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Soon after [name] left her house, Anbu were already devastating everything.
[name] had to looked death not only for the village but for the Uchiha's too.
Her father, came to the hokage before he left to his death, asking him to do all of this.

Even if [name] wasn't going to be use as a sacrifice for Sasuke she will still be used for someone else. That was her main yet old destiny.
Her house had to look like she was trying to escape from someone. Eventually everything looked good, they good out of the house and settled the house on fire. Since in their team exist a girl with a more of childish voice, she had to scream 'help' or just a playful scream so they will alert the village and the Uchiha's. Since the hospital was going to help they gave the anbu a little girl already dead to put it inside the house. If an Uchiha enters there everthing has to look perfect so they won't suspect the girl escape.


"Mom! Can I go play with [name]? Please, mom!" Sasuke asked.
"You see, Sasuke, she became an angel, I'm sure she's now watching you." his mom said trying not cry since she really loved [name] too, she saw it as the daughter she never had and she had a fight with Fugaku for making her a sacrifice.
"An angel? Whats that?" he asked.
"You'll understand later, if you don't now. But you won't see [name] again." his mom said.

Years past, Itachi murder his clan and now he finally understood the term of 'angel', he was missing his friend and he couldn't understand who will do something to her, who will want to kill her. She was innocent. Sasuke never saw her bad habits as bad habits, maybe just the one of eating chocolate before dinner. For him, [name] was perfect yet he never wanted to talk about her, it was a thing he didn't understood, that he didn't want to believe. If she was there maybe he'll feel different. Maybe he would feel any pain at all, as he truly loved her since they were kids.

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