give me a reason why I should leave my room instead of rotting away whilst eating the last pieces of Sukuna before dying. One good argument..." 

"...You stayed here, even though you didn't have to. What's a few months more? You survived for so long, and the Itadori I know wouldn't give up now." 

Yui stayed silent for a moment, slowly eating the dinner scraps.

"...Mirko arranged me an internship with Sir Nighteye, in two days. I'll join you back after then. I just need to...clean up, and get my shit back together. Thanks a lot, Todoroki." She left one small smile, even if it felt like the largest smile ever, and returned to her room, beginning the clean-up.

Can't afford to lose my mind now. I need to make the most out of the life I have left.

"Hey...Yuji. I'm sorry for earlier. I've been thinking about it, and I shouldn't have been accusing you for something that wasn't your fault."

"Its ok, lil' sis. Now, you better

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