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After fighting and killing Itachi, he was still thinking about [name], he did want to believe Itachi, since he really wished for her to be alive and well, but on the same side he did believe Itachi lied to him a lot, so he may said that only for him to soften up.
On his way to Orochimaru hideout he was only thinking about it and he didn't know which side to choose.


Naruto, being Naruto, he had to trip and get into an underground hideout. It was pretty dark, yet he didn't mind thinking that maybe Sasuke's here and he could bring him home.

"What are you doing here?" naruto heard the monotone voice of his long lost friend.
"Sasuke. Everyone been looking for you." Naruto said trying to find Sasuke.
"I doubt that, been some years. Also you should get out if you don't want Orochimaru to get your nine tails. You have no chance of finding me, anyway." Sasuke said.
"Maybe it's true, if i fail, i will come back, I'll bring [name] with me since she really wanted to say 'hi' to you." Naruto said making himself looked like he wanted to leave.

At the heard of his friend he got out of the dark he was hiding in it. Naruto had no chance to know if he didn't meet her, making him believe Itachi's words.

"What do you know about [name]?" Sasuke asked.
"You said Orochimaru might come, i want to have Kuru-" Naruto was cut of by Sasuke pushing him into the wall.

"What do you know about [name]? Answer me." Sasuke asked disparate.
"Well, she works for Anbu and I guess Kakashi-sensei is her dad or something." he said.
"So it's true then, she's alive." Sasuke felt happier. "Leave, Orochimaru will come."


Of course, it was quite hard to make Naruto leave as he saw Sasuke, but he eventually left when the hideout was starting to get full of sand.
After hearing from Naruto that she's alive, he wasn't going to let her alone, again. He'll take her with him, as he promised her long time ago, but that will be quite hard to do. Its been about 10 years or so, he didn't know what she looks like now and forgot to asked Naruto about it. Either ways, he will find her and take care of her like he couldn't do until now.


"Naruto? Your back already?" you said as you were about to leave Konoha and saw Naruto and Jiraya coming back.
"What's with that sand on you?" Sakura asked. "Don't tell me you played in the sand." she mocked him.
"Of course, i didn't. I meet Sasuke in an underground sand hideout." he explained, letting the pink-haired girl quite upset while the other was excited to hear his story. "[name], could we talk a little?" Naruto asked the girl and she simply nodded.
"What is it, Naruto-kun?" she asked when they were far away from Sakura.
"What's your relationship with Sasuke?"

You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net