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[name] was running as fast she could. She didn't know what was happening with the war. She only wanted to find out if Sasuke was fine, and of course, everyone else.

"[name]?" she heard a familiar voice calling her name, she truned around to be greeted by Itachi.
"Itachi-san, is nice seeing you again." she said putting a smile on her face.
"You grow up well." he said patting her head.
"Thank you."
"Where are you going? You should stay in the village." he said.
"I'm going after Sasuke. I heard his fighting in the war." she quickly said, making the older boy to smile.
"I'll like to talk more with you, but I have to leave to find someone. Be careful, [name]. Please take care of Sasuke for me." he said as he run away from her with a big smile on his face and felling relived that someone cares about his little brother as much as he does.


The girl, finally arrived at the war. The image that she was seeing was the best one. Blood was everywhere, about half of the shinobi were dead and it didn't seem that they won.

"What happened here?" she whispered to herself out of shock.

Now, what she hopped the most was Sasuke to be alive, since she didn't know what to expect anymore.


"[name] [lasr name], what are you doing here?" Tsunade yelled at her loud enough for their enemy to hear it. "I told you to stay in the village. Leave until it's not late. You can't mess with an Uchiha." she continue yelling at her.

"It's that so?" a manly voice came from behind the girl making both females eyes widen. "I thought the [last name] clan was dead by now, but it seems like there is still one remaining." the man said as he turned the girl around to see her face. "Such a pathetic woman." he said, putting you under his genjitsu.


Tsunade now had one more reason to win this war, and you were the reason. She understood your importance as a member of your clan and also she understood your importance for the Uchiha clan. And now Madara had you, he could use you everytime as a sacrifice.


The Infinite Tsukuyomi Moon started, though [name] was still under Madara's genjitsu, and soon enough he was planning to use you, since his battle with Might Guy left him weak.

"From an Uchiha to an Uchiha, you have to admit that you lose." Sasuke told.
"Then come on, kill me if you can." the former clan leader said.

Sasuke runned to Madara until he was close enough to jump and make his sword go trough the middle of his chest. Being satisfied to feel his blood on his face, since his eyes were close.

"Sasuke?" he heard the sweet voice of the girl he was wanting for so much time, when he faced the reality he just couldn't believe his eyes, he stabbed the girl he was deeply in love with.
"[name]?" he tried so hard to not cry, to not lose his temper, to not have a breakdown. "I'm so sorry." he said wanting to get the sword out of her.
"Sasuke! Don't get the sword out, she'll die!" Sakura yelled at him, trying to get as fast as possible to them so she could save her friend.
"See, Sasuke, you couldn't kill me after all." Madara said wanting to piss the boy off, since he wanted to see his unknown power. "Either way, an Uchiha and an [last name] wouldn't last, the clans aren't meant for each other. She had to be used for an Uchiha anyway, either if it's me or you." he continued with a smirk on his face.
"Shut up." Sasuke said as he was trying hard to not listen to any of it.
"But it's true. In the end that what's happen all the time." Madara continue.

Sasuke just couldn't hold himself anymore, he was annoyed, he had to stab the one he love. He did the thing he didn't want to do, to hurt her.

"I'm sorry, [name]. Sakura will take good care of you." he apologized as he slowly took the sword out of her, making her to fall unconscious on the ground with her blood quickly leaving her body. "You annoyed me, a lot." he said starting to fight Madara.
"[name]!" Sakura approach her with a scared look on her face by the amount of blood she lost, she needed Katsuyu help for this healing. "Katsuyu-sama, I need your help on this one, she can't die now." she said after she summoned the slug.

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