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"You are 1 month pregnant. Congratulations!" Sakura said as she took of her medical gloves, leaving her friend speechless.
"Pregnant?" y/n repeated the word.
"Pregnant. Though, you didn't tell me about any signs of pregnancy." the pinked haired girl said.
"Because I didn't have any?" the girl said confused.
"Not even morning sickness? Is common at this time." she asked and y/n only shaked her head as a 'no'. "Then you will soon have. It's only the first month is okay to not have anything but if you still won't have anything there will be a problem." Sakura explained and the girl nodded as she was carefully listening to everything. "Does Sasuke knows?"
"No, i wasn't sure if I was pregnant or not, I thought it was just a phase with my period being late." she said still in shock.
"You should tell him soon because if Naruto finds out he won't shut his mouth." Sakura said a but annoyed about the blonde male personality.


"Hey, Sasu, did you ever thought about kids?" the woman asked as she prepared dinner for both of them.
"Yes. Why wouldn't I, if you are married to me and I can make it possible?" he asked confused. "Why so sudden?" he asked keeping the same confused expression.
"Well," the girl made a short pause and now she faced him. "remember our discussion from 2 days ago in which I wasn't sure about telling you something?" she asked and the male nodded. "My period was late so I talked with Sakura to control me to see if it's something wrong and she found that I'm pregnant." the girl said looking desperately for a expression from the male.

His brain didn't worked right, nothing in his body didn't seem to work right. He thought you made fun of him, at first, but seeing no reaction coming right fter he knew you weren't joking at all.

"Pregnant? Like-like babies?" he asked as he was learning right there how to talk, making the female smile.
"Yes, pregnant, like babies. Though I'm not sure if there are babies?" she said a little confused.

Oh and how long and tight he hugged the woman that time. Their life slowly became like a clichรฉ, this whole moment of them hugging and kissing each other was clichรฉ but they just couldn't help their action talked for them in that moment and they couldn't stop themself from doing what they are doing.
They probably stayed like that for an hour but it only felt like minutes or even seconds for them.

"y/n, beside the fact that you made made the happiest man alive when you married me, now I'm even happier." the male said kissing the woman once again, leaving the woman speechless. "Though," the male said trying to keep a serious look on his face. "I also have news for you." he continued leaving y/n with a curious look.
"If they are good news I want to hear them if they aren't you can shut your mouth." the woman quickly said.

"Our trip will soon begin. We will be able to see the world and you will also work as an anbu, more or less." Sasuke said showing a big smile on his face.
"Are you for real?" the h/c woman said excited.
"Of course. I did it all." he said proudly making the girl roll her eyes. "Fine, me and Kakashi did it all." he said a little annoyed.
"Of course, it was Kakashi since you can't do anything by yourself." the woman teased him.
"Just fuck off." he said rolling his eyes.


"You sure want to leave, y/n?" Kakashi asked his daughter once again.
"Yes, there is no big deal. If anything goes wrong i will return." the woman assured him.
"Make sure to take good care of her." Kakashi said to Sasuke, pulling the girl into a tight hug.
"Yes, sir." he said annoyed as it is the 50th time he heard that phrase today. "Come on, y/n, it's time to leave." the blacked haired boy said.

The woman took a quick glance at her father and took Sasuke's hand, slowly walking to the exit of the village.

"Kakashi will be such a pain now, knowing you are pregnant. You shouldn't have told him." the Uchiha male quickly complained as they were now far enough and Kakashi won't be able to hear.
"You overreact." the woman giggled. "He would find out from Sakura or Naruto. It's better this way though."
"Forgot about those 2, let me live one day without hearing their names." he said rolling his eyes.
"If you roll your eyes this much, they will run away from you." she said laughing.
"Fuck off."
"Promise me, Sasuke," she said getting the males attention. "when he or she will be 5 years old, let's come back to the village and made them go to the academy, okay?" the woman said smiling at the male.

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