γ€ŠChapter 8》

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After the class representative was decided, their hero basic training for the day began.

"For today's hero basic training, it's turned into a class with three instructors, All Might and me, and one more person," Aizawa announced.

''turned into'? Is it a special case??' Nozomi thought.

"Excuse me! What'll we be doing?" Sero raised his hand.

In response, Aizawa showed the class a card, similar to the one All Might showed them the day prior, except this one had the word "RESCUE" on it. "Disasters, shipwrecks, and everything in between. It's rescue training."

"Rescue... Looks like it'll be a lot of work this time too," Kaminari whispered.

Mina, who was next to him, replied with enthusiasm, "Right?"

Kirishima leaned forward to the two of them. "Idiot, this is the duty of a hero! My arms are ready to rumble!"

"No one can beat me in water, kero." Tsuyu added.

'Rescue training? How could I use my quirk for that? I can't even control it in the first place!!' Nozomi then sighed. 'Defense and first aid it is then...'

"Hey, I'm not done. You can decide if you want to wear your costume or not this time. Because there are probably costumes that limit your abilities, too," Aizawa told the class as he pushed a button, revealing the shelves of costumes. "The training will take place off-campus, so we're taking a bus. That is all. Start getting ready." He walked out of the class.


After Nozomi quickly changed into her costume, she went outside, where their teacher was with some other students. As she waited for the students that were left to arrive, Uraraka walked up to her.

"Nozomi-chan!!" Uraraka called her enthusiastically, "Aren't you excited??"

"Sure, I guess..."

"I didn't get to say it before, but your costume is great!!" Uraraka complimented her.

"Thanks... Your costume is nice too," Nozomi replied back.

"Oh, it's Deku! Let's go talk to him!!" Uraraka pulled her over to where Midoriya was standing. Upon reaching where he was standing, the two girls realized that he was wearing his PE clothes.

"Midoriya, has your costume not been fixed yet?" Nozomi asked once they were in earshot.

"Yeah, the support company is still fixing it..."

A whistle was heard, and when the class turned to look at who was blowing it, they saw Iida, standing in front of the bus, waving his arms in a chopping motion.

"Class 1-A, gather around! Form two lines by your student numbers in order to make boarding the bus go smoothly!"

"Iida's going at full throttle..." Midoriya said as the trio sweatdropped.


"Shoot. I didn't think it'd be this kind of bus," Iida said as he put his head in his hands. Once they boarded the bus, Iida realized that the seating plan wasn't like what he imagined.

"There was no point, huh?" Mina asked from beside him.

"I say whatever comes to mind. Midoriya..." Tsuyu began once the bus began to move. "Your Quirk is like All Might's."

"Y-You really think s-so? But I'm... uh..." Midoriya began to sweat nervously.

From her seat in the back, Nozomi narrowed her eyes, 'Why is he getting so nervous? Is he hiding something?'

"Wait a sec, Tsuyu-chan, All Might doesn't get hurt when he uses his. They just kind of look the same," Kirishima said, making Midoriya sigh in relief. "But it's nice to have a simple augmenting-type Quirk. You can do lots of flashy stuff! My Quirk is strong against others, but unfortunately, it doesn't look like much."

As Midoriya exclaimed how cool he thought Kirishima's Quirk was, Nozomi tuned out of their conversation. She was seated towards the back, on the window side beside Tokoyami. She turned back into the conversation after hearing her name.

"Well, if you're talking about flashy and strong, it's got to be Nozomi-chan, Todoroki and Bakugo, though, huh?" Kirishima exclaimed to the class.

From beside him, Tsuyu spoke up, "Bakugo's always mad, so he doesn't seem like he'll be popular, though."

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?! YOU WANNA FIGHT?!" Bakugo asked, more like he shouted, angrily.

"See?" Tsuyu asked, pointing towards the enraged boy.

"We haven't known each other for long, so it's amazing that everyone already knows that your personality is crap steeped in sewage," Kaminari added, making Bakugo even angrier.

"But speaking of which, Nozomi-chan, what exactly is your Quirk?" Tsuyu and most of the class turned to face Nozomi.

Realizing that the attention of all her classmates was on her, Nozomi froze. As if sensing her discomfort, Kirishima spoke up, "It's really cool!! She has a water Quirk!!"

With enthusiasm, Midoriya added, "Yeah! She can manipulate the water stored in her reserves or even the water in her surroundings!! She even has this super cool barrier made of water and..." He rambled on. Realizing that he was rambling, he apologized, "Eek! Sorry!"

Tsuyu listened to their answers and asked, "Did you two know each other before school? You seem familiar with each other, even if you don't talk much..."

"We met when we were training for the entrance exams," Midoriya replied, at the same time, Kirishima said, "We met at the entrance exams!"

Nozomi just sighed and looked out the window, once again tuning out the ongoing conversation.


They eventually reached their destination. There, someone in an astronaut suit was standing, probably waiting for them.

"Everyone, I've been waiting for you," The person spoke.

The class was in awe of the hero in front of them. Being the hero nerd he is, Midoriya exclaimed, "It's the Space Hero, Thirteen! The gentlemanly hero who has rescued tons of people from disasters!"

From beside him, Uraraka waved her hands enthusiastically. "Oh, I love Thirteen!"

Thirteen spoke up once more, "Let's go inside without delay." He gestured towards the domed shaped building.

"Look forward to working with you!" The class shouted in sync.

Upon entering the building, the students were once again in awe.

"Wow, it looks like Universal Studios Japan!"

'It does look like a theme park. Except, the attractions are all replaced by various disasters...' Nozomi thought.

"A shipwreck, a landslide, a fire, a windstorm, et cetera," Thirteen began with his back to the students, "It is a training ground that I made with different types of accidents and natural disasters. It's called the 'Unforeseen Stimulation Joint' or 'USJ' for short!"

'It really is USJ...' The students thought.

Aizawa then walked up to Thirteen, asking about the whereabouts of All Might. They began to whisper among themselves.

'What are they talking about?' Nozomi thought in frustration.

"Well, let's not waste time," Aizawa said as he walked away.

"Let's see... Before we begin, let me say one thing... er... or two, or three... or four... five... six... seven..." Thirteen spoke up.

'The numbers are increasing...!'  The class thought in alarm.

"Everyone, I am sure you are aware of my Quirk, Black Hole. I can suck up anything and turn it into dust."

Midoriya interrupted him by saying, "You've been able to use that Quirk to save people from all kinds of disasters, right?" Uraraka nodded along with enthusiasm.

"Yes, but it is a power that can kill easily. Some of you also have Quirks like that, right?"

'I guess that's true...' Nozomi looked down at the ground. 'I could drown someone and have hurt myself with it plenty of times.'

"In a superhuman society, personal Quirks have been certified and stringently regulated, so that doesn't seem to be a problem at first glance. However, please do not forget that there are many Quirks that can kill easily with one wrong step. With Aizawa's physical fitness test, you found out about the possibility of your own hidden powers, and with All Might's person-to-person combat training, I think you experienced the danger of using those powers against others. This class is a fresh start. You shall learn how to use your Quirks to save people's lives. You do not have powers so you can harm others. I hope you leave here with the understanding that you have powers in order to help others. That is all. Thank you for listening," Thirteen finished, bowing.

'So cool...' Nozomi thought as her eyes sparkled. The class clapped and cheered for the wonderful speech.

Just as Aizawa was about to speak up, he was cut off by the crackling of electricity as the lights in the building turned off.

Nozomi saw the same purple mist that she saw during lunch, at the central plaza, near the fountain. "Mr. Aizawaβ€”" She began.

Catching on to what Nozomi was trying to say, Aizawa turned around to look at the central plaza, only to see a large portal that looked like purple mist. A hand could be seen coming through the portal.

"Gather together, and don't move! Thirteen, protect the students!" Aizawa shouted to the students.

"What's that?" Kirishima asked in confusion. "Is this like the entrance exam where the lesson already started?"

Nozomi watched with wide eyes as more villains came through the warp gate. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw that Midoriya was about to move forward.

"Wait," She began as she held onto the back of his clothes to stop him. Everyone turned around to look at her. "This isn't part of the class."

"She's right," Aizawa said as he put on his goggles, "Those are real villains."

The students continued to watch as more and more villains filled up the plaza. They were supposed to be learning to rescue people. How ironic for villains to show up during this lesson. It looks like the hero hopefuls are the ones who'll need saving this time around.

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