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"𝐖𝐑𝐄𝐍...𝐖𝐑𝐄𝐍, π–π€πŠπ„ 𝐔𝐏.” I slowly lift my head, blinking my eyes open as Stiles shakes me awake. 

    β€œYour head is bleeding,” I tell him, eyeing the gash on his forehead. He brings a hand to his head carefully before quickly unstrapping his seatbelt and pushing open his door to climb out after grabbing a metal baseball bat from the back seat.  

I follow his lead, eyeing the steaming engine carefully as I climb out, shielding my eyes slightly against the cold torrent of rain that batters us. 

    β€œWe need to get going; this way,” Stiles instructs, having to yell over the loud rain so that I can hear him. I follow him as we run into the forest, pushing against the wind to move. 

    β€œDo you think you’ll be able to find it?” I question as I push a lock of my wet hair from my eyes. 

Stiles doesn’t answer as he stops for a moment before continuing forward. I follow beside the determined boy as he leads us down a small ravine before halting in his steps. 

    β€œThere it is!” Stiles exclaims with wide eyes, pointing ahead to the large tree stump that’s peaking through the undergrowth. We both push ahead, noticing the ground is partially collapsed around the tree. The cellar is caving in. 

Stiles and I push open the hatch, Stiles jumping down ahead of me as the stairs have all collapsed away. We make it inside just in time for Stiles to push his metal baseball bat under a beam, preventing the ceiling from collapsing any further than it has. 

Everyone audibly breathes sighs of relief as Stiles hugs his dad and the storm seems to calm down outside. As Allison and Stiles reunite with their parents, I take a seat on the floor beside Isaac who is sitting with his knees drawn to his chest and his eyes downcast to the earth floor. 

    β€œYou okay?” I ask him quietly, remembering how he isn’t fond of small spaces. 

    β€œYeah, as long as I don’t think about the fact that the only thing between us and getting crushed is Stiles’s bat,” Isaac says, letting out an airy laugh. We look over at Stiles as his phone starts to ring loudly. He quickly pulls it out of his pocket and brings it up to his ear. 

    β€œScott? Yeah, we’re okay. We’re all okay. How about you, are you okay?” There’s a slight pause as Scott answers on the other side. 

    β€œYou think you can come get us?” Stiles questions, eyeing exit which no longer has stairs, β€œGreat, okay. Um, bring a ladder.”


It’s been a week since the Darach was defeated and we saved Stiles, Allison and Scott’s parents and I’ve finally gotten the chance to rest and heal. Deucalion is planning on leaving Beacon hills in a few days but Ethan, Aidan and I have already made the decision to stay behind and continue to live in the apartment.

I can tell there’s been a shift in behaviour at school. Allison always makes sure I sit beside her at lunch while Lydia helps me with my Math homework. Aidan and Ethan are still trying to get closer with the pack but with tensions still high I think it’ll be a while before they can forgive them. 

I shut my locker door, slinging my backpack over my shoulder as I make my way through the bustling hallway. Skipping down the stairs, I look over as Allison slings her arm over my shoulder as she matches my pace. 

I greet her with a smile and poke her side teasingly as Isaac makes his way over to us with a wide grin stretched across his face. Allison tries to deny anything between her and Isaac but Lydia and I both know she’s lying. 

We make our way to the bottom of the stairs and I notice Scott enter the school, Stiles surprising him as he sneaks up behind him. I offer Scott a small smile and the slight wave of my hand as his gaze meets mine. He returns the gesture before Allison and I turn into the next hall, heading to English for the first class of the day.

Mrs. Blake was quickly replaced with a new teacher the day after it was announced that she had β€˜left town.’ We’re not sure what happened to her after Scott and Derek defeated her; by the time they went back for her body she was gone. 

I haven’t had any more visions yet but I can feel that something is coming. Deaton said that by sacrificing themselves, Beacon Hills would become a beacon to the supernatural. We’re trying not to focus too much on that right now, though. We’re just happy that we’re able to have a break and not worry about sacrifices anymore. 

I take a seat at my desk, pulling out my notebook and placing my backpack at my feet as the class slowly fills up with everyone getting into their usual seats. I open up my book, my fingers trailing over the last sketch that I drew of Deaton. 

I flick to a new page as our teacher enters the room. Letting out a light breath, I rest my head on my hand as I turn my glance slightly to observe the sun filtering through the leaves of the trees outside. 

    β€œAlright class, turn to page 82 of your textbooks…”

𝐄𝐍𝐃 πŽπ… 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 πŽππ„

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