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anika grabbed her board from the garage of her house, he little brother alesandro following her and grabbing his smaller sized board. alesandro had the day off school so he thought he would spend the day haning out with his sister at the beach.

"did you put sunscreen on?" anika asked as she placed a bucket hat on his head


anika nodded pleased the young had for once put sunscreen on with out anyone telling him to do so.

"is paul coming with us today?" alesandro asked as they reached the beach

"i think so" anika replied quietly as she placed her tote bag down onto the sand "i'll message him"

alesandro loved paul, when he wasn't hanging with anika he would want to play with him. paul made sure to include him in activities when he could so alesandro wouldn't feel left out. it was something small but anika noticed it and thought it was the sweetest thing one could do.

"paulito!" anika's head shot up from her phone to her brother. alesandro was being lifted into the air by paul, the young in a fit of laughter. anika smiled at her two favourite boys getting along like brothers.

"anika can paul stay over tonight? he said he could teach me some soccer moves!" alesandro ran from paul to his sister, grabbing onto her like she was going to disappear. he wanted his answer.

"i'm sure he can but he has to ask his parents too" anika ruffled her brothers hair as she spoke, moving his brown locks away from his face.

"paul?" alesandro looks over to paul, who was already looking at the sibling duo.

"i'll be there don't worry" reassuring alesandro that he would in fact stay over at the Tamm household.

while the two boys chatted away about what paul would teach him anika took the opportunity to go out and catch waves without them. paddling out on her board she took in the scenery around her. barely anyone was at the beach today, no surfers, no boats, no fishers, just the sound of the waves crashing against each other, the sound of birds chirping away and driving into the water.

the sun beamed brightly, reflecting onto the crystal clear water. anika prepared to take a wave, adjusting her position on her board before standing up and gliding along the wave underneath her. flicking the board under her, doing a cutback she continued to ride the wave as far as she could before discarding the wave and her board as jumped off her board into the fresh water. resurfacing, she moved her hair out of her face with a content sigh.

it was the thing she loved most about surfing, the freedom to do what ever you wanted. she loved the refreshing feeling it gave her, it was like an awakening of a new day.

"thought you could leave us behind?" the voice of paul spoke behind her as she now climbed back on her board.

anika let out a chuckle as she balanced herself to lay down on her board on her back. closing her eyes she listened to the sounds around her, taking it all in.

"anika you still need to teach me how to do a cutback!" alesandro knew how to surf, just not a the level of anika or paul. he liked soccer more than surfing but surfing was apart of his family so naturally he picked up on it as well.

"get paul to teach you" anika groaned as she sat up, legs dangling on the sides of her board.

with a side glance from paul, he sighed and made his way over to the ten year old reluctantly. he would had rather stayed by anika's side taking to her. teaching the young boy a new surfing skill had never been easy, alessandro always got distracted, from people around him to even just watching how good of a surfer his sister was. if he hadn't picked up soccer he would have begged anika to teach him everything, he looked up to her. wanted to make her proud even if he did a different sport.

authors note,
i have no idea how surfing works so google is my friend for this book
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