A slight force shook the building making Ella shoot up. she quickly put on some sandals, before running up the staircase. She skid to a stop outside the arxis room, where Elijah and Shiloh caught up with her. She took a deep breath, and turned the handle, walking in.
A computer in the corner was flashing. Ella head over, turning the chair around before she sat down.
"Someone's requesting access through the arxis." She said, as a couple of their engineers appeared behind the trio. "Should I let them through?"
"I mean, they could be really dangerous." Shiloh said softly, and Ella nodded, shivering slightly in the cold.
"But what if they aren't?" Elijah said, "What if they actually need help."
"We can take them if they're dangerous, all three of us can. Let's let them through."
Ella sighed, and then pressed the accept button. The arxis stopped flashing immediately, as a bright blue light blinded them.
Five people stepped through the arxis, and Ella immediately got up, following Elijah and Shiloh.
"Is one of you Elizabeth Hazelwood?" One of them asked, making Elijah and Shiloh turn around. Ella nodded. "That's me. How do you know my name?"
They nodded at each other, and one of them raised their arms. Vines shot out of both his palms, making their way to Ella, wrapping around her so she couldn't move.
"Hey! What-" She struggled against the vines, making them tighten, and she stopped, glaring at them. "Let me go."
Elijah rushed to her, trying to pry the vines off. "Ella!" He shouted, as the vines became shorter, pulling Ella towards the five guests.
"Hey!" Shiloh yelled, catching a vine, trying to pull her back, as Ella tried to dig her heels, unsuccessfully, into the tiled floor.
The other four stepped back through the arxis, the one with the vines following them.
Ella struggled, and the vines wrapped around the hands and legs, binding them together. "Elijah, close the arxis." She yelled, just before the vines wrapped around her face, silencing her. Elijah ran over, reaching the computer just as Ella reached the arxis.
He pressed the button, but it was a second too late, because when he turned around, Ella was gone.
"No." He yelled, running over to the arxis, desperately trying to figure out which raelo the five were from
"No no no I can't lose her too."
Shiloh walked over to him, putting an arm around him as they sunk to the floor. "No."
"We'll find her, Eli, I promise."
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