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π‚π‘πšπ¬πž 𝐱 π‰πšππžπ§
you're such a whore

Chase was a highly sexual person, from the way that he would dress to the way he would act. It was all sexual even if he didn't have the intention for it to be sexual. Most people would call behavior like that,Β  slut behavior. Chase didn't mind being called that, yeah sure it did kinda hurt him sometimes. But he knew he could have those people on their knees for him in a second.Β 


" hey Chase," Jaden said as he slapped Chase on the ass and he winced in pain a bit.," oh you had someone fuck you," Jaden glared at Chase. He was kinda jealous. and kinda in love with Chase.

" yeah," Chase said as he looked down embarrassed cause that was the fourth guy that week and it was Tuesday.

"well I was wondering if you wanted to come over tonight," Jaden asked.

Β " yeah sure around 6," Chase walked off down the hall and then pulled a guy into a closet.

Jaden let out a sigh, "and that's number five," as he looked at the door where Chase once stood but now was inside there with a guy doing god knows what. He felt a soft hand being placed on his shoulder.

Β "Jaden you're gonna have to tell him eventually," Josh said.Β 

Jaden turned around and looked his friend in the eye, "yeah but what if I tell him and he says he needs time to think but then just fucks another guy? what do I do then Josh?"Β 

"well, maybe if you tell him. He would possibly want him to fuck you. I see the way you both look at each other, but you're both too dumb to make any sort of move," Josh chuckled a bit.

" yeah maybe... wait what" Jaden went wide-eyed at the statement.

Β "it's true" Josh shrugged and walked off. Jaden walked up to the closet and heard the moans and groans that came from it. Man the janitor is going to have fun cleaning that mess. He rolled his eyes and walked out of the school, he didn't care to finish the school day.Β 

It was 5;55pm and Jaden had just gotten out of the shower and sat down on the couch. He flicked through the TV channels while waiting for Chase. After a bit, Jaden heard a knock at the door and got it.

"damn five and six today," Jaden mumbled and opened the door, " Hey Chase," Jaden smiled and pulled Chase into a hug.

" Hey... So what are we doing" He asked pulling away. He looked into Jadens eyes and saw a little sparkle, was this what Josh was talking about?

"uh, I don't know... we can watch some tv for a bit and then go get food" Jadens shrugged and sat back on the couch.

Β " yeah sure," Chase said and sat next down to him.

a little too close for normal people but that's how it's always been.Β 

"Chase, how many people have you had sex with today?" Jaden asked. He wanted to know what he was competing with.Β 

"I think three," Chase let his head down in embarrassment. He didn't like doing that, but most of the favors were because he owed people something. If it was really up to him he would still be a virgin by now.Β 

"damn what that's like 7 this week!.. you're a fucking slut!" Jaden yelled.

Β "what!!.. I'm not," Chase raised his voice back.Β 

" dude you've had seven dicks in your ass this week! and it's only Tuesday," Jaden said.

"So what? it's like you care," Chase said throwing his hands up.Β 

"I care about you Chase and seeing people use you like that. It makes me horrid like you have no respect for yourself," Jaden said.

" fine you know what I am a slut, I am a whore. I couldn't give 2 shits about what you have to say about it. If you don't like this then maybe we shouldn't be friends. Friends support each other Jaden, not do this shit." Chase yelled and tears began to fill his eyes. He looked around for his things knowing he was gonna leave.Β 

"Can you just go? I need to be alone right now," Jaden lowered his voice and pointed towards the door.Β 

"but-" Chase said

"Just go, I'll call you in the morning," Jaden said and opened the door for Chase. Chase nodded and walked out. He cried as he thought about everything. Was Jaden right?

It's been a few days and Jaden hadn't called Chase. Right now he watched as Chase called him again but Jaden just watched it ring. He just sat in his room thinking. His mom knew to leave him alone but she would bring him food, which he would barely touch.Β 

"I fucked up Ant, he hasn't called or texted. That was my eighth call," Chase sighed.Β 

"He's gonna come around soon, it's Jaden. He can never be mad at you that long anyway," Anthony rubbed Chase's back.

"yeah maybe.. do you think he likes me or something?" Chase laughed at the thought.

Β "maybe he does? maybe he doesn't?" Anthony said cryptically and just left.Β 

Chase thought about that the whole school day, which Jaden wasn't even at school. He hadn't been there since the two had their debacle.Β 

Chase pulled out his phone and clicked on a familiar contact, the same one he had called eight times before, "Hey Jae it's me, this is my ninth try and I need to talk to you. Like I have so much to say to you, so please can we meet up after school?" he ended the voice mail and walked out to his car.Β 

He made his way to Jadens house and parked in the driveway, he got out of his car and looked at Jaden who was on the porch smoking a cig. Chase looked at Jaden's appearance, it was rough, his eyes were red and puffy, his hair looked terrible, and overall looked like he had been crying and not taking care of himself.

"Hey, so uhm" Chase sat next to him, leaving a small gap between them. He figured Jaden would want some space.Β 

Β "I'm sorry that I called you a slut, you're not. I just got made with myself for being dumb and I know I hurt you and I'm super sorry," Jaden said. He sounded like he was broken like he was missing something. Chase didn't know what to say.

Chase didn't say anything, all he did was pull Jaden into a hug and kissed the top of his head, "it's fine, just can we be good again? I fucking miss you"Β 

"Yeah, I missed you too. But I have something else to tell you," Jaden said.Β 

"I like you, Chase," Jaden whispered.Β 

"Jae, I like you too. I just never knew how to tell you," Chase smiled. Jaden did too, it's been a while since Jaden had genuinely smiled, "can I kiss you?" He asked.Β 

Jaden nodded, Chase placed his lips on Jaden's. Sparks went off, Josh was right. Chase did like Jaden, and they were blind.

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