dino had forced the group to go to an extremely busy club out of all the other ones in the city. he claimed that he had been there before and it was a vibe, even got featured on their not so popular instagram when shooting down a shot.
anika wore a light green dress that was covered in glitter. the dress ended at her ankles and it had a slit that went up her left thigh. to match paul wore a simular shade of green shirt, the first few buttons undone much to anika's liking. and of cause the couple also matched their shoes as anika did not want to wear heels. they both wore their green and white sambas.
the group of four entered the club, anika trailed behind kimi and dino with paul by her side, his hand placed on the small of her back. the group found a free booth, kimi and dino sitting on one side while anika and paul sat on the other. anika was sat leaning her back against the wall, alternately facing paul who was asking everyone what they wanted to drink.
when paul disappeared kimi turned to girl who's eyes followed the blonde through the crowd.
"so how does it feel to be 20?"
"i feel old guys" anika frowned at the though of her age starting with a two.
"thats because you are" dino said, butting in on the conversation
"shut up dino your literally 20"
"dude how does it feel to be the youngest?" dino turned to kimi
"uhm...is it supposed to be good?"
"kimi your nineteen cheer up man. you will be miserable when you get to twenty" anika said, her words drifting off once she saw the blonde mop of hair walking to their table.
paul set the four drinks down onto the table from the circular tray he held. he passed anika hers as he sat down in the booth next to her.
anika had dragged paul to the dance floor once she heard one of her favourite songs.
heat waves
paul stood next to anika awkwardly as she sung almost all the words of the song.
"sometimes all i think about is you, late night in the middle of june" anika turned to paul, who was already looking at her "do you know the lyrics?" she asked as she placed a hand on his chest
"no. am i supposed to?" paul leaned in closer to anika so she could hear hmi better over all the noise.
"how do you not know heat waves! im disappointed in you paul"
"i'm sorry. how can i make it up to you?"
anika tapped her finger on her chin pretending to think while she continued to hold eye contact.
"a kiss"
"a kiss? later"
"later? why not now? why are you making the birthday girl wait" anika dropped her head on paul's chest, feeling the vibration of his laugh.
"you know i would never make you wait" paul cupped the right side of anika face, lifting her head up so he could see her face.
anika leaned into paul's embrace, feeling the warmth of his hand on her cheek. the feeling of his lips on hers was like fireworks exploding inside of her, she could never get use to the feeling. and she didn't want to.
"happy now?" paul said as his lips grazed her ear
"very" anika placed a small kiss on paul's cheek before turning on her heel to the bar.
while anika loaded herself with alcohol, paul went back to the table where dino and kimi hadn't moved from. dino was on the phone begging elvira to come so he would not be bored sitting next to kimi.
kimi was greatly offended.
"shes going to get herself blackout drunk" kimi stated as he glanced in the direction of anika. she was downing another shot before picking up an other "does she have a stop button?"
"i don't know" paul tilted his head as he continued to watch her. he winced when she almost tripped over herself when walking away from the bar "she wanted to get loose but i did not realise how much of that she meant"
paul could hear the two boys on the other side of him chuckling at his words. paul wanted his girl to have fun but he did not want her to hurt herself in the process. he also would not tell her to stop because it was her birthday after all and it would feel like he was ruining it for her.
"the bar tender was really grumpy" anika said as she slumped into the seat next to paul. placing her drink on the table she leaned her body onto paul's, his arm wrapping around her shoulder on instinct.
"aren't they all?" dino stated as he stared at his phone
"is elvira coming?" kimi whispered, hoping anika would not hear and get to excited just to be let down
"no, she had a busy day although she did text anika to say happy birthday. she will probably make me give anika a gift" dino whispered back to the italian, who nodded his head.
"i'm happy i'm celebrating my birthday with you guys" anika suddenly said, her eyes closed as she sighed
"i mean i'm having fun drinking so thanks you inviting me" dino stated as he looked at the girl almost laughing at her state.
"same!" kimi said, raising his hand before dino slapped it down "ouch that hurt man" kimi frowned as he rubbed his wrist
"so weak" dino mumbled to himself
while paul watched the bickering ahead of him, anika listened to it as she kept her eyes closed but a subtle smile played on her lips as she listened to her friends argue.
anika rubbed her eyes before opening them and lifting herself off of paul's side but his arm still around her shoulders. she turned her head to face the boy next to her, a smile on his face when he saw her.
"i really like you, did you know that?"
paul hummed as he listened to her voice.
"i could say something right now but i don't know" anika tilted her head before saying what she thought she definitely should not say "i love you" her voice was so quiet you would have thought no one would have picked it up, but paul did. anika's eyes widened as she realised what she said, some soberness appearing within her. "sorryโ"
paul cut her off "its okay, i love you too. i don't care if its to soon, or the fact that your drunk and you might not remember this" anika calmed down instantly at his words. her heart rate returned to normal when paul brought her in for a kiss. one full of lust and passion. she felt herself melt into his touch, her hand reaching around his neck to bring her closer to him.
authors note,
so what if i said this was the last chapter... :)
thank you all for staying to read this all the way, i know it was not a long and entertaining book. i just wanted a book that was simple and had fluff in it.
so i tried writing this while watching the f2 race bc paul was on pole but then he lost like 5 places and i turned it off. then i finished writing the chapter just to see the replay of paul getting into an incident and retire the car. i hate life
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