Kids were everywhere in Konoha. It was summer, the season every kid was waiting for. Yet, only one seemed excited though he didn't stop walking until he reached a big house that was around in the middle of the village.
"[name]-chan!" the little one yelled his friend's name.
"Sasuke-kun?" a little girl asked as she opened the door. "Don't you sleep? It's morning."
"It's summer, so I thought you'll like to play outside. Nii-san can join us too if you want." the little raven-haired boy said.
"Itachi-san? Sure, I will come." she said excitedly.
"Itachi-san, that's pretty cool." the girl said being mesmerized by how easily looked for the older one to cook.
"I can do that too!" Sasuke said trying to get the girl's attention.
"No, you can't!" she said as she couldn't believe it.
As the two little kids were arguing over the omelet Itachi was doing for them, he laugh hearing the two of them and then remembering why they are friends.
[last name] was a pretty strong clan, yet when they allied with the Uchiha clan, they were used as sacrifice persons, so when an Uchiha will be about losing their life, they'll use an [last name] as a sacrifice. Over years, [last name] clan were losing persons making [name]'s family the only survivors, until now. Knowing that Fugaku decided that [name] will be sacrificed for Sasuke if it's needed.
"Sasuke-kun, don't you like the sun setting?" the girl asked as she was watching the yellowish sky.
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