"Was it mommy long legs?" Elijah asked, making Ella snort.
The trio screamed, flinching back. Looking up, Ella spot mommy long legs. "We were just talking about you!" Elijah said, "All good things, all good things."
"Welcome to Whack-a-Wuggy!" Mommy said, "We've let out all our little wuggies. Don't let them get to you!"
"That's it?" Shiloh asked, and Elijah nodded, "How are we supposed to deal with them."
"Good luck!" Mommy said, and the lights turned green.
"Pink little shit." Ella grumbled, walking in, "It's called whack-a-wuggy, so we whack them.."
"Before they come out of the hallways!" Shiloh said, as they saw a yellow, baby version of Huggy emerging from one of the hallways. Elijah whacked it with the grabpack, and it went back into the hallway, staying there.
"Over there!"
"And there!"
"That's one's next." By the time they reached the fourth one, it was already entirely out of the hallway.
The trio were thrown again, but this time, it was in an office. "Woah, they are stronger than they look!" Shiloh said, as Elijah looked around.
"Now you're trapped in here forever!" Mommy long legs laughed, and Shiloh looked at the wall, confused. "If she wanted us to play her games, why did she lock us in here?"
"Ella. What room is this?" Elijah asked, spinning around as Shiloh tried to figure out Mommy's actions. "The office of Elliot Ludwig, the creator."
"Look for anything. Any clues that might suggest why he left."
"A computer!" Shiloh said, sitting down, "It's password protected."
"Ilovehuggy123!" Elijah grinned, making both the girls laughed as Shiloh typed in the password.
"I'm in. Wait what." She shrugged, moving on, opening a document.
"I'm leaving this office. He's become a nuisance. I'm closing down the factory. He's escaped a few minutes ago, and there's a massacre. People are disappearing left and right. The hour of joy, someone called it. We can't be here, we have to le- and then it's just a bunch of random letters."
Ella hmmed, "Whatever escaped must have got him as he was writing that part."
"Ella. Come here!" Elijah said, handing her a pad. "This factory made toys for kids. Why were there scientists here?"
"Working on something.. called the Prototype." Ella finished, going through the cell logs. "It says it was imprisoned in a cell. The last entry is the morning of August 8th, 1995."
"This document." Shiloh said, "The time is 09:58 am, August 8th, 1995."
Ella's eyes widened. "The Prototype. That's what must have escaped."
"It could be anything." Elijah said, picking up another pad. "All the logs stop on August 8th. The massacre was definitely on August 8th, clearly, a few minutes before 10:00."
Ella nodded, "Let's find a way out here."
Elijah roamed around, looking for an exit. "I can't find another way out, but.." He grinned, reminding Ella of an adorable golden retriever. "I found a golden toy! What does it do?"
"Nothing." Ella said, making his grin drop, "Why have I been collecting these?" He asked, throwing it away, "Anyway, that's the only door and it's locked... Are we really trapped in here forever?"
A pink hand appeared, key's dangling from it's thumb. They all grinned, "Woah, thanks!" Elijah said, grabbing it, before they froze.
"Do you think-"
"Was that-"
"Definitely not"
"Let's go"
They made their way out of the office, and Elijah stuffed the keys into his pocket. They tried opening the door, but it was locked.
"How are we supposed to get in, this doesn't make any sense!" Elijah said, and Ella put her ear to the door.
"You hear anything?" He asked and Shiloh nodded, "I hear.. a scared guy talking."
Ella and Elijah turned to her, "Really?"
"Yeah, it's you, Eli." Ella laughed under her breath, and the stopped as heavy footsteps sounded from the other side of the door. "Something's coming."
A tall, 8-foot neon pink creature appeared, and opened the door. Elijah stared at it. "Huggy dyed his fur pink!"
Ella sighed, "In less than an hour?"
"This is Kissy Missy." Shiloh said, making Elijah nod, "Oh right!"
"So that makes you Huggy's girlfrieenn- sisteerrr? Was that a nod, did you just nod?"
"Hush." Kissy turned around to leave.
"Kissy, wait!" Shiloh yelled, "You've been here the longest. You could tell us some secrets about this place. Tell us!"
"Please?" Ella added, making Shiloh smile at her.
Kissy tilted her head to the left, staring at them, and then walked off.
"She's not very talkative, is she?" Elijah asked.
"Let's go."
"Kissy was helping us, which means she's good." Shiloh said, "Does that mean other toys can be good or bad?"
"Huggy was helping us too."
A dino-cutout was in the middle of a room. Elijah pressed the button. "Wanna hear a joke? Press again!"
"You are not alone and you need to leave this factory."
"Just kidding, Uh ha!"
"No, I'm serious, I am not kidding"
"Nope! Actually kidding!"
"I'm getting so many mixed messages!" Shiloh said, making Ella nod.
They reached the game again, "What? How'd you get out?" Mommy asked, "Anyway, welcome back to Whack-a-Wuggy. We've let out-"
"Wait!" Elijah stopped her, "You've said this already."
"Yes, but I need to say it all again in case you forgot it!"
"Just don't. Your voice gives me a headache." Ella said, and made her way into the game. "Let's split up. Going together is slowing us down. We can get thrice the number of wuggy's if we split up."
Ella finished her side, heading over to help Shiloh, and stopped as she saw Elijah stuck on a whacking match with a wuggy.
"Elijah!" She said, making him protest, "He started it!"
The wuggy slapped him again, before retreating into the hallway. "That's thirteen times in a night you've been slapped."
"I know." His cheek was indeed, bruising.
Shiloh caught up with them, and they pushed the last huggy in together, before running to the end.
"Oh." Mommy said, "You completed my game"
"Yeah it was horrible!" Elijah said, and Shiloh continued, "2 out of 10 stars, would not reccomend."
"You did it." Mommy said through gritted teeth, "That's exactly what I wanted."
Then she smiled, "Here's part of the password!"
Her hand stretched through the hallway, appearing next to Elijah. "Ella watch my hands." He tiled the grab-pack, keeping the arms on hers. He grabbed the note with his real hand quickly, and Mommy retracted her hand.
"See you at the next game!" Mommy said, making Ella drop Elijah's hands. "I guarantee you won't win this one."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Elijah shouted as she left.
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