The dawn is setting, the stars are shining. It was already evening, the trumpet marking the opening of the match stadium sounded.
Everyone, of course Cassie, Harry and his two best friends, also the twins Fred and George and not forgetting Ginny and Mr. Arthur marched up the high steps one by one.
Ron started to get out of breath, he stopped his steps making several people including Harry and Cassie stop walking somewhere before another stair session.
"Huh huh, dad! How high are our chairs?" Ron asked trying to catch his breath.
"Let's just say you guys will be the first to know if it rains."
That one person's arrogant answer made everyone turn their heads.
Apparently Mr. Lucius Malfoy with his son who was not much different from his arrogant nature, Draco with his luxurious all-black suit.
Draco raised both eyebrows with his hands tucked into his trouser pockets.
"We will sit in the chair of the ministers."
Mr. Lucius and his son then walked off, still with a sneering Draco.
"Invited in person by Fudge Cornellius, you know?"
Hit Mr. Lucius was in Draco's stomach making the platinum-blonde haired boy clutch his stomach in pain.
"Don't be cocky, Draco." dodge Mr. Lucius pretentious. "Not with these people."
Cassie narrowed her eyes. She then turned Harry's body away from the two arrogant Malfoys to leave.
But before actually leaving, Mr. Lucius held up Harry's leather jacket with his silver snake wand.
"Have fun." He smiled evilly. "While you can." He said immediately removing his wand.
Cassie was furious. She immediately grabbed Harry's arm to quickly go to their seats which were really high.
When they arrived at the highest seat in the Quidditch World Cup Match Stadium, everyone cheered happily forgetting the fatigue.
By the way, everyone is wearing their supporters' accessories. Starting with Harry wearing a red black hat, the scarf worn by Cassie and Hermione. As well as others.
Three fighters shot past Fred and George's heads. "HEY IT'S MARON!"
After the team in green namely the Irish team welcomed the audience, now it's time for the Bulgarian team in red.
A man who was riding his broom caught Hermione's attention. "HEY, WHO IS THAT?"
"THAT'S VIKTOR KRUM! The best seeker in the world!!" Ron replied excitedly.
"KRUM! KRUM! KRUM!" Everyone cheered after the special welcome from the 'World's Best Seeker'
From a special chair in the middle, the Minister made a short welcoming speech with a magic wand in his jaw as a mic.
"Good evening everyone! As Minister for Magic, it is my pleasure to welcome you to the 422nd Quidditch World Cup Game!"
"...Then with this, the match begins!"
After the highly prestigious match had aged, everyone returned to their tents.
The teenagers were talking about the appearance of the men who competed earlier.
"Did you see how Viktor Krum fought earlier?!" asked Ron standing on a higher ground than all his friends and siblings.
The mischievous Fred and George threw their fan accessories at Ron's head.
"Viktor, that fool?"
Ron took Fred and George's flag off his head. "He's so good! He a mighty bird!" he said amazed.
"I think you're in love, Ron." Ginny said laughing mischievously.
Ron frowned, while his twin brothers seemed to be teasing Ronald by holding that boy's hands.
"Victor, I'm in love..."
"Viktor, you are my heart..."
"God, that's a song, George!"
Harry, who was not far away, laughed and sang along with Fred and George.
"OH GOD, SHUT UP!!" Ron shouted angrily covering Fred's head with flag accessories.
Fred replied to his brother's behavior, Ron replied to his brother, and finally they fought.
While George behind them heard cheers and explosions said,
"I think the Bulgarians are celebrating their victory."
"That's not a celebration!" cut Mr. Arthur ran after he peeked through the crack in the door.
"It's the Death Eaters! Come on, come out everyone!!!"
Hearing that, the laughter immediately ended. The feeling of tension begins.
Everyone without a second thought rushed out of their tents. Apparently, the situation outside is very chaotic.
Fire was everywhere, everyone was running trying to save their lives, thick smoke was floating in the air.
Cassie whose hands were bound by Harry's grip turned around. "CEDRIC!"
Amos then from the other side went over to Cedric. "Cedric, Cassie is your responsibility. Take care of her!!"
Cedric nodded and immediately hugged his sister's body. "COME ON!!"
Everyone finally ran very fast, but occasionally they were jostled by residents who were going against the direction.
Harry's hand slipped from Cassie. Harry was carried away by the crowd of people running en masse.
"HARRY! HARRY!!!" Cassie shouted trying to get off her brother's pull.
Cedric immediately pulled his sister tightly who intended to go help Harry.
"WE ARE HIDDEN HERE!!" guide Mr. Arthur then everyone hid behind a pile of rocks.
Cassie's eyes saw where the fire was thrown, her eyes saw where everything, the tents, the grass was scorched to the ground.
For a moment everything was quiet, Cassie turned slightly from hiding.
"Can we go look for Harry now?"
Amos nodded. "Let's go."
Everyone finally stood up. Cassie walked with her best friends, Ron and Hermione.
"HARRY!!" Hermione shouted calling her best friend's name.
"HARRY, WHERE ARE YOU???" Ron shouted with effort.
In the cold night air, in the dark night sky, suddenly an image of a hideous green skull appeared. From its open mouth, flowed a vicious snake.
Hermione who saw that spoke to Cassie and Ron. "Did Harry do it?"
Cassie shook her head quickly. "Impossible." She then immediately walked to find her best friend again.
Ron tapped Cassie on the shoulder and pointed in one direction.
Cassie turned her head in the direction Ron was pointing. From there, she saw a boy with long hair standing stiffly, he hiding while looking somewhere.
Cassie immediately ran towards him. "HARRY!"
Harry turned. "CASSIE!"
"Ron! Hermione!"
Cassie gave Harry a brief hug. "Are you okay?!"
Harry patted Cassie on the back. "I'm fine."
Ron breathed a sigh of relief. "Phew, I thought we lost you, dude..."
Harry shook his head telling Ron no. He then looked up, where there was a skull mark and a green snake there.
"That's a dark mark, Harry." Hermione said looking at Harry. "We thought you made it appear.."
Harry answered Hermione quickly. "No! Not me. It came out suddenly..."
Then suddenly a group of men in black, but certainly without the Death Eater mask walked quickly towards Harry.
"THERE YOU SEEM!" One of them shouted, brandishing his staff.
"THAT IS MY SON!" Cut Arthur who came to the rescue while casting a spell until the man's wand, Barty Crouch was thrown.
Barty Crouch snorted, he then walked up to Harry and threatened him.
"That sign! You must have brought it up!!!!"
Harry shook his head quickly. "No! I swear it wasn't me!!!"
Crouch frowned in confusion, he finally walked backwards.
"I saw a man earlier." Harry said making Crouch raise his eyes in thought.
Crouch then ordered his men. "Search over there! You, search over there! Come on."
Mr. Barty Crouch and his crew eventually left the Golden Four, and the Weasleys also Diggory's.
Mr. Arthur seemed to run over to Harry and hold his shoulder. "You are okay?" Harry nodded.
Arthur exhaled, he saw the atmosphere of the night in front of him.
"I don't think I'm ready to let you all go to Hogwarts on an evil night like this."
"Calm down, Dad. We'll be fine.." Ron said.
His father nodded in disbelief. He then gave encouragement to the eight Hogwarts students in front of him. Harry, Hermione, Cassie, Ron, Fred, George, Cedric and Ginny.
"All right. Take care of yourselves."
Everyone was finally able to settle down on their Hogwarts Express couches. Cassie sat by the window with Hermione, while Ron then Harry in front of her.
"Anything from the trolley, dear?"
Ask the seller, who from the first year always offers snacks during the trip.
Cassie was standing in the middle of the door facing the woman and the trolley full of magical treats.
"I want...Uhm, one Honey Root please."
"Sure, dear.."
Harry caught up with Cassie and stood leaning against the door with his arms crossed. "Let me pay."
Cassie smiled rolling her eyes. "Enough, thank you."
Then, a long haired girl with cute bangs walked towards the trolley.
"I want 3 Pumpkin Candies."
Cassie frowned when she saw the Asian-faced girl. The girl also happened to see Cassie.
Seeing that, Cassie smiled awkwardly, but then she couldn't help asking.
"Are you Choโฏ Cho Chang?"
Cho chuckled. "Yeah. must be Cassie Diggory, Cedric's sister."
Cassie winced. "How did you know right away?"
As if already familiar, Cho shrugged her shoulders. "You guys are so much alike."
She answered while taking orders from the trolley. "Pleased to meet you!" Cho then left her boyfriend's sister.
Cassie then also sat back down after she bought a snack.
"Who's she?" Harry asked.
"Cho Chang, Ravenclaw." Answered Cassie. "Uhm..Cedric's girlfriend."
Harry nodded understandingly.
Hermione who had been engrossed in reading the wizard's newspaper, put down the large newspaper and chatted with her friend.
"Harry, Snape will be sure to ask you later." she said worried. "About...the dream and the dark mark."
Ron in front of Hermione nodded.
"Yes. Might as well ask about what happened to the Death Eaters earlier..."
"By the way, Harry. You didn't send letter to Sirius?" Cassie asked.
"Oh, right." Harry replied. He then took a piece of paper and a pen from his bag. He then wrote a letter to Sirius Black and sent it via Hedwig through the window of the Hogwarts Express.
Hours and hours of travel, so much to go through, finally the Golden Four were reunited with their friends in the Great Hall.
New season, new year, new teachings. Professor Albus Dumbledore as usual made a welcoming speech for his magical students.
"This year, Hogwarts castle will not only be your home. It will also be home to our special guests."
"So Hogwarts has been chosen as the host for the all-time Legendary event. The Triwizard Tournament!"
'Triwizard Tournament.' The two sentences uttered by the headmaster of Hogwarts made all the students immediately put on their excited faces.
"For those of you who don't know, the Triwizard Tournament will bring together three schools in a series of magic contests."
"In each school, only one student will be selected." he continued.
The professor underlined his speech. "Let me be clear. If you are selected, then you will stand alone. And, this contest is not for the faint of heart."
Harry and his three friends, one of whom was his girlfriend kept listening to the Professor.
"However, that will be discussed in more detail later."
"...Now, let us welcome the ladies of Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and their headmaster, Madam Maxime."
After he said that, the great door of the Great Hall opened wide. There were already beautiful ladies in their delicate blue uniforms with very sweet round conical hats.
The ladies was walking, with their ridiculously tall (even Hagrid's) headmaster in the middle.
Walk and walk confidently in front of their chest. Occasionally, they stop and greet the students beside them with their bodies down as well as hands that are launched forward not forgetting their distinctive tone.
"Look, that woman is huge!" Seamus said to Ron.
Arriving at the front, one of the little girls with blonde hair performed acrobatics with flexibility.
Then one girl who was also blonde, bowed her body to all Hogwarts students.
God, that one girl was prettier than the other Beauxbatons students! Her face looks like a Veela.
Everyone cheered and clapped after the appearance of Miss Beauxbatons.
"Alright! Now let's welcome our friends from the North. The proud Boys of Drumstrang and their headmaster...Igor Karkarroff!"
In contrast to the gentle and sweet Beauxbatons greeting Hogwarts students, all male students from Drumstrang welcomed Hogwarts students with their gallant appearance.
Walking like a soldier also pounding their wooden stick on the ground, Drumstrang's pupils were also secretly dazzling.
One of them, when dozens of other students had finished performing their acrobatics, two other students along with the headmaster of Drumstrang walked at the very end.
Seeing the brave man who was walking in front of Igor, Ron widened his eyes.
"Bloody Hell, it's Viktor Krum!"
"Oh god, that's really Krum." he said stunned when Viktor passed in front of the Golden Four.
"Hermione, you smiling." Cassie's teasing made Hermione take a quick look. "Enough, Cassie."
Professor Dumbledore gave Igor Karkaroff a welcoming hug at the front. He also invited the two principals of Drumstrang and Beauxbatons to sit together in the chairs of the Hogwarts teachers.
Finally break time arrived, all students ate their snacks available on the table.
Cassie who sat next to Hermione devoured her favorite strawberry pudding, she then leaned forward to whisper to Ron and Harry in front.
"Hey, you know what?" call her.
"I think Hermione likes Krum!"
"Heyy!!!" called Hermione with an annoyed face. "Cassie, please stop picking on your best friend!"
Cassie opened her eyes wide.
"Pickling? Wait, that's my love language for you guys."
"Besides, you do have a crush on Krum. Aren't you?" Harry replied with a mischievous smile as he ate his food.
Hermione rolled her eyes and snorted. "You two lovers, and you guys just SAME."
Harry and Cassie chuckled at Hermione's words.
After drinking her orange juice, a sweet smile appeared on Hermione's face.
"I don't know, but he's very dashing."
Harry quickly finished his gorge. "LOOK, RIGHT???" he teased, again.
Hermione once again rolled her eyes as she laughed at her best friend.
"OH MY GOD!!! Please, Im not love him!!!"
"Then, who do you love?" Ron asked with a cynical face making Hermione's laugh fade instantly.
"I don't know, Ron."
Cassie who finished eating her pudding added, "Why don't you two just date."
"WHAT???" Cassie replied with a laugh in response to Ron and Hermione's small screams at the same time.
"We're not dating!"
"Yeah, enough teasing us Cassie!!" Ron replied in agreement with Hermione's words.
Meanwhile, Cassie who really likes to play pranks on her friends as her 'Sign and Language of Love for them', just laughs.
Likewise with Harry who stared at Cassie as well as their laughter.
One movement of the group of assistants who had just entered the Great Hall caused the four friendly teenagers to divert their attention.
The assistants helped carry something, which they placed near Professor Dumbledore's podium and then left.
Ron narrowed his eyes at the object.
"What's that?"
It's quite tall, has 5 layers of stacks each having a philosophical motif with the top layer being golden cones.
"Attention!" Call the Professor then hold the thing. "Eternal glory. That awaits the winning student of the Triwizard Tournament."
"But to get it, that person must complete three tasks. Three very dangerous tasks."
"Cool." Fred and George whispered together.
"...For this reason, the Ministry feels it is appropriate to have a new regulation. To explain all this, we invited the Head of the Department of International Magical Cooperation."
Then a whitish haired man with a small mustache walked towards the teachers' seats.
"That is, Mr Bartemius Crouch." Professor continued.
In an instant, the sound of thunder roaring across the residence the ceiling of the Great Hall enchanted matched the sky in the original.
The ferocious bolt of lightning caused a small commotion to occur among the students' expressions.
But suddenly a man with a limp walked in while pointing his staff at the sky.
Until it makes the sky calm again, without a strike. The students calmed down again.
Seeing the one-eyed man, Ron whispered to his friends.
"God, it's Moody the Mad-Eye."
Cassie and Hermione frowned at each other. "Alastor Moody? That Auror?"
"Auror? What is the Auror?" Harry asked.
Ron opened his mouth explaining. "Dark wizard catcher...half the cells of Azkaban are full of his blessings. But this time, he really shouldn't be in his right mind." he said.
The four friends locked eyes on Alastor Moody limping toward the teachers' seats.
Professor Dumbledore welcomed Moody too of course. After Dumbledore left Moody, he was seen drinking from a small dark bottle.
"What do you think he's drinking?" Said Seamus who sat next to Hermione.
Harry frowned "I don't know. But i sure it wasn't pumpkin juice."
They then returned to witness Mr. Barty Crouch who is now spreading his arms in front of all Hogwarts students, Beauxbatons and also Drumstrang.
"After our consideration, the Ministry has decided that it is in the best interest of all of us. That, students under the age of 17 are not permitted to submit their names for the Triwizard Tournament!" he announced aloud.
Hearing the ban, all students under the age of 17 made a fuss with each other, not accepting the Ministry's decision.
"This decision is final!!!" continued Mr. Barty Crouch.
"THAT'S NONSENSE!!!" shouted one of the students.
"That's bullshit, you don't understand what you're doing!!!!"
"SILENT!!!!" Dumbledore shouted stopping all the commotion.
After all the students had calmed down, the Professor pointed his wand at the tall object piled with philosophy beside him.
At that moment, a brown object shaped like a goblet with blue flames burning above it appeared.
"Oh, wow..." Cassie said in awe.
"Goblet of Fire." Obviously Professor Dumbledore. "For
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