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happy holidays!

2 Christmas one-shots and 2 new years ones.

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Jaden and Bryce both were in La for Christmas this year. They were gonna go home but the cause of corona they couldn't. So they went out to buy a tree and some cute holiday things. "Babe I want this one," Jadens said as he pointed to a tree that was short and kinda busted but he loved it. "Jaden look it's all messed up and it's small," Bryce said as he walked over to the tree. "It's perfect really resembles you. Small and messy," Jaden giggled and Bryce rolled his eyes. "Please babe," Jaden whined. "Fine, just because I love you, and I'm not small. I got more gains than you," Bryce gave Jaden a quick peck.

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Kio had gone to Washington leaving Griffin all alone in La for Christmas. They did get to facetime before bed since they were both still on west coast time. "Hey bub," Griffin said sadly. "Hey, dude. Just a few more days," Kio said and looked at his boyfriend who was moping and laying in their bed cuddling with Kios stuffed polar bear. "I know but I miss you," Griffin said and sniffed the bear. It smelt like Kio and he was in love with Kio's scent. "I promise I'll give you all my attention when I get back. Also, I left you some gifts in our closet. Why don't you open them," Kio smiled? Griffin got up and grabbed two bags that were in the closet. He opened the first one and it was a black Burberry sweatshirt that he had wanted. " I love it," He said and Kios smiled. He opened the second bag to see a box. He opened the box and it was a dragon ring. Like the one that curls around your finger. "I've always wanted this! Thank you! I love you," Griffin said and put the ring on. "I love you more Griffy."

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Anthony and Josh were in Kentucky for the new Year. It was the last minute before the new year and their hands were linked together and they were facing the tv in Anthony's room. 5..4..3..2..1. "Happy New Year," They said and then kissed each other. They slowly pulled away and rested their forehead together. "I love you," Josh whispered. "I love you more baby," Anthony said and the two fell back on the bed.

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"Quinton come on!" Jaden yelled for his boyfriend to come down. "I'm coming!" He ran down and saw his boyfriend all dressed for the party. They were heading to the other sway house for a party with the rest of the guys. "You look amazing bub," Quinton said and gave his lover a peck on the lips. Jaden nodded and they walked out to the car. They drove to the house and once they got out they could hear Bryce yelling already. Jaden kissed Quinton's cheek and they walked inside. As it was bearing the final seconds to the new year Quinton and Jaden turned to each other. as they heard everyone scream 1 they locked lips and kissed each other slowly. They pulled away for air and linked hands. They both enjoyed the rest of the party.

thanks for 24k reads. I'm uploading this today so I don't have to on thursday or friday.
so next week monday i'll be back.
i promise i'm working on the requests

hope you liked these ones

merry christmas if you celebrate it.
happy kwanza!
happy Hanukkah (ik it passed)
and if you don't celebrate any of that have a good week and a great new year.

bye ho ho hoes.

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