Checking In

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[We cut to Y/n listening with his headphones while sitting down on a couch as he crosses his legs with his sword next to him. He is patiently waiting to see if it's ok for him to stay in the hotel. Cut to Charlie and the Gang peaking around the corner.]

Angel Dust:ย How the fuck did a living human get in hell?

Charlie:ย I don't know?!

Vaggie:ย Did you summon some sort of portal or something?

Charlie: No! My dad doesn't even let me go to the human realm!

Vaggie:ย Then how do you explain this?

Charlie:ย Well if he's just a human then maybe he's harmless? *she shrugs her shoulders*ย I'll go ask what's his business and how he got here.ย ย 

Vaggie:ย No Charlie wait!

Charlie:*she walks towards him.*ย Hello mister...

Y/n:ย *he takes off his headphones*ย Y/n.

Charlie:ย Y/n, uh... You are happy to know that uh... I am allowing you to stay here.

Y/n:ย Oh, well great!

Charlie:ย But. You have to answer some... questions first.

Y/n:ย Alright then.

Charlie:ย Ok first, uh... how did you get here?

Y/n:ย Well it's a long story but basically I fought this guy, he then summoned a red gate to try and escape, I followed him through the gate, and now I'm here... in Hell.

Charlie:ย Oookkaaayyy? Have you found the guy you were chasing?

Y/n:ย Uhm... no, I lost him when we entered the gate.

Charlie:ย Okay, next question-ย 

[The camera then pans to the others watching them.]

Angel Dust:ย You think we should do something?

Vaggie:ย And freak him out!? The best thing to do is let Charlie handle this, like come on, it's Charlie.

Alastor:ย Well I for one have taken an interest in this human, certainly a mere mortal able to enter hell without the use of death is no mere mortal at all.

Vaggie:ย What are you saying?ย 

Alastor:ย I'm saying this fellow might be concealing his true identity.

Angel Dust:ย Or maybe he's concealing a massive cock~ย 

[Vaggie looks at Angel Dust in disgust and annoyance but then turns to watch Charlie, worried. Everyone then turns their attention when Charlie asks the big question.]

Charlie:ย You look human, but are you a human?

Y/n:ย Well, you're half right about that.

Charlie:ย Half right?

Y/n:ย Well... *he pulls up his right sleeve to reveal his demonic red arm as its blue veins glow*

Charlie:ย *her eyes widen in shock as she steps back.*ย  W-What the fuck is that?!ย 

Y/n:ย A... devil arm?

Charlie:ย A devil arm!? H-How??? You're part demon?!?

Y/n:ย I guess you can say that...

Nifty:ย *she appears out of nowhere.* OOHH, Can I touch it? Can I? Can I?

Y/n:ย Uhm... sure?

Nifty:ย *She caresses his arm as she has a huge weird grin. Y/n is uncomfortable for a moment and he pulls back his arm.*

[Nobody has ever seen demon-like features in a human before... This is strange... Just then, Alastor appears through the use of his shadow.]

Alastor:ย Ah,ย  fantastic! A human with demonic parts! Now this is the kind of entertainment Hell's never seen before!ย 

[Y/n gets startled a bit by Alastor's sudden appearance.]

Y/n:ย Who are you?

Alastor:ย Where are my manners? I'm Alastor! Pleased to make your acquaintance!*puts out his hand for Y/n to shake*

Y/n:ย Yeah, nice to meet you... *he shakes Alastor's hand with his devil arm and Alastor can feel the power of Y/n's arm*

Alastor:ย My my, you have quite the power there.

Y/n:ย Thanks?

Alastor:ย Say, how old are you, my boy?

Y/n:ย About 19.

Alastor:ย A youngling! You have yet to learn then!

Angel Dust:ย Ah, so you are legal~ How about you show me what a human hybrid can do~

Y/n:ย Woah okay no, Sorry but I don't swing that way. So please don't do that.

Angel Dust:ย Aw, won't you make one exception?~

Y/n: Fuck off.

Vaggie:ย *walks over to Charlie.* Now do you think he's just a human?

Charlie:ย Well he can't be that bad right? *faces Y/n getting a little excited. to ask more questions*ย I have to ask, what's it like being a hybrid? Was your father a demon? Was your mother a demon? Are you able to use devil powers?

Y/n:ย Woah woah, slow down.

Charlie:ย Oops... sorry, I got a little excited there hehe.

Y/n: hmm... Well, being a hybrid has its pros and cons like concealing the arm, I don't know who my parents are, and yes I can use devil powers.

Charlie:ย *she gasps* Can I see? Can I see?

Vaggie:ย Upupup! Now hold on, we don't know what's his business here yet.

Charlie:ย Oh right! Why did you decide to come here?

Y/n:ย Well... I saw your pitch on TV

Charlie:ย Oh... that...

Y/n:ย And there was something I heard. Something that reminded me of someone...

Charlie:ย Could you... say what I said? I kinda forgot since the whole fight thing...

Y/n:ย It was that people deserve a second chance.

Charlie:ย *gasps* Are you saying... You want to help out with the rehabilation?

Y/n:ย I guess so.

Charlie:ย YES! YES! YES! Welcome to the team!*she hugs him*

Alastor:ย HAHAHA! He's just as crazy as her. He'll most definitely fit in.

Vaggie:ย I still don't fully trust him yet...

Charlie:ย Oh come on Vaggie! He's willing to support the hotel! He even said that my words reminded him of someone.ย 

Vaggie:ย Hm... soย who is that someone?

Y/n:ย Oh... it's just someone I care about back in the human realm. That's all.

Charlie:ย See? Someone he cares about in the humanย realm! Please Vaggie!

Vaggie:ย Alright fine! He can stay. IFย he helps around the hotel. Can't have another jackass leeching from us.

Angel Dust:ย Hey!

Y/n:ย Yeah sure.

Charlie:ย YAY! Here, I'll show you to your new room. *she leads Y/n to a spare room*

[Vaggie talks with the other.]

Vaggie:ย Look guys, he's nice and all but I still feel like he could be dangerous. If he was hunting someone that could literally open a portal to Hell then we might have a problem.

Alastor:ย Oh nonsense! His goals in helping Charlie are just as delusional as Charlie herself.

Vaggie:ย I guess you're right... Wait, why am I listening to you?

Alastor:ย Because I am your business partner! And for the sake of this circus of a hotel, I advise you to trust the lad. Hell, I've taken quite an interest in him already, albeit he does use weird gizmos and contraptions.

Vaggie:ย *she seems skeptical but reluctantly lets herself trust him.* Fine, I just hope he doesn't bring disaster to the hotel.

Alastor:ย My dear, this hotel is already a disaster as it is.

[Cut to the next "day", Y/n is oversleeping.]


Angel Dust:ย AL! WHAT THE FUCK!

Alastor:ย Well, I needed something to get through this door and you were the closest thing I could use!

Angel Dust:ย Ooohh, So you like using me eh~

Alastor:ย *he drops him to the floor with a loud thud which hurts Angel*ย 

Y/n:ย *opens his door*ย What's with all this fucking noise?!

Alastor: Splendid timing Y/n! Vaggie was just looking for you two!

Y/n and Charlie:ย What?

[Cut to later at the lobby.]

Vaggie: Alright, if you're going to work here, we need to figure out what you're good at. So what are you good at?

Y/n:ย Hmm... Does killing shit count?

Vaggie:ย NO! That does not count! But I guess you could go as our security along with Alastor. Just try not to kill anyone, alright?

Y/n:ย Yes ma'am.

Vaggie:ย Alright, now show me what you got.

Y/n:ย Alright. *he uses his devil powers to conjure up the telepathic arm next to his right arm* How's this?

Vaggie: Hm... good, but is it just for show?ย 

Y/n:ย You tell me. *Charlie prepared a test dummy for Y/n. He then charges up a punch and unleashes it onto the dummy, sending it through the doors.* Oops...

Vaggie:ย Eh... That's fine... What about your weapons?

Y/n:ย *He shows her "Red Queen" and "Blue Rose". She seems impressed by the craftsmanship.*ย And if I rev the hilt *an engine noise is heard* it allows for more powerful attacks.

Vaggie: I gotta say, I'm impressed. Did you make those weapons on your own?

Y/n:ย Yeah mostly, I have a knack for engineering.

Vaggie:ย Nice, we can call you in case we need something fixed.

Y/n:ย Wha- oh fine.

Charlie:ย *she chuckles*ย See Vaggie? He's going to be great here!

Vaggie: *she smiles* Alright, I guess he's cool with me

Charlie:ย YAHAY! *she grabs the both of them into a hug*

Y/n:ย Ack!ย 

Charlie:ย Whoops, sorry...

[The Hotel has a new member, and who knows what outlandish adventures will these guys encounter.]

[Cut to a mysterious figure on a rooftop. He's wearing a red coat with a sword strapped on his back. He even has... white hair. It's him, the one Y/n's looking for...]

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